I don't know wether to pack or to cry, my bf has many wonderful qualities, though his respect for me is not one of them, when I moved in, I took over all housework and the physical care of his daughter then 4, she was a nightmare, I do not work as I have an incurable illness, I have good and bad days, yesterday I went shopping with bf, I said why don't you have a coffee and I will do the shopping, I usually do it by myself anyway, NO! IM STAYING IN THE CAR", I phone him from the shop and said, please come in you can help me pick a nice beef joint for dinner, NO IM STAYING IN THE CAR!, due to his behaviour lately, I texted him to piss off, oh stop being miserable xxx he texted back, I said I am sick to death of you treating me with so much disrespect, If things don't change I am leaving, I made my own way home in a taxi, he came home with sd6, there is no way I wanted sd to see any friction between us so there was a truce, that little girl loves me and I have put so much time and effort into her, she was awful when I met her, she used to treat me with disrespect as well, but she has learnt not to lol, so bf is at work all day, Im thinking about what to say to him tonight, I feel that I do so much for him, though ill I do pay my way. If I let this behavior slide it will just get worse, I have threatended him before but I can tell that he is really hurt, huh welcome to the club, any thoughts please?
There was no other reason
There was no other reason than he likes to be awkward, he just dos'nt get what respect it. This has been brewing for a while, I need to get through to him and this is the only thing that helps.
Do you want to spent the rest
Do you want to spent the rest of your life with a man who doesn't respect you? Have you tried counseling? Do without him if he won't go. Have you tried taking a vacation without him. Do so this summer when the kid isn't in school. Visit Mom or a friend or just 'need some time off to think'. Let him use some vacation and do all the things you do for his kid. Make sure its not a time of the year he can foist the kid off on bio-mom.
If all else fails - you're self-supporting.