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Has anyone heard from Crayon?

B's picture

I'm hoping she's just enjoying her Junior free time, but with that volatile BF of hers I can't help but worry a bit. Hope she's ok.

doglover1's picture

I have been looking for her to post..nothing yet. Hope all is well.

FuBaR's picture

I have been looking for her to post also..I worry so much about her..Hope she is okay..

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

now4teens's picture

And it wasn't a good situation! She had a BIG blow-up with BF, who effectively broke up with her! (What an ass) He apparently was taking all of Jrs video stuff and moving out. (I just re-read the post).

If anyone out there has her personal email or phone number and can get in contact with her to let her know we are all thinking of her and worried for her, that would be great!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

Endora's picture

A very difficult weekend for her to say the least. Hope we hear something positive soon!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Sasha's picture

I just got caught up on the skinny...don't know how I missed her last post.

Sounds like Crayon would benefit from one of those complete home makeovers since BH (butthead) left her in the lurch!