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The Cousins, or should I say step-cousins

Mom to 5's picture

Has anyone had this happen???
When my two kids go over to their step-siblings cousins houses, the cousings (ages range from 8 to teenagers) treat my two like they don't belong or they don't like them. My oldest - 10, is sensitive and really doesn't not like going to family gatherings, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving dinners. The adults, mind you, don't treat my kids negativley, just their kids. What would you think of this? Thanks for your thoughts.

Mom to 5's picture

Sorry, did not make myself very clear - when my husband, all the kids (his and mine)and I go to his familie's homes, those cousins. So basically, my husband's nephews from his sisters treat my two like second class citizens. I think it has more to do with the way kids are these days - no manners, selfish, loud ...

j-dog's picture

No, I think she means, for example, her children are visiting with the children of her DH's brother or sister.