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Damn it BM

Mb90's picture

Earlier today my SO takes his DD4 to her mother for Christmas after we had our morning of presents and fun. When he arrives, it is clear to him that his BM is high. On what, he wasn't sure. Words were exchanged, her mother got into it, her felon family members started coming at BF and he got in his truck and called the local police department as he didn't want to leave DD4 with BM in that condition and it was clear he wasn't going to take her without a fight. The police officer arrived and told BF that he knew this family and would go talk to them. Nothing was done other than the police officer talking to BM and her family. PD gave BF his card and told him to call him if this starting occurring regularly. Just when we thought BM was getting her shit together, she pulls this. I can't imagine knowing that my 4 year old was going to be dropped off for Christmas and getting loaded beforehand. Looks like it might be time to go to court for more custody. Incompetent parenting at it's finest. Why do these men breed with women like this?!

dogtac69's picture

Bless you for being willing to take in DD4. You may be the only person who can save this child. If DD4 stays with BM, she may be lost. The sooner you go back to court, the better.