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Help with stepson and in-laws.

maddy212000's picture

Hello everyone!

I have been with my fiancee for two years now and we are getting married in six months. I really love him and we get along perfectly, but I haven't been able to establish a relationship with his 11 year old son and here is why: my fiancee and his ex had been married for 13 years, and the kid took the divorce too hard, he had to go through multiple therapy sessions and will lie about me hugging him and making him feel uncomfortable, he will tell his mom that I had done things that I didn't, and will keep himself up all night crying according to his mom. His mom didn't want me to be arround her son after this happened so I gave him space, even though everything he said was a lie. It has been two years now, and I've slowly tried to get involved with him, but his attitude makes me extremely mad. He won't call me by my name instead he prefers to refer to me as hey you!!! He is lazy and won't pick up after himself, his dad just caters his every need, and I feel like I can't do anything about it, but to just clean up after him. Another issue I have is that his mom doesn't spend any time with him due to her school, and he spends a lot of time with us. He only eats plain pasta no sauce, mac and chesse or plain chicken, so we can't go out to eat when he's around, because if the restaurant doesn't have the food he likes, he will throw a tantrum and ask to leave right away. We are getting married soon, and I just don't know if I can do it, when I feel like I can't stand my stepson. Please help!

DeeDeeTX's picture

I would suggest telling DH you want pre marital counseling for all of you because the present situation is dysfunctional, and you want to get the situation resolved before you get married.

If he's a nice guy and values your feelings, he should be more than willing.