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Do I Need a Reality Check? (LONG)

Here Comes Treble's picture

I substitute teach, so starting today. I’m at home until the 2nd week of January. My BS13 left today to visit with his dad and grandparents until January 9. Next week, FH will be working overnight from 10pm to 8am for several days. I gently mentioned that SD11 should stay with her BM then. FH won’t be home or he will be sleeping anyway — and I could take this time to finish my business plan and get ready to launch my new business in the new year. He pressed so I said, “She doesn’t want to spend time with me anyway.” To which he asked, “Do you want to spend time with her?”

I had to be honest. I said, “No.” Straight up.

The truth is (and he knows this, because I’ve said it), I’m guarded and not in any hurry to push a relationship with SD. Over the two years I’ve been with FH, numerous things have accumulated:

1. The BM got in my face and cursed me out numerous times for being involved. She even let herself in the house one day to give me an ear full (over one of SD’s friends accidentally calling me mom).
2. BM has a 2nd post-divorce child from someone else. BM insisted FH get a DNA test in her last ditch effort to have another hold on him. He conceded to “keep the peace,” going to her house ALONE to take the test because she insisted. Child is not his. To this day, said child still has FH’s last name and SD continues to put bastard child on a pedestal over my BS13. Expected, but irritating all the same.
3. SD11 lied about me to her BM to stir the pot. All she was required to do was apologize to me — but my son should get a belt and restrictions when he lies (according to FH).
4. FH made it clear the first year that even though mine and SD11’s birthdays are four days apart, that time is about SD. (This was in response to my dad offering to take both me and SD out for a birthday dinner.)
5. SD11 bosses BS13 around, knows everything, and even tells BS “no one wants to hear about it” when he’s talking. I correct this almost daily. If I shut this down in front of FH, he gets irritated. One time recently, I told SD (in front of FH) to “get off her high horse” when she ridiculed BS about nursing a sprained knee — because this same girl milked a sprained ankle for weeks. FH was livid.
6. SD11 told me in front of my friend I was there to clean the house and cook for her and FH. When I said I could just stop doing all that, she said I could move out.
7. FH insisted SD get the bigger room (by 30 sq ft) because “she’s a girl.” She has the biggest bedroom in the house AND a walk in closet, yet you still can’t see her floor for all the clothes — clean and dirty.
8. And this may be petty, but the first and only thing SD ever asks me when I pick her up from after school care is, “What’s for dinner? When will it be ready?” Then, if daddeee happens to be home for dinner, it’s the same routine: “Do you want me to make you something to drink daddeee?” Ignoring the rest of us without any correction from FH.

FH works A LOT (60+ hours per week) running his business, so he often comes in an hour or so before the kids go to bed. Both kids (SD and my BS) are living with us full time, so I’m parenting them the bulk of the time — even on weekends.

I must give credit where credit is due. He does cover about 3/4 of the household bills with this hard-earned income!

I guess I resent him for this because I would LOVE unfragmented time to tend to starting my own business. He says I have no follow through. And when I say I don’t have the time, he says it’s only an excuse. I guess working about 30 hours a week, running errands, cleaning house, cooking, coaching kids, and dropping everything when FH is home to spend time with him — those are all just excuses.

With that said, I don’t think it’s a stretch for me to ask for SD to go with BM five miles up the road for several days when my BS is gone as well. Then, FH says, “Fine! I’ll give you your break while I keep doing what I’m doing — working long hours with barely a day off. SD can go with BM. I get a baseball glove for BS, talk with him, and spend time with him — and you don’t want MY kid.”

It’s not that I don’t want his kid. I just don’t want the attitude and drama. I still chat with her. I still work with her on homework. I still guide her when the “mean girls” at school are stressing her out. And I do this nightly while he’s away most of the time. I just do it at arms length because I don’t have the attachment. I also find her no-one-is-better-than-me-and-daddeee-and-BM attitude extremely repulsive.

It wears me out on both fronts. My BS13 adds his hot mess to it, too. After living with his dad for several years, he just moved in with us full time last May. He tried to skate by at school making F’s until he figured out I wasn’t having it. He lies about the stupidest things. He sneaks food. He has stolen from a classmate. He has pretty crappy hygiene. And he forgets almost everything from lunch boxes to homework to iPad chargers. He has great manners and generally very little attitude, but that’s about it. So I’m CONSTANTLY working with him, too.

So what the hell? Tell me. Am I being selfish? One-sided? Unreasonable? I just want honesty and hard truth if it’s needed. And a few days off to chase my own dreams if that’s ok. Yes? No?

At this point, therapy sounds like a great option — and I’m NOT being sarcastic there.

Harry's picture

SD is to visit him. If he’s not home, there is no reason for SD to be there. You are not a free babysitter!!

Disneyfan's picture

If your husband is the custodial parent (I'm assuming he is since the kid is there full time), he can't just up and say, "Sure, I'll send daughter to her mom."

None of that really matters. What really matters is that you are planning to marry a man that treats you and your son this way. WHY???

lieutenant_dad's picture

If I'm working, taking care of the house, raising two kids, etc and my DH were to tell me that I'm not trying hard enough and don't have follow-through, I'd move his crap into a spare bedroom and start finding a new place to live. "Here, DH, how's this for follow-through."

Absolutely unacceptable behavior by his daughter and by him. If you are doing much of the rearing, you should have authority. You're in a situation where you have responsibility without authority, and that is unacceptable. Counseling may work because, at best, your FH and you are not communicating well. My guess, though sorrily, is that he was looking for a replacement mother for his daughter and someone to warm his bed, and you're it.

My XH loved me when I made his life better, but had no use for me when I didn't kiss his rear end. It was all about his needs. Your FH gives me a similar vibe.

Get into counselling, either alone or as a couple. If he is unwilling to make changes or meet in the middle, really think long and hard if you want to be with someone who will not only sabotage your dreams, but call you the failure while they do it.

Orángejello LeTayTay's picture

It's not that you don't want his kids? That's probably because you are a decent human being and all of this is new. Me? Been in this mess for years hoping it would get better. I'm merely a shadow of who I was. I can't even hold a job anymore and I don't have the energy to wear the mask in my home. It will wear you down and suck all of your life away. And when you have nothing more to give a whole new set of problems will come from your spouse because you will be the one with the problem.

Think about it. You read lots and lots of stories here. It all starts to sound the same... my kids are child had boundaries.....I'm not the spouse doesn't see the free sex life......weekends ruined.... .have to drive here and there.....Christmas.....birthdays.....I thought I had a the day all sounds the same. Blah blah blah. And more importantly...

No one chose this. No one deliberately signed up for the specific misery that will never end. Somewhere along the lines there was a bait and switch. Maybe the spouse did it, maybe the situation did it. And everyone is in too deep. No one did this on purpose.

I love my wife. I really do. I mean I really, really do. The conversations we have are amazing. The way she demonstrates her love is out of the park. Our sex life is amazing. We've been together years and years and it just keeps getting better and better. I'm 100% confident that our relationship is miles beyond almost everyone's. But it isn't enough.

The poverty. Having obscure degree needing to be in very specific cities doing very specific things. Setting it aside for the same of a child that isn't even your own. That child being around all the time. It wears you down. It sucks the live out of you. WHen you no longer have any more to give, then you are the one to blame.

Everyone's story is different. But it just never gets any better. I am going to say something very unpopular. I'm one of them, so I figured I've earned right to talk about myself:

Divorce ruins people's lives. I know because my parents were divorced. And so we're my grandparents. Holidays are ruined with weird extra people around. Meeting at stupid times. Getting somewhere late. Leaving early. Missing everyone. Spending time around "the others."

Guess what? Now we are those people! It's not natural. Having to look at step kids and their of spring. People heaving to look at you. Schedules, plans, vacations, dreams, lives...all flushed down the toilet.

It's not polite our correct to have such negative feelings. So we lie. Some of us use the word love. But when too many years pass you finally realize something.

Run. Just run. If you have the ability to do that, then please do. I love my wife but it isn't enough. I can't even relax in my own house. Not only do I have to throw away all the things I want to do, I have to participate and pretend to love it.

And . N

Here Comes Treble's picture

Thanks to all for the replies. I know I should have a come to Jesus about it all . Even tonight, I’m sitting alone in the garage having a drink because I need a moment. My dad came to visit this evening It’s was all laughs and banter.. An hour or so later, SD showed up. It doesn’t take a genius to see the drastic 180 change in the atmosphere. I mean, FH dropped everything when she appeared and she never even nodded a hello at me. It’s crazy how invisible a person can become. And when that person points out the dynamics, they themselves become the villian.

Even FH looks past me now. And he didn’t used to. It’s like I stepped across some imaginary, forbidden line when I halfway disengaged and spilled my beans. More and more I understand that authenticity in a stepfamily only results in punishment. At least that’s been my experience. I just know I’m done reaching across the aisle and getting my hand slapped.

JustMee's picture

"More and more I understand that authenticity in a stepfamily only results in punishment."


This was my experience also. It's a very harsh reality.