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Feeling alone

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

Isn't one suppose to feel like they are one of the most important people in your relationship whether there is a child/children involved? I get the fact that most people don't want to put anyone before their children but since we are married doesn't that suppose to change. I'm not trying to compete to be in a number one spot. I just want to feel like the love is still there & we need to make time for us & not that it always have to be about the family & what the family doing.

Kinder1's picture

Can you be more specific? Do you take vacations alone at times or is it always family? Do you spend a Week end alone? What is the extent of the involvement? How many Skids are there and what are the ages?

Last In Line's picture

Demand a date night/long couples weekend. You aren't in the relationship to be the fill-in parent to the skids. Sure family is important, but you also have to cultivate the couple relationship or it will fail.

BMiddle's picture

Hi, new to this site.... trying to get the hang of acronyms
I read a few posts and can relate....
I moved to Florida from Indianapolis to be with my fiancé.... but regret the move as he must end up raising his grandchild....we both thought his drug addict daughter would get her act together and get custody back.....but after two years....not so.....
harboring resentment as I left my family up there and moved to a state where I HATE the weather most of the time... and expensive here!!$$
I got my fiancé to give his daughter an ultimatum by child's 4th
birthday(10/10/16) to file to reopen case for custody or we are going to begin adoption process...
I really DO NOT want to raise this kid or adopt (kid is a beast).. but would do so in a spiteful way against the daughter, to punish her for her inactions and keeping us living in swampy Florida,unable to move away.... (she has 4 hours visitation per month court ordered)....
Well, thanks for reading and will be on and off this site daily.... Smile

Disneyfan's picture

"I really DO NOT want to raise this kid or adopt (kid is a beast).. but would do so in a spiteful way against the daughter, to punish her for her inactions and keeping us living in swampy Florida,unable to move away.... (she has 4 hours visitation per month court ordered)...."

You're going to adopt a child to punish her mother. :? :? :? :? :? :? So the poor kid gets used as a pawn. :sick: :sick:

BMiddle's picture

I don't want to leave my fiancé and hurt him, though...but unfortunately if we do not adopt, then we have to go to court to rescind the 4 hr. mandatory visitation per's like the daughter has us stuck we must adhere legally to the court ordered visitation...
the daughter is drug addict unwilling to go to rehab, lazy and refuses real help...
We have tried to do everything possible for her the past couple no avail...

BMiddle's picture

Don't want to raise her, but don't want to hurt fiance. Cannot move out of state due to kid's mom having 4 hours/month visitation.

BMiddle's picture

Don't want to raise her, but don't want to hurt fiance. Cannot move out of state due to kid's mom having 4 hours/month visitation.

BMiddle's picture

I was told on two separate visits BEFORE I moved here that "my daughter will get her child back quickly"....and I believed it, but in fairness, so did he......
but she is an irresponsible immature addict that has not hit rock bottom yet (even with jail time).....and I refuse to live down here for much longer (climate health related issues, and 1100 miles from my family)
Sorry to vent , but I gave up everything to move here with him....
and am sooooooo resentful I could scream!!!!!!! Sad

BMiddle's picture

Does anyone use work to escape a less than pleasant household?Currently I am...for sanity reasons.