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BM's parenting skills and her contradictions

ExtremeTJ's picture

Theres been a couple things that I've been wondering about and some questions and any thoughts and responses would be awesome.

1) A bit ago I posted on here with questions regarding BM threatening to obtain a restraining order against me for SD2. So our situation has changed over the last weeks. My BF started a new job this week and is on nights. Now he gets SD everyother thursday till Sunday. So now I would A) either have to look after SD thursday and Friday, which generally would be fine, but We're on opposite weekends to my son. Which he's trying to switch for various reasons, but she's being a controlling twit (that's what we call her)will not. I have my son the thrusday so not a problem but he goes back to his fathers friday for a week. So that would leave SD and I friday. Which generally ok, but I enjoy my Kid free time and do not want to commit to that. Cause that is my night out with my girlfriends. BF compltely understands and BM will have no choice but to keep SD (she is unaware of this) and to clearify there is no agreement in place court is this month. The point I'm getting at here is that the stupid twit threatens restraining order against me but is completley fine with me looking after SD those nights so she can go slut around town. What the hell. Contradicting.
(on a side funny note, because this was so last minute, BM must have had plans tonight cause she raised a stink when BF told her he had to work and she even said can't your GF watch her I have plans. Well so did I was going to a concert with a GF, but last minute she's become sick so I sold the tickets and told BF to tell BM that I sold my tickets because spending time with SD way more important than a concert, and that SD is a priority over any social outings (she doesn't need to know the truth). Shut her up pretty quick

2)BM complains BF doesn't take his daughter enough, well he asks all the time for her, but never fits her schedule. He's going for 50/50. Ex. Its our weekend and assumed would have her till monday being a holiday. She refuses and says no. Next breath you never see her. FML can't win

3)SD comes to our house sick everytime. Runny noise and cold, every single time. BF mom has her one day a week, sick everytime. By sunday when goes back to BM's she's as healthy as an ox, should there be concern, this been going on for a year being sick.

4)SD is so secluded with BM they do nothing go no where. The poor gal get's so excited over doing the simplest things that are the norm in my sons life and always have been. BM is such a control freak that she honostly thinks she has a say in what she eats and when sleeps with us. Well honey, you can shove your schedule up your A**. She eats healthier with us. As least we can affoard fruits and veggies, where as you get food stamps cause you thought a new truck was more important then food when budgetting, DUH. You can tell SD is neglected, what other 2 year old could spend an entire day in her room and she is constantly shutting her door. We go in get her to come out play go outside, things stimulating. This concerns me for simple fact that theres no social skills, she freaks going to peoples houses, going anywhere public. And just as soon sit by herself. Just to me seems signs of neglect. Would love thoughts on this.
I'm taking her to my sons hockey game tonight, hears to hoping she doesn't flip her sh*t lol

Please any thougths I know I write too much, thats a fault, have a hard time cutting out the garben