childcare question
Bm has her friend watching sd in am and after school total time a day is 2:50 min. She's claims to be paying her 10$ an hour and is forcing SO to pay 60% of that as that's what court ordered. He has no problem paying for before and after school care, but feels like she and her friend are scanning him for money, as this wouldn't be the first time.He wants to change the CO to a legitamite daycare service but we don't know how to go a out that. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with anything like this?
^ THIS!!! This is an AMAZING
^ THIS!!!
This is an AMAZING suggestion! If he wants to claim childcare on his taxes, she's going to have to report that income.
BUT, I'm on the fence about this situation: how is he being scammed? Is the child not really being watched? And will a "legitimate" daycare cost more?
Yes, what newwife3, said. On
Yes, what newwife3, said.
On the flipside, if BM's friend trustworthy? Is this a money issue, or a trust issue?