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aslehofer's picture

My boyfriend spent literally ALL night making his son's slideshow for his class and burning them onto DVDs for each of the parents. He did'nt get to bed until 5:30, and he wakes up at 6:45 to wake up SS8. My boyfriend asked me to make sure he got up by at least 7:00am. So I try, and he doesn't want to get up, it's now 7:10 so I offer to go wake up SS8, and he thanked me.

It takes me a few minutes to get the little guy up. I let him know we are running late, so he needs to hurry. I make him breakfast, and he is still not dressed. I tell him at least 6 times to please get dressed. Finally, I get fed up and change my tone of voice into something more serious and ask him two more times. He proceeds to stop moving completely, look me in the eyes, and bat his eyelashes. Basically saying with his eyes "I'm not going to listen to anything you say."

I WANTED TO PUNCH HIM SQUARE IN HIS CUTE LITTLE FACE. I had to immediately walk away, I would NEVER stand for disrespect like that from ANY child. My 3 and 6 year old nieces even know not to act like that. My boyfriend got up and demanded he get dressed. I am outside FUMING with rage and my boyfriend comes out. I tell him that SS8 is LUCKY I am not his mother, because he would have have a nice red ass to take with him to school after behaving that way. I am pregnant right now, and my son would never more than once be disrespectful like that, I will make sure of that.

I'm not even a hardass, but when it comes to respect, it better happen. We make sure you are healthy, we make sure you are fed, and we make sure you have had enough sleep. The least we deserve in return is respect.

If he EVER does that to me again, there will be repercussions, I don't know what would be appropriate though since I am only the step-mom.

RAWRRRRRRRRR! It's been over an hour and I'm still fired up about it.

alwaysanxious's picture

yeah, i'm like you. I don't repeat myself. If I tell you, its time to do it, if you don't immediate consequences are dealt.

giveitago's picture

Ohhh I hear you! I think your boyfriend showed remarkable restraint, given that he'd so little sleep by the way. When tempers flare it's not a good time to discuss it though.

For future reference I'discuss it with you boyfriend and ask him what he thinks of the suggestion that when SS wants quality time with his dad or you that there be 'no time' because he had to deal with the situation (insert situation) and you and he lost some time with (insert task) so you need to catch up. Reccomend that SS does what's required of him in order that things can run smoothly and EVERYONE can get what they need/want.

Auteur's picture

I used to hear GG "suggest" and plead and beg to his children. . .

"Hoooonnneeeeeey, do you WANT to take a shower??!!" (this was to a six year old boy)

One time I got so sick of this I bopped GG on the head with an empty papertowel roll holder and said "you don't BARGAIN with children to do things you TELL them to do things"

He immediately got defensive as usual and denied he was bargaining (which he was)

alwaysanxious's picture

^^Like^^ getting my paper towel holder out to carry around on the skid weekends.

aslehofer's picture

My boyfriend loves his son sooo much. His son has been all he's had for 8 years, so this boy can do nothing wrong. Anytime boyfriend asks him to do anything, SS always finds a way to procrastinate as much as possible.. acting goofy.. what have you, and I see my boyfriend giggling at him.

I want to PUKE! Finally.. I step in and say "Your father has asked you to do something, and you need to do it."

He looks at my boyfriend, who in turn looks at him like "She's right.." but of course never says anything.
This kid has him wrapped around his little 8 year old fingers. Nauseating.