Hello All! Ahh, where to begin....
Hello everyone! This is my first time to actually post anything here but it's definitely not my first time to visit the site, so let me just start off by saying thank you to the creator of this website, everyone who has posted here, and to all who are taking the time to read this post. It’s taken me such a long time to actually post something because, quite frankly, I had no idea where to even begin....
There are no words to describe the beast of a woman my husband and I deal with on constant basis. The number of times she has filed frivolous motions and dragged my husband into court is too many to even count. I’m sure that many of you will be able to relate when I say that my husband’s ex-wife/SS’s BM is truly one of the most vile human beings I have ever dealt with, in fact, the only person nastier than she is her mother. Together these two trolls have wreaked havoc and destroyed (currently, at least) my husband’s relationship with SS by filling his head with truly horrible lies and refusing to let him come for his visits. She even has SS call her boyfriend “Dad” and call my husband by his first name instead of Dad. She has been a holy terror and the worst thing about it is that she has unlimited funding from her mother so she uses it to drag us to court for everything and anything just to cause stress. It would take a novel to start from the beginning, so I will just provide a few examples from the latest complaint she filed with the court:
1. We got the wrong lunch meat for SS and it gave him a headache so she filed a motion to try to make us keep some ridiculous event log of everything SS eats and does when he is visiting. There is no medical reason, she just wants the control.
2. He fell off his bike and skinned his knee while in our possession. This somehow equated to the fact that we were not properly supervising his play activities. (Incidentally, earlier this summer, while he was at home with BM, he somehow managed to step on a large carving knife that he had taken out and was playing with! Of course, when this happened it was simply an accident and in no way, shape, or form was a reflection of HER parenting.)
3. Apparently, we are damaging his individuality when we “tell him” to do something (i.e. clean up a mess he made, put his dishes in the dishwasher, etc…) instead of consulting with him about what he wants. She wants the court to order that we “ask him” what he wants and consider HIS opinion and feelings instead of telling him what to do.
3. His cell phone (which, btw, is one of the most expensive phones out there I might add!) was taken away from him because he would not stop texting and talking on the phone at all hours of the night with her and her boyfriend. When I say all hours, I mean Midnight, 1am, 2am, etc... She was demanding that he be given back the phone asap due to the fact that it was "damaging his fragile emotional state" which was our fault as well.
4. Spring Break: She wants the court to order us to take him on a vacation every Spring Break in order for us to have our scheduled visitation. If we do not plan a vacation for him, she wants us to have to forfeit our Spring Break possession.
In the last 8 months, BM has refused to send him for his scheduled visits with us 5 times! We are supposed to have him one weekend a month and 4 weeks of summer (2 weeks in June and 2 weeks in July). Apparently, she feels that her decisions outweigh the judge’s orders because, as she put it, she is his mother and she has final say over him! What she will do is refuse to tell us whether she has “decided to allow” us visitation. We won’t know whether he is on the plane or not ever. In fact, we end up having to go to the airport every time even if she says he is not coming because we are worried that she will say that he is not coming, but then put him on the plane anyway so that it would look like we just neglected to pick him up and they would send him back to her.
The latest incident was when SS was supposed to come for his second 2 week summer visit but when we got to the airport, we found out that she had refused to send him yet again! She would not answer any of my husband’s calls, so he left a message telling her that he was going to be forced to call the authorities if she didn't at least return his call or pick up the phone. She called back 5 minutes later and told my husband that she wasn't going to send him for his visits anymore, even though the court ordered that she start sending him. She stated that she didn't care about what the judge’s orders were because she was the one who should really get to make the decisions and she had decided that SS no longer wanted to come. She told my husband that he was bored at our house and wanted to stay home with his "real family". She put SS on the phone and had him say: "I don't want to come visit you guys anymore because I don't like it, and that is all I have to say about that." My husband was so upset by it but only said to him “I love you and just want you to be happy. (Silence for a few moments) Do you love me?" SS said nothing and then BM took the phone and hung up. It was one of the most heart-breaking moments I have ever witnessed, ever.
We have to take her to court AGAIN and it is going to be a very expensive and draining experience for us. That, however, is not the worst part of this whole situation. The worst part is that BM’s bitterness and spitefulness has kept SS away from his 2 half sisters (ages 16 and 12) from my husband’s 1st wife, who died years after they were divorced. I am in the process of adopting them too. As if these girls haven’t lost enough in their little lives, now their brother has been taken away from them!
Well, that’s the “Reader’s Digest” version of my situation. It sounds silly, but I am SO excited that I finally decided to begin posting here! Thanks for reading and I look forward to “meeting” you all!
Your photo looks very similar
Your photo looks very similar to my reaction after reading your post!! WTF??
How old is your SS? What's the distance between you guys and SS? Who moved away? I hope you do take her back to court and I hope the judge rakes her over the coals! She could very easily lose custody all together with that kind of nonsense!
Our BM tried to refuse
Our BM tried to refuse visitation too. We took her to court and my DH got awarded $500 for Contempt of Court from BM. Of course, she didn't pay when she was supposed to so we just took it off the medical bills she continually racks up for them. I would ask for lawyers fees too since she is the reason for the court hearing. The worst that can happen is they say no.
I feel so bad for you and your DH. And the kids too. I remember (before CO) when we drove all the way to get my SS only to have BM say that he cannot come. She actually forced the poor boy to come to the door and tell his dad, through his sobs, that he wasn't going to come.
She waited until about an hour or so after we got back home and called to say that we could come and get him now :jawdrop:
I swear, BMs who put their vindictiveness in front of their children's welfare should all be forcefully rendered sterile and immediately lose custody!
Holy crap, the EXACT same
Holy crap, the EXACT same thing happened to us 2 yrs ago! It was Father's Day weekend and my husband and I had decided to take our two daughters and SS (He is 10, almost 11 to answer your question from before) on a weekend family vacation to New Braunfels, TX which is about 45 mins from San Antonio where is where SS now lives now. We live in Dallas-Fort Worth, which is about 5 hrs away so we had planned to pick him up on the way. BM and SS (and her evil mother of course) met us at a grocery store for the exchange. When she drove up she had SS wait in the car while she got out and came over towards our car. We got out and walked up to her to find out what was going on. The girls stayed in the car because we do not want her to have contact with them whatsoever. She is a poisonous person and they have been deeply hurt by her antics and never want to speak to her or see her again). She is well aware of this fact and hates not having control over them, so she takes it out on them and us by denying them their brother.
When she got up to us she smugly demanded that we tell her the exact hotel we were staying at, our room numbers, and our exact itinerary. If we did not give it to her then she stated that she would not "allow" us to have our visit with SS. I should point out that we had already made it clear to her that she would not be privy to that information, especially since we were visiting him there (about 15 mins driving distance from her house) and the girls were with us. This was because she cannot be trusted to behave like an adult and we do not trust that she would not try to "drop by", "drive-by" or stalker call us like she normally does. Well, she decided that she was going to try to force us to give her whatever info/control she wanted by holding SS "hostage". When my husband told her that it was not appropriate for her to be demanding that, she promptly turned around and said "wave to your son and tell his sisters to waive good-bye to their brother because he will not be going". My husband asked if he could at least give him a hug and she said absolutely not. He tried to negotiate and to give her basic info that would not affect the girls (i.e. their hotel room number) but she didn't really care about the info, she just wanted to hurt us. She told SS to turn around and wave to us as they were driving away. The girls were bawling and once again very hurt, but this is nothing new for them sadly. On a related note, She has also denied visitation to us because we only gave 29.5 days notice instead of 30 days (it was after midnight that she got the email request.
I know it seems as though all of this would be a slam dunk win against her in court, but not so!!She has access to unlimited funds for her legal fees and her father has connections with the county judges that preside over these cases. Also, their family and lawyers are HUGE contributors to judges campaigns here -- for this exact reason! Texas is the ONLY state that still allows lawyers and people of influence to contribute to judge's. Um, can we say CONFLICT OF INTEREST or what! She and her mother actually enjoy these court dramas and will spend any amount of money to and any amount of time to cause hurt to others. Her greed and absurd sense of entitlement; coupled with her vindictive and toxic personality is really like a cancer and she and her mother enjoy spreading it around to others. We, on the other hand, do not have unlimited funds and, therefore, have to make sure that we have enough solid evidence and incidents to prove what she is doing beyond doubt so that the judge could not possibly justfy letting her off this time. It is not a matter of "if" she does something nasty and breaks the rules, it is only a matter of when and to what degree.
There are women out there who truly are in need of help from the courts and whose ex-husbands will not pay them a dime; however, they cannot afford the top lawyer in the state and they are sometimes not taken seriously because of women like her. Women who manipulate and lie to get what they want and who have no conscience when it comes to hurting a father and son's relationship to get what they want. She is the type of woman that give women a bad name and makes it difficult for women who truly are in need.
OH MY GOODNESS - Mother of
OH MY GOODNESS - Mother of Pearl! Goodness gracious - I am the non custodial SF of two SS, 8 and 4. The father is a correctional office (nothing wrong with that) - but he is major OCD and a complete control freak. But at least he brings the boys for the weekend visitation and hasn't cancelled on us. Holy Crap. I practically cried with the description of the airport scene - and I am a guy! Well - you are a saint - no question about that. The behavior of the BM is beyond insane, and if you take her to court - by Texas law - she can lose custody altogether. The other thing to remember is that the more she tears you and your DH down, the more the SS will rebel - I try to remember that when my SSs arrive calling me a 'liar' and 'fat'...... And I agree with skylarksms - but it should apply to BFs too with the same behavior!
Not sure if my last post
Not sure if my last post response showed up or not so I'm reposting it. Sorry if it's a duplicate....
It was Father's Day weekend and my husband and I had decided to take our two daughters and SS (He is 10, almost 11 to answer your question from before) on a weekend family vacation to New Braunfels, TX which is about 45 mins from San Antonio where is where SS now lives now. We live in Dallas-Fort Worth, which is about 5 hrs away so we had planned to pick him up on the way. BM and SS (and her evil mother of course) met us at a grocery store for the exchange. When she drove up she had SS wait in the car while she got out and came over towards our car. We got out and walked up to her to find out what was going on. The girls stayed in the car because we do not want her to have contact with them whatsoever. She is a poisonous person and they have been deeply hurt by her antics and never want to speak to her or see her again). She is well aware of this fact and hates not having control over them, so she takes it out on them and us by denying them their brother.
When she got up to us she smugly demanded that we tell her the exact hotel we were staying at, our room numbers, and our exact itinerary. If we did not give it to her then she stated that she would not "allow" us to have our visit with SS. I should point out that we had already made it clear to her that she would not be privy to that information, especially since we were visiting him there (about 15 mins driving distance from her house) and the girls were with us. This was because she cannot be trusted to behave like an adult and we do not trust that she would not try to "drop by", "drive-by" or stalker call us like she normally does. Well, she decided that she was going to try to force us to give her whatever info/control she wanted by holding SS "hostage". When my husband told her that it was not appropriate for her to be demanding that, she promptly turned around and said "wave to your son and tell his sisters to waive good-bye to their brother because he will not be going". My husband asked if he could at least give him a hug and she said absolutely not. He tried to negotiate and to give her basic info that would not affect the girls (i.e. their hotel room number) but she didn't really care about the info, she just wanted to hurt us. She told SS to turn around and wave to us as they were driving away. The girls were bawling and once again very hurt, but this is nothing new for them sadly. On a related note, She has also denied visitation to us because we only gave 29.5 days notice instead of 30 days (it was after midnight that she got the email request.
I know it seems as though all of this would be a slam dunk win against her in court, but not so!!She has access to unlimited funds for her legal fees and her father has connections with the county judges that preside over these cases. Also, their family and lawyers are HUGE contributors to judges campaigns here -- for this exact reason! Texas is the ONLY state that still allows lawyers and people of influence to contribute to judge's. Um, can we say CONFLICT OF INTEREST or what! She and her mother actually enjoy these court dramas and will spend any amount of money to and any amount of time to cause hurt to others. Her greed and absurd sense of entitlement; coupled with her vindictive and toxic personality is really like a cancer and she and her mother enjoy spreading it around to others. We, on the other hand, do not have unlimited funds and, therefore, have to make sure that we have enough solid evidence and incidents to prove what she is doing beyond doubt so that the judge could not possibly justify letting her off this time. It is not a matter of "if" she does something nasty and breaks the rules, it is only a matter of when and to what degree.
There are women out there who truly are in need of help from the courts and whose ex-husbands will not pay them a dime; however, they cannot afford the top lawyer in the state and they are sometimes not taken seriously because of women like her. Women who manipulate and lie to get what they want and who have no conscience when it comes to hurting a father and son's relationship to get what they want. She is the type of woman that give women a bad name and makes it difficult for women who truly are in need.
At some point in SS's life,
At some point in SS's life, he will most likely see the hurtful, vindictive person his BM was and realize how she changed his life. He will probably need some sort of help to deal with this abuse. I feel terrible for your DH and SS. My heart goes out to your situation.
Thanks for the support guys,
Thanks for the support guys, I really needed to hear it! If you go to the "Mentally Unfit" forum, you will see a post that continues to describe the situation with BM. Thanks again!