We are currently going to family counseling and I have to sit in every session with my H and his ex. Does anyone else have to do this. I am so sick of dealing with all of the drama and the session is not near long enough for them to listen to my complaints. The good thing is that they actually listen to what I have to say and I was able to get my H's ex to admit that she was jealous. Has anyone ever gained anything by going to counseling.
I wish...
I was able to be there when we were going through it. The counselor wanted to get;exact words;BM,& DH in the room together to see what they would do????WTF What happened was WW III, and my DH stormed out after 15 min. Counselor knew that neither of them wanted to do it, it was like a sick game. Of course I was excluded from everything, even though SS was living in my house, and I was taking care of him full time. No one cared about my imput. I think it's great that you can go, and they listen to you, take advantage of it. Even though our experiance was not positive, does not mean it's not a good idea. I think you all have alot to gain by your being their. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
We go just ourselves.. I
We go just ourselves.. I dont know what I would do if I had to be in a small enclosed room w/the ex!!!
The counselor has never
The counselor has never suggested that just my and my H see her. The thing I don't like about it is that the counselor keeps my SD in the room with all of us complaining. I called the counselor last week and she told me the only way to make sure my SD was not in the middle is to redo the paper work. I told her that I would redo it and she said that it would take to long. I am sorry but I would rather do the paper work than to destroy a little girl. I also find it very pathetic that I am the one that pointed this out and not BM or the counselor.
We were court ordered to go
We were court ordered to go to this counselor so we have no choice but to go to her. I don't understand what these people are thinking. She is licensed or the courts wouldn't have picked her. I took my 2 year old the last time we went because I didn't have a sitter and the whole time the counselor was telling my 2 year old 1 toy at a time. Like she knows what one at a time means. I really don't understand how she is still in the profession.
How is that YOU were ordered to go?
YOU are not a party to the divorce and or custody/visitation/support court filings between your husband and his children's mother. I can understand how a judge can order HIM to go, but I don't think YOU can be ordered to go. You have no legal standing in the matter.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
In the new decree it states
In the new decree it states that we will all attend. I don't know if they can legally do that but they added my name into it. I try to be as supportive to my husband as possible but I have had about enough.
I would love to be in this situation
BM would never agree because she only admits my existence when it suits her (as in gloating to DH that SD told her that SD cuts herself at BM's house because SD hates me, or saying I am too lazy to take SD to the orthodontist.)
I would absolutely LOVE the opportunity to sit in the same room with her and listen to her insanity first hand. It would be an interesting experiment.
I understand about it making you ill though. I'm a pretty secure and laid back person, but when DH's cell rings to the tune of the dark side from Star Wars? I feel like throwing up instantly.
Funny how I don't feel that way when my son's SM calls ME.
I would just sit back and enjoy the show if I were you!
Peace, love, and red wine
The first time I felt like I
The first time I felt like I let a lot off of my shoulders but I am not so sure how it will go from here on out. I feel the same way when my daughters SM calls. I talk to her like I have known her for years and if there is something wrong with my daughter she will call me and ask me to come over to help. So with that said I am not a bad person my H's ex is just jealous. She want's more kids but I guess you have to keep a BF for longer than a month.