Driving drama
Ss15 is arriving for a week tomorrow. Over the summer DH and I agreed no driving our cars because SS is irresponsible bit ended up not being an issue because he didn't get his permit. He went home 2 weeks early because BM signed him up for driving lessons. He got home and she pulled them saying SS was irresponsible.
So SS arrives in the morning. He got his permit yesterday. I told dh that I still don't want SS driving our cars. He's still not responsible. In addition we can't afford it if something happened and we can't be with out a car. Dh got all pissed and stormed off saying "I don't want to do this now ". So I'm the bad guy for not changing my mind from summer. I even told dh he could blame SS not driving on me. I don't give a sh*t. I'm disengaged. But apparently dh is all butt hurt that I don't trust SS to drive our cars.
(Fwiw, I drive the 17 year old car to work all day and dh has our 3 year old ot paid off SUV that I wouldn't let SS drive if hell froze over! And I don't want to rack up hundress of miles commuting in the SUV next week just to protect it!)
Isn't it unreasonable to
Isn't it unreasonable to expect a parent not to allow his/her kid to practice with his/her car? It's pretty normal for parents to take their kids driving.
I have a problem with it for
I have a problem with it for a few reasons.
1. DH agreed that ss was not responsible over summer. Nothing has changed. His grades still suck. He still lies and steals. If he were living here full time he wouldn't be getting his license. (I fully supported DH teaching ss21 to drive in our cars because he was responsible and ready for it... Ss15 is not)
2. DH has made no effort to find out anything about our insurance, if ss would be covered or if we would be screwed if something were to happen. And since my name is the only one on the suv and I'm the one making the payments its a hell no. I'm more flexible on my 17 year old car but it's my commuter car. Gets 35 mpg with over 200k miles, and I drive 110 miles a day!
3. I feel like it's been total manipulation by bm.... He didn't get his permit and behind the wheel this summer when he "had" to go home 2 weeks early to do this because according to her he was too "irresponsible" but now 2 days before he's supposed to come here he's responsible enough? No, I'm almost positive that it was so DH would take care of everything before he returns home.... Also very convenient since bm is moving in 2 weeks to the next town over but ss will be able to stay at the same school... Guess he will need to drive there! (And ss turns 16 a week after getting he)