How do you deal with an absent-minded bio-dad?
So I'm realizing more and more that a lot of the frustrations I have with my step-daughter who is 3, stem from her absent-minded father. I love my fiance dearly and we all have a great relationship but he often is so clueless it frustrates the heck out of me. We have full custody of his daughter and she calls me mommy. Her real mother is not in the picture so we are the two who care for her all the time but I feel like I do a lot more than he does. He's even admitted on numerous occasions that he feels I put a lot more effort in than he does. He just doesn't even notice half the time when his own daughter is behaving badly. As a result I am constantly the bad guy because I always catch her when she's misbehaving. I just don't know how to tell him he needs to pay more attention without sounding mean. Sometimes it's even just things he forgets to do that seem so basic to me. He just doesn't check on her enough and often just doesn't even think before saying something to her and then I have to spoil everything by being the bad guy. Simple things like taking her rainboots off once she's home rather than letting her roam all over the carpet for an hour before I notice, not giving her soda or juice after 7pm or she gets hyper and won't sleep, feeding her dinner before giving her ice cream... I know he loves her and just wants to make her happy but as a result she often favors him and gives me attitude since she feels I spoil the fun. I just want an equal share in the fun as well as the discipline rather than it being so one-sided. So many of the things I do for her are all things that a mother would do for any child but these go unnoticed. I re-decorated her whole room spending half my tax refund on it along with about 4 hours of furniture building but she barely wants to be in there and she can't appreciate how much work went into that. But daddy hands her an otter pop and he's the greatest thing ever. I'm just feeling really bummed because I wish I could be her hero a bit more often and I really do try hard to make her happy. I just don't believe in raising a rude, bratty, spoiled child. She already runs to daddy when I give her an answer she doesn't like and I'm often overturned or he makes a compromise with her which totally negates what I told her previously. I also come accross as a pain since I often have to tell her to watch where she's going, to sit properly in her chair, not waive her utensils around where she could poke her eye... He often tells me I need to relax but she has had loads of accidents from doing these exact things which is why I am trying to remind her so they don't happen again. One time she rocked so far back in her chair that she smashed her head into the sliding glass window behind her and cried like crazy. I'm just trying to prevent her from getting hurt but it comes accross as being uptight... I guess I just can't win.
Thank you very much, I will
Thank you very much, I will definitely look into getting that book. As for my rights to her, we are actually starting the process for me to adopt her as he and I are getting married this year. Her mother is a terrible person and I couldn't imagine not being able to care for my step-daughter if something were to happen to my fiance. I don't agree with the outlook many people on this website have with regards to their step-children. I often come accross posts where step-parents are blaming their stepkids for everything and don't even think to hold themselves accountable for the failure in creating a bond with that child. I completely believe that if you do not have a good relationship with your step-child, it is completely your own fault or the fault of one or both birth-parents. In my case, I do realize my fiance isn't holding up his end with regards to discipline which causes my step-daughter to favor him. I know she isn't mine biologically but she needs a mother and her "real" mother is far too busy getting loaded and spending time in jail to care for her child. No matter what happens between her father and I, my step-daughter means the world to me and no love, blood, sweat, or tears will ever feel like a waste when spent on her. I just am sad that it feels I get less of the happier times with her considering how much I put in.
Lol, I will admit that has
Lol, I will admit that has happened too. I guess it is a man thing. I have done what you suggest though and yes, he admitted that sometimes he just zones out and doesn't even hear her.
I repeatedly discussed this
I repeatedly discussed this same thing with my FDH MANY MANY times & it fell on deaf ears...then an issue arrose to where my FDH asked SS (then 6) who makes the rules, SS said "you do dad", FDH asked what happens if said rule/s are broken "we get in trouble dad" then FDH asked what happens when you get in trouble SS? SS then states...ready for this? "I get in trouble and Anywho punishes me by making me (do this or that)". This was meant to be a rounded discussion of what happens when Skid breaks general rules...I hid a snicker & I got a glare from FDH that coulda killed a snake...BUT...the point was finally gotten by him...I am no longer the bad guy & we BOTH get to do the GOOD and BAD.