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creynolds's picture

It takes my SIL & Stepgrandaugher 7 45-60 minutes to say goodbye. According to my daughter it's an all out BALLFEST! Everyone crying. I came from a divorced family and had step parents, and had a great relationship with both of them. I just can't understand this. Is this normal behavior for a DAD to carry on like this. The stepgranddaughters are 7 & 10 and it's every single time it's time for them to leave to go home. Plus they hang all over their daddy & call him DA DA just like their 16 month old sister. DRIVES ME CRAZY! I don't even have to live with them, I can only imagine how my daughter feels.

losingmymindhere's picture

How often do they see each other? When I was little( about their ages) I missed my dad so much, I didn't get to see him often because he had to travel for work all the time. I would BAWL my eyes out when it was time to leave his house. I mean to the point of making my mom feel terrible which I am so sorry for to this day. Dad is probably reacting to their emotions.

Also, I've got to be concerned is there some abuse issue at mom's house? Some reason they don't want to go back? Maybe a bf or SD that is inappropriate with them or maybe mom is not the mother of the year and is cold toward them?

Or maybe the girls just know that if they behave like that and act like babies towards dad that they get their way with him when they are there. It should be looked into a little more.

creynolds's picture

They see their Dad about 1 weekend a month, school breaks, & summer. The bm use to have so but no longer. Your right about Dad not making them behave age appropriately.

Jokarg's picture

We had to deal with that when SD9 SS5 would come home from being with BM. She would just encourage it with "I know you don't want to go to daddy's house, I will come back as soon as I can", ridiculous. What we have to realize is our children are very smart and adapt. BM now feels better about herself and feels the kids need her. So when they go back to her house that behavior is rewarded. So the next time its worse. Kids will do everything to fit in to what ever their parent think is right!
My husband has always been there for his children, even when she was not so it hurts him to see this. But being the grown up he doesn't react to her games.