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How do you know when you've had enough?

Wickedx1's picture

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary, dated exactly one year prior to that. We were married in Dec 2007 (obviously)then had our perfect baby boy together in May 2008 then got primary physical custody of step son then age 6 in August 2008 after a very ugly custody battle in which the BM (not married) actually interrogated me on the stand as she was stupid enough to act as her own atty. Can you imagine what hell that was?

5 years later the hell goes on...and on.
I'd give you all the gory details but I'd be hanging from a rafter if I even started to think about all the drama that has gone on. It's a Lifetime movie plus one of the SAW movies I swear. Violence, harassment, smashed up sex toys, psych evals, dinner party surprises, public offices, arson, newspaper entries,baseball game fiascos, fake cancer claims, robbed college funds, boy scout scenes, nude pics as "evidence" life! My husband swore in the first couple years that she'd give up and fade away....nope...not happening!

If only I had listened to the warning bells that went off when I read the online court records while we started dating or listed to my GUT that warned me off prior to my getting pregnant (a miracle btw as I had tried and tried with my ex husband for years to no avail. I was too proud to be a single mom and embarass my family name. Stupid of me in this day and age. Hindsight is 20/20 as I wish to God I had never told him I was pregnant! Girls/women-LISTEN TO YOUR GUT BEFORE YOU MARRY HIM!

At what point do I say enough is enough and start the fight of my life for my baby (now almost 5) as DH claims he will fight me for custody? He doesn't have a chance but refuses to accept that and has all the resources and family in the world while I have none but am still not afraid to go out on my own. I've given the stepmother role my best and I hate every part of it. I didn't chose to have the kid (she did) my husband wanted her to have an abortion or adopt it. Instead I have spent the last 5 years being super step mom rasing it in all ways and I am exhausted, resentful and I am done.

I think I've had enough. I just wanted my child to have a normal family life but when there is a step child there can never be the Norman Rockwell family picture. I just wish I would have realized that before.

Please someone help me...any advise...I am fried. Thank you.

sterlingsilver's picture

I know a bit of what ou deal with but it was all from my psycho exh. He has stalked me, demanded psych evals which is turns out he still has not paid for his and mine was normal and his was not, but he thought I was the psycho. I have even changed user names on this site. He follows me cyberly and physically and then when in court he drags it all out to smear in my face. Oh ya, been there too. But I am curious how your bm got a hold of any of your sex toys, did she get into your house? Sheesh. She sounds like a crazy jealose bitch.

If you are seriously thinking about leaving the only way I can think of is to get yourself a good attorney (quietly so your dh doesn't know) and have EVERYTHING in place, all the court papers drawn up and ready to go to court, then leave when he is gone and go to an undisclosed address until he has been dealt with in court. For child visitations meet somewhere so he does not find you or his psycho ex find you. If you leave bm could go nuts on your too. Ya never know how she'll react either. I have the best attorney who helped me get full custody of my kids and he had everything done before it was all sent to my ex. All loop holes closed, etc. It was slick. My ex was NOT expecting me to fight anymore b/c I waited.

If you can afford it and even if you can't, an attorney by your side is seriously the only way to do this without losing your son.

Sorry this is happening to you and has been going on so long. It's so hard to know when to finally throw in the towel but in your case the towel throwing has to be done very carefully and calculated.

Best luck and hugs

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, I'm so very sorry you're going through that. I think if you're at the point where you're asking "when do you give up and move on", you know the answer to your own question already.

Have you tried completely disengaging from the stepkid? Sometimes that's all it takes is to put the parenting role back on their parent and step away. Treat them civilly and provide basic needs, but above and beyond that it's "go ask your father" or "that's your father's decision/responsibility". And leave everything to him. It can work for a lot of families.

Not sure if you're one of those that have to exhaust all possibilities before being able to have a clear and free mind and move on, so if so, do the marriage counseling thing and make a final go at salvaging things. If not, go ahead and start planning your exit strategy now.

Listen to your gut deep inside and realize that if you want to make it happen, you can make it happen. I lived in a garage in the middle of winter for a month eating nothing but green beans from a can for dinner. I got out. I'm MUCH happier and in a way better place than I was 2 years ago. My daughter couldn't take it and ended up moving in with her father in Michigan when she was 11. I lost the only thing that ever mattered to me because I was afraid of the exh and being on my own. If I could do anything over again, it would've been to leave MUCH sooner and make a life for my daughter and I together.

Good luck! I truly feel for you. Life's too short to be miserable. Your child is still young enough to fully trust that you'll do what's best for them. Don't make the same mistakes I did and stay just because you think you can't do it alone.

bi's picture

for me, i've always known i was done with a person or situation when i just didn't care anymore. different scenario, but i have an ex who cheated on me constantly and had no remorse. would mock me while i cried. i don't know why i stayed with him for 4 years. i knew i no longer loved him or wanted him in my life when he did it once again, and i wasn't hurt or angry. no tears. no desire to cry. i just found him to be thouroughly disgusting. i knew i was done in that moment.

Kes's picture

I don't really have any advice - other than - I can answer your title question definitively.
"How do you know when you've had enough?" Answer - you find yourself walking around the house you share with your DH, mentally making a note of belongings (in my case it was mainly original works of art - on the walls that I had lovingly collected over our 24 year marriage) and pieces of furniture that I was going to take with me when I left. When you get to writing these down on a list you are well on your way.

ctnmom's picture

How do you know when you're done? Well, when I have to make a huge decision, I always take a blank piece of paper and make 2 columns, "pros" and "cons", then make my decision based on what I write. Sounds simplistic, but it works every time. Our thoughts get jumbled and run into each other; journaling pros and cons brings clarity. And if you decide to leave listen to Sterling- those are words of wisdom and expierience. Good luck and God bless.

Wickedx1's picture

Thank you all so minute I feel strong, the next I feel suicidal (not really but a little) but I have the whole world to live for in my son. I could live in a garage and eat green beans for dinner for him. I just am so tired of the up and down and anger and abuse. I am not perfect but I do feel like I have suffered from abuse, emotional and physical. Thank you for listening. I think he and his son can live happily ever after...and I will do everything for MY son. Nature knows best I guess.

RedWingsFan's picture

Exactly! Let him do things his way, just don't be a part of his life anymore. You have an obligation to your kid so make him your priority. Had I done that, I'd still have my girl with me now.

StickAFork's picture

You know it's over when you don't miss being away from your DH at all (you find it a relief) AND you're willing and prepared to see your son only half the time.
You *say* he "has no chance" of getting primary custody, BUT he has every chance of getting SPLIT custody.

When being rid of your DH and his EX and your SS is worth seeing your son less, then you'll know it's over and you're ready to divorce.

ETA: Your son will *never* have the "normal family life." He will either live a somewhat normal nuclear life with you and his father, OR he will live out his childhood bouncing between homes.
Your call.

christinen's picture

I have a lot of sympathy for you. I recently posted something similar about hating being a stepmom and just wanting to be done with it all. I don’t have any kids with DH (or at all), so I don’t have that aspect to consider when/if I decide to finally leave. I feel for you because it is sooo hard to make the decision to leave the person you love, but it must be even harder when you have your own child who is also involved. I agree with you that your DH will not get full custody, but he most likely will get some form of custody (every other week like my DH has with SD or every other weekend- something). I think when you are just feeling like you have tried everything in your power to fix things and make things work and nothing has changed.. when you feel like you are the only one who cares, the only one who is trying.. when you are EXHAUSTED.. when it is affecting other aspects of your life (like thinking about it all day at work like I do).. when you are just DISGUSTED with the way things are and the things you have allowed yourself to put up with and the way you have allowed yourself to be treated.. I think that is when enough is enough. If you have not tried counseling, I would recommend that though. DH and I went and it helped a little but didn’t make any extreme changes like I need for this relationship to last. But I would definitely recommend giving it a shot if you haven’t already.

Wickedx1's picture

I've finally come to the point where I have given him three options...

1.She needs to go-via filing a motion to lessen her visitation, change her rights, etc. up to the point of terminating her rights. We have a documented, well witnessed trifecta of slam dunk events and reasons to show her continued involvement in his life in any form is detremental to my step son, to our marriage and to our son. She needs to GO...he promised me when we got custody that she'd fade away when the money train ran out as all the child was to her, a pawn for more. She's still making harassing us her main goal in life. Yes she did all those things I mentioned and more...crazy stuff like threating in a written that something would happen to my son's daycare while she would have a solid alibi.

2. SS goes- back to living with his mother, every other weekend visitation, and we send a fat check to her in the ghetto so she can sit there and do nothing with herself and SS has to stay inside playing video games as it's not a safe neighborhood. I would be worried sick over what she was feeding him (if anything) and if he ever got his own bed even! He has no bed supposedly as a bunk bed broke and he at 10 sleeps with his 40 yr old mother. I do love my step son...and I would worry sick over how he was being treated and raised. So this option is rather nul but if it did happen, I could adjust and move on....the child is NOT mine...I have my own to worry about and my energy should be reserved for him.

3. Or My son and I go...I have friends and family that would gladly take us in until I could save enough. Thankfully I have a good career (RN) and a whole lot of guts, and a lot of love for my son. I think that's why my personal situation is doomed: While I fully admit it may not be a healthy balance, my own maternal instincts and love for my biological baby is simply too strong to allow me to ever care for SS fairly or at least without resentment and anger. Every minute I spend doing something for my stepson is an our taken away from my son...

Thank you all very much....It just helps so much to write it out and to read it....helps me make sense of everything running through my head.

Orange County Ca's picture

When you realized you should not have had a child.

That was long ago wasn't it? So you're past due.

Courts find it difficult to take a young child from its mother and its up to him to prove, not just accuse. The fact that he knows you shoplifted (or whatever) when you were 17 just isn't going to do it.

Cocoa's picture

when the thought of leaving is like a weight being lifted off your shoulders and you see hope for the future again