Ex threating with child support
HI me again lol
So his ex texted yesterday that she is changing the every other weekend to the oppisate weekends again. What she actully said was ........you dont pay child suppoert so there is no room for discussion. , she always i mean always threatens him with that. If we dont do what she wants she threatens him, I have to say the reason he doesnt pay is because its on paper that was submitting to court that she doesnt need it ( but mind you she can change that at any time ) the reason she doeant need is that between her and her spouse they bring home wayyy more then we do. ( they own 2 RMT clinics ) if you guys didnt read my past forums . We make way less. We both have medical for both kids covered and buy them what they need when they need it. I cant and wont deal with the threats for another 8 years, Im not strong enough and its putting a toll on my health and our relationship. It would be adamn shame to end this but to be honest my well being and sanity and health mean more to me . How can i do this for 8 more years i dont know.
Let her take him for child
Let her take him for child support? If she has stated in previous decrees that she doesn't need it and nothing has changed... do you have proof of the threats? Judge would more than likely laugh at her and tell her to knock it off.
This, but also OP, if your DH
This, but also OP, if your DH starts paying CS, she no longer can use that as leverage. Honestly, I'd probably pull up your state's calculator and see how much your DH would owe. If it's about the same as what is paid in "what they need", just pay CS and be done with it.
he is supposed to 985.00 a
he is supposed to 985.00 a month ,, thats so dumb.. i mean its dumb if she needed it , thats alot of money for us. I dont ebven think we could manage that . we live paycheck to paycheck as it is here in BC, both work full time jobs and still struggle.
The rates are excrutiating. Do you live close enough that you could counter by requesting more time? Assuming with an amount like that he is every other weekend?
he asked for 50/50 from the
he asked for 50/50 from the get go. she denied his request as the lovley women she is said she needs them for a tax right off ? i know i couldnt believe it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look... I get she makes more
Look... I get she makes more money but he DID create these children and should financially support them. If the calculator says almost 1k. He must be.making a decent living himself if not as much but decent.
Unfortunately as long as he doesn't pay due to her generosity... she does have more leverage. Is it worth 985 a month to equalize? He has to decide thst
If BM wanted child support
If BM wanted child support she could apply for it at any time whether or not she needed it in the past. They would base it on how many overnights he has. If there is a court order already in place that is what should be followed unless they mutually decide to change it. Is she saying she'll file for CS if he doesn't play along? If so, that's a crappy game to play but honestly, the kids are entitled to child support regardless of BM's financial status even if DH only paid the minimum amount. It sounds like DH has been complicit in this "game" of letting BM have her way so he doesn't have to pay.
yes thats whats heppening, i
yes thats whats heppening, i know you are right that support is for the children not her, but they are very well off and have huge trust funds as well. they really dont need it when i say they dont they dont need it they really dont. 985.00 would take food off of our table it would really really hurt us to be honest.
Is $985 what the Child
Is $985 what the Child Support calculator popped out? Did you factor in medical coverage? DH would be credited for that. I get that they don't need it but that must suck to have that threat constantly looming over your heads. It sounds like DH will just keep kowtowing to appease her. Wish I had a grand answer for you.
985.00 BC judges dont care
985.00 BC judges dont care about the medical its a graph they go by, doesnt matter what she makes they just go by him. it went through court. thats the amount its supposed to be
its all in texts like last
its all in texts like last night
Call her bluff.
Call her bluff.
i would love too but its
i would love too but its really not my call
i do speak up but this is the circus he has created sometimes i just step back and watch and wonder what he is thinking, i would tell her to pound sand if i was him a loooooooooooooooong time ago.
I hear that, been there.
I hear that, been there. Played the game for 2 years before I said enough was enough. Her games or our life.
She flipped everything she could at him, as she was holding things above his head as well to get what she wanted. She than turned him into child support recovery and went full on following the court order to a T.
He was butt hurt and it was an adjustment.. I didn't feel bad and told him as much. Should have been following it from the get go instead of setting your own rules because she's gotten everything she has wanted this entire time and then some and now you will pay dearly for it once again.
At least now there is no question and no game playing. It simply is what it is and no dark clouds over anyones heads.
I cant and wont deal with
I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this when it should be DH's issue. I'm not sure what you're basing the 8 years on but step drama doesn't end at the age of 18, in some states CS goes to 21 or 23. You're right, your well-being, sanity, and health should be the priority. Your DH has failed to deal with his drama and you've gotten caught in the mess he made. Only you know how much you can handle. Step life is difficult and you walk on eggshells even in the best of situations.
what i mean was 8 more years
what i mean was 8 more years of child support issues, but really its 10 more years
i was hoping for 8 years
i was hoping for 8 years thanks alot lol
Court is the way to go. It
Court is the way to go. It structures the whole situation and gets his X under control. She is leveraging her dominant financial position to keep you and DH under control. Take the threat away, she loses her ability to intimidate you and your DH.
Visitation will be set, and her teeth will be pulled. He may have to pay CS but at least she loses control.