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Can't stand fiancee's son. Any ideas

Boomer81's picture

My wife to be has a 9yo boy who i cant stand. I feel bad about it. But it's not me. She has 6 yo daughter i love like my own i have a son and daughter. And while my kids are not perfect by any means and my daughter has some issues with anger. You always know where you stand with her. Her dad has issues with him so does she. His dad is a I.t. Guy and the kid acts like hes i.t. Guy jr.

This kid is like a souless personality less drone all he wants to do is play the fucking xbox or watch youtube. He's a intelligent kid. But he's very passive aggressive always running some angle. Always trying to undermind me. Anytime ive tried to do somthing with him he will make a negative comment. A couple of nights ago i was just being playful and joking and he got all pissed off. His little sister said omg he's just teasing you but he started crying That night i set him down and his mom and i said i want to be your friend i want to get to know you. I would like to do some things with you. So the solution was to go to game stop and get another xbox controller so we could play xbox togeather.

We went to the mall yesterday his mom went to another store we went to game stop. I told him while walking up were just getting a controller today. Its close to christmas so thats all were gonna buy. Well he picks out a $100.00 controller. Im standing in line to pay and his mom walks in and he runs up and ask her i she will buy him a game. I said no. And he proceeds to moan and bitch and almost cry.

We get home last night from the mall and he starts talking about how my 6yo old son made fun of him and was mean to him to his mom and she starts telling me how i need to get on to my boy. and my son. Has not been over for a week. I asked him why now did he bring this up and he said oh i just rememberd. Fucking liar.

So his mom goes to pick up some take out and i set him down and told him. I dont care if were friends or if he likes me. I told him if i say somthing thats the way it is to stop trying to cause trouble and fights between me and his mom. And last but not least i said dont you ever say a fucking thing about my little boy again do you understand me. I tried the best i can with this little creep. His mom has mentiond he will probably live with his dad someday. Hes a handful for her. And she treats me like a king. Better than any woman i e wver had by far. I just hope i dont regret marrying her cause of his shit. Idk if i handled it right. What do i do now

happystepmum's picture

No you didn't handle it right. He's a 9 year old boy and you're supposed to be the adult.

If you really can't stand him, you have no business marrying his mother.

New_to_this's picture

I can't give you any advice that will change his behavior. I wish I could just say to my SS what you said to your. In your case, I don't think he will change though as long as his mom continues to allow his behavior. I have a SS that is similar to what you describe. Some of his behaviors have gotten better, but they've been replaced by other annoying behaviors. I thought he would eventually grow out of it, and maybe he is slowly growing out of it, but I am so annoyed by him, that I probably wouldn't notice unless he made a significant turn around. I've known my SS since he was 7 and he is almost 12 now. I also have a SD whom I'm very close to. And although she has many annoying traits, hers seem more like typical annoying kid traits.

My SS also sees his father as an ATM machine. DH is just there to buy him things and play with him. He also cries when he doesn't get what he wants and he's in middle school. It's not cute; it's disturbing. Whenever SS gets in trouble for something, he immediately starts crying and brings up some sob story about how someone (sister, classmate, etc) emotionally hurt him in some way. He constantly deflects and tries to get sympathy to get himself out of any sort of punishment. And, DH and SD totally buy into it. They smother him with attention and say that he is just a really sensitive boy. That grates on me too. I had to give DH a picture of what middle and high school would be like for a boy who cries over everything. That got DH to toughen up on him a little. He is also extremely passive aggressive and used to be flat out aggressive with my dog until I caught him in the act.

For me, it hasn't gotten much better and having a child with DH made it worse in some ways. SS was upset that I was pregnant, didn't want us to buy anything for the baby (like a crib, car seat, etc), and in other ways a complete brat.

I've since disengaged with him. We have the kids full-time, but I do very little for him. Personally, I'd rather not even cook family meals, but I want my own son to eat healthy, so I can't have my son seeing SS and SD eating crap all the time. I muster up enough to be kind to him and say hi to him and goodnight to him, but I rarely do more interacting with him unless it's to tell him to stop doing something in my household. I used to do family game night, but he has made it clear (at least to me) that he only wants to play games with DH and SD, so that's fine. DH now just goes and plays video games with him.

In a way, I think if I made his life a living hell like he is making mine, he might ask to live with his mother. By my disengaging but being polite, he gets a lot of free reign in my house, and his actions grate on me, so it's me that has been suffering. DH has made comments about giving him to his mom when he's gotten to be too much for DH. My secret hope is that one day SS will do something that will cause his father to just give up. But really, it's DH. He is the one that needs to put his son in place. I have a lot of contempt for DH because of it and that is what is ruining our relationship. I hope yours will be different.

Disneyfan's picture

So in front of mom you sat the kid down and spoke to him in a nice,calm manner. As soon as mom was gone, you satvthe kid down and did a 180. Now when the kid tells his mom and dad (hopefully he does tell him) what happened when mom left the house, mom will defend you because she doesn't know the whole truth. Mom thinks you're trying to reach her son and bond with him. But you let the kid know everything you said in front of mom was a lie.

If the boy is lucky, mom will see what you're doing and end this relationship.

Boomer81's picture

No that was a day later. It was not right i know. after i tried to tell him i wanted to connect with him and be friends And he used that to try and get me to buy him more stuff and when i said no he started coming up with these bullshit issues. And when he used my son to start a fight between me and his mom. It hit me what this kid is really like. Im not buying the kid off i saw what he was doing. Hell i spent $100 on him but that wasnt enough. The kids grandpa bought a book not long ago cause hes trying to learn to deal with him. Maybe im wrong. I dont like the way i feel. I wouldnt be here posting if i did t care.

Boomer81's picture

I get that i lost my cool. But ive always called out people like this kid. He is smart and i wanted him to know i know what hes doing. He may be 9 but he's operating on a higher age level. He is very small for his age and plays that and flips into acting like a baby almost. He is trying to start stuff with me and his mom planting little bullshit arguments. Like the comments about my son a week later. And asking for a toy after i made it real clear to him five mins earlier. He is deceptive manipulative and a liar.

oh and the small things i left out. daily he gives me go to hell looks. Like i mean pure hatred. Just typical passive agressive bs chicken shit stuff he learned from his dad. And his mom is aware of it and does not take up for him. She even says its hard for her to connect with him. There is also other stuff he still shits his pants once in awhile i dont deal with that at all and has bathroom problems. and has a weird obsession with a stuffed animal he takes everywhere. Kid creeps me clean out. But this woman is amazing the little girl is amazing. she is beautiful hard working ive never been happier. this is true love. I do think he will move with his dad one day. But ive tried for months laid it all on the line. I would like to have a relationship like i do with the little girl. I feel like a faliure but even his laugh creeps me out

Boomer81's picture

Hey i get that. Im the adult i was wrong. But when he started taking shots at my 5yo son making stuff up. All cause he didn't get his way. It hit me wrong. Like i said i wouldnt came looking for advice if i didnt want to get along with the kid. I know i was wrong. Maybe the distance we were at was bettsr for him and me. Ive tried to build our relationship. Doing what i like and what he likes. He just dont like me. It bugs me cause i have a remarkable step dad and want to be that good. But this kid man hes emotionless

Disneyfan's picture

But you didn't lose your cool. If that were the case, you would have flipped out as soon as this happened- IN FRONT OF MOM. Instead, you waited until mom was gone.

You did the exact thing to that 9 year old that many SMs here have done to them. Their SDs are kind, while their dads are around. But as soon as the girls are alone with SM, they reveal their true colors.

To be honest, I don't have a problem with what you said. I just believe the same words/tone, should have been used in front of mom. That knows she knows exactly what she's dealing with. Right now mom is clueless, just like many of the dads posted about on here.

Disneyfan's picture


Indigo's picture

If I could figure out the cut/paste possibilities here on the board, Echo, I'd be doing it. I read your section about the boy only becoming smarter, more slick and mom having stated her position clearly. The dynamic is so typical and so destructive for all parties.

Spot on regarding the pissing match.

Willow2010's picture

Alright…I get how you feel. I felt the same way about SS when he was 9. Ugh….just thinking of those days makes me feel yuky. Lol.

You know what I did? I would not marry or live with my DH until kid was much older. Like 16 years old. Yes…we lived apart for that long. We did see each other every day almost and lived very close but there was NO WAY in hell that I would have lived with a kid that made me feel that way.

If we would have married back when SS was that age…I 100 percent guarantee you that we would be divorced. So as it stands….we “dated/were engaged” for 7ish years and have now been married 6 years. VERY happily married I might add.

Trust me…your feelings about your SS will not get better any time soon and if you still marry this woman, you can’t say that you were not warned. Good luck. Step life is HARD.

Snowflake's picture

So you are counting on the fact that mom might ship the kids to dads one day. That is really sad, and most likely won't happen if the dad is not on the same page. That may not be a possibility if dad gets a girlfriend or wife that puts a stop to that. And you do realize that your fiancé will grow to absolutely resent you, and most likely your kids. Do you think she is going to be welcoming your kids when you made life unbearable to the point she had to ship her kid away.

I would give up any man who didn't at least tolerate my kids. If you absolutely can't stand the kid and you truly love your fiancé, then you will let her go so she can be a mother.

I am fairly sure that your kids aren't perfect, but it doesn't sound like she is nitpicking them.

Boomer81's picture

I said in the first post my kids are not perfect. They have fits and outburst. But they dont try to set up situations where me and her get into it or pit one against the other.

Rags's picture


Welcome. I hope you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful advice from others who are living the blended family dream.

Now, my thoughts.

I have no issue with how you handled the situation. You addressed behavior. That IMHO is the solution. It is time to sit your STB-bride down and inform her that there are behavioral rules in the relationship home that all children will be held to in an age appropriate manner. Behaviors will be addressed differently for each kid depending on their respective ages. So, a 6yo will be dealt with differently than a 9yo, etc…. Then enforce the rules and apply reward and consequences for behaviors. It likely will not take long for the 9yo to be the only kid with regular consequences for inappropriate behavior. The rest of the kids will have far less frequent deviations from acceptable behavior. If you keep it about behaviors then you are on the character high ground. One rule should be that the kids treat each other with respect and if any one of them deviates they must confront that child immediately and bring it to the parent who is present. No "well last week he/she did this" crap.

Behaviors matter. They should be the target of the household rules IMHO.

Focus on the behaviors and you will not have to feel guilty and you should not have to face (much) push back from your bride regarding her feeling the 9yo is being picked on by you or any of the other kids.

This philosophy worked well for my bride and I during the 16+ years we lived under a Custody/Visitation/Support CO in our blended family. I believe that it is important for both you and your bride to keep in mind that you are equity life partners in your marriage and that makes you both equity parents to any kids in the marital home regardless of kid biology.

My Skid (SS-23 though recently adopted by me) was much like your seemingly empty shell, soul-less, devoid of personality, liar of a game junky SS-9 for a number of years at about the same age you are seeing these things in your SS. Those were the tough years of our marriage. My bride and I met when SS was 15mos old and married the week before he turned 2yo. He was a great and enjoyable toddler then when he hit the pre-teen years progressing through the Tween years and through his mid-teens it was a closely run thing as to whether it would be his mom or me that strangled him. Fortunately one of the other of us always would step in with a reprieve and the decision to give him a little more time. I am very happy and proud that his mom and I never quite aligned on doing him in. He has progressed to being a young man of character, high work ethic, and is a self-supporting viable adult. Sure, occasionally either his mother or I still want to strangle him for shoving his head up his butt but what 23yo young man hasn’t done that? We are fairly confident these days that he will be fine. He has completed year 4 of an initial 6 year USAF enlistment and just got his line number for promotion to Staff Sgt (E-5).

Deep breaths, focus on behaviors, be consistent with SS-9 and the rest of the spawn (yours and hers), you and your bride make each other and your marriage your unequivocal priority, make all of the kids the top marital responsibility, and it should all work out and even be a lot of fun.

And just maybe in about 12ish years from now SS-9 might just call and say “Mom and dad, I want dad (Boomer) to adopt me." Strange things can happen. They did for me with my blended family adventure.

IMHO of course.

Good luck and take care of you.

ctnmom's picture

You don't need to marry this woman, and she's a fool for bringing you around her kids. You hate the kid, and what do you think will happen when he's a teen? Nightmare.

Boomer81's picture

You know what i think thats uncalled for. Im not some monster i love her little girl. And i never have and never will lay a hand on either of her kids. I dont think thats the right way to deal. with any kid. I just called him out. And i think he understood. I know the trigger was when he brought my son into it. Me and my son are very close hes my baby. I pretty much soley cAred for my son while my ex wife was going through many bad personal things. I dont like how i feel. Ive never felt this way thats why im looking for awnsers. I wish i could love the boy. I wish i could connect. And i thank all of you for the positive advice.

Disneyfan's picture

If that option only came into play after the OP entered the picture, then it's a shitty move on mom's part.

If dad's a fit parent, then the kid living with him(or at least having 50/50) should have been on the table from day one.

Stormyweather's picture

I know of a woman who's given up her son so she can stay with her BF as her BF hates her son... It does happen hence why my DH has SS16 FT 365 days a year these last 3 years.

Boomer81's picture

No actually she gets less money than she should from the dad to help him out. My 3200sqft home is paid for and big enough for us for the foreseeable future.and my car as well. We both have good stable jobs. I have a side business and there are other things as well. We are not wealthy but money is not a big issue. We don't live extravagantly.

I had vasectomy after my son was born because i knew it was a matter of time before me and his mom would divorce. But we have talked about having a child we are both in our late 30's. I would love to have a child with her. But its gonna take work and money. All i can say to you sir is how i feel about this woman has never been felt by me before. The only way i can explain is create the perfect partner for you. And thats what i have. i couldnt write out on a paper what i want in a partner and better her. I would be utterly lost without her. She knows me and him have issues. She sees how hard i try

Boomer81's picture

Last post. Some have suggested to end the relationship. And its got me really thinking. I have six months until the wedding. 5 to get out. Iove my wife to be and our daughter so much. I love my inlaws. The relationship im forming with my father in law has great potential. We have alot of the same interest and background. It's not a option to leave. My son and daughter love my fiancee and she loves them like her own as well.

So i cant let one little boy disrupt the lives love and relationships. of 7 people between all of us. Im strong and no quitter. Im a fair man ive been praying about this. I will not give up on him. But in the end this is my family i run the show. Ill write up some ground rules. He can either participate or not. I will confront him him like i did from now on when he is doing his little games ill just do it with his mom there.

Boomer81's picture

Well i see you have hostiity towards strong men and i get that. But trust me this is my house me and her are a unit i hold her high and she does me as our belifes espoused. But I dont push that on anyone. I have not and will not ever lay a hand on the boy. My agression is not unfounded. He is learning ways to deal with things by lies deception and underhanded ways. If no one ever calls him out on this. Where will that get him in life. What good does that do him. How does that shape him into a good person. If he sees he can run me off with these tactics. Why should he ruin a perfect life for the rest of the family.

Boomer81's picture

I did not shove or ever touch the boy. Use of such metaphors is misleading to people scanning over this post and shows you have a bias toward me. I want a relationship with him. But im right his happiness does not overide our family unit. And it does not teach him to deal with issues directly. The kid has problems. Im right and im gonna do my best to raise him to be a honest man

jumanji's picture

>And it does not teach him to deal with issues directly.

And his mother's boyfriend saying one thing in front of Mom and something else when she's not around teaches him this..... how?

>im gonna do my best to raise him to be a honest man

You may not be the best source of this lesson - since you're not dealing with it honestly or directly.

And what is wrong with your wife that she can't discipline her child herself? That she needs someone else to stand up for her to a NINE year old? How embarrassing.

jumanji's picture

>And it does not teach him to deal with issues directly.

And his mother's boyfriend saying one thing in front of Mom and something else when she's not around teaches him this..... how?

>im gonna do my best to raise him to be a honest man

You may not be the best source of this lesson - since you're not dealing with it honestly or directly.

And what is wrong with your wife that she can't discipline her child herself? That she needs someone else to stand up for her to a NINE year old? How embarrassing.

Boomer81's picture

Really teaching a young man not to lie and decive and start fights between others is picking on him. Teaching right from wrong and showing a interst and wanting a relationship is bullying. No im sorry the boy has been taught its ok to walk all over and disrespect his mother and that dont fly with me so he dont like it. He is used to whining crying and arguing until she gives in because she is kind. And i protect her and back her up and that makes me a jerk. Nobody is gonna disrespect her the kid is just running the same game. I shut him down so he's gonna use diferet tactics. It does not help him

Disneyfan's picture

Holy cow :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Hopefully mom opens her eyes soon. I would not allow you around either child. You will destroy the relationship mom has with her son as well as the relationship the son has with his sister.

There's another poster here who is dealing with a husband who loves her daughter but hates her son. Her husband has tried pit one kid against the other. That poster is working on an exit plan to get away from him.

StepX2's picture

You and your fiancé need to be on the same page or this won’t work. Is she willing to stand with you on discipline?
One of the most important rules I had with my children was if one parent said no to something, there were consequences for going to the other parent after already being told no.

AquiousTransmissionsOverADistantHorizon's picture

RUN, run far Run fast.

Dont look back!
Dont let tears or any of that stuff keep you there.
You will regret sticking me

Disneyfan's picture

I think it's funny that you say you're a strong man who runs your home. However, you waited until mom was out of the house to lose it on a 9 year old,

Disneyfan's picture


kaehbee's picture

Jesus...what bunch of bitter women on here.
At times I can honestly say I detest my step daughter.
She is the most overindulged brat I have ever met.
I lose the plot with her , the latest being when she kept stealing my gluten free cereal (I am coeliac). Eventually after many attempts to reason with her and nothing changing I lost the plot and took all that was left and emptied the lot all over her room and screamed at her "you want my cereal have the effing lot but dont come anywhere near me ever again cos I dont hang out with disrespectful bastards"
Guess what...she stopped touching my cereal.
And you know what...there are times I cant stand my own children and yes I have lost the plot on them.
Give the bloke a break.Not liking your partners crotch dropping is normal.
But seriously ...reconsider your choice of future life partner.
Blaming the birth dad for a misbehaving child is a cop out .

enuf's picture

Ha, I wish I could say this to my dh's ds "dont care if were friends or if he likes me. I told him if i say somthing thats the way it is to stop trying to cause trouble and fights between me and his mom." In my case, my dh gets so angry if I take a deep breath when ss is around me. He babies his ds to no end. We are in the process of separating now, I will be leaving on January 6th and going across the country.

My ss is 47 years old. Listen to the other poster's and move on. I am living proof that after being with dh 26 years that his little golden shit's personality does not improve. My ss thinks my dh has a womb and is trying to crawl into it and is constantly trying to spend time with dh on a daily basis. I swear he is checking my dh to see where the umbilical is attached to him.

It will get a lot worse, I guarantee it.