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BM getting married on MY anniversary

jnix001's picture

Well not technically....mine and DH anniversary is on a Monday and she's getting married to new baby daddy the Saturday before. Coincidence?

The day my husband told her we were getting married she got engaged two days later. Another coincidence? They broke the engagement off the next month and decided they weren't ready.

Two weeks ago DH informed her that we would be moving. And since DH is domiciliary parent SS moves with us. Two days after being informed she's engaged again.

Can anyone please help me understand what is going through this chick's mind? I mean...I'm not upset. Frankly I think it's hilarious yet sad and pathetic. Just can't seem to understand her motive behind all this.

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Simple, your DH was obviously solely at fault for the breakup of their relationship because he was a horrible, rotten person. If a horrible, rotten person can move on with his life and be happy, her delay in doing so would cast suspicions on her role as the innocent party in their relationship. She needs to move on as well because otherwise people may think maybe she was the crazy, evil one and not him. Can't have that, right?

I know it pisses whatshername off that FDH was able to move on so quickly after she left. He was, in her mind and description to others, a narcassitic emotional abuser. Um, nope. But guess who hasn't moved on yet? Think maybe the problem was in your own head a bit, perhaps?

jnix001's picture

Sorry but I'm severely confused by your last paragraph. Who are you referring to by FDH and whatshername? And exactly what problem is in my own head?

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Whoops - I really wrote that poorly. I was talking about whatshername's attitude, not yours. (Whatshername is FDH's ex.)

It should have looked like this:
I know it pisses whatshername off that FDH was able to move on so quickly after she left. He was, in her mind and description to others, a narcassitic emotional abuser. I would like to say to whatshername, "Um, nope. But how come you haven't moved on yet? Think maybe the problem was in your own head a bit, perhaps?"

I feel really bad - that was not at all directed at you. I don't always read through this stuff to make sure it comes across the way it sounds to me.... Sad

jnix001's picture

Haha thanks for clearing that up! And I agree. Her SO has actually told me before that he didn't think she had moved on...even tho be had a child with her. Sad really that he's aware of all of it and still choosing to accept it.

Orange County Ca's picture

You are a fortunate woman to have nothing but that to concern yourself with. Take it as a form of flattery.

Julies's picture

I think you are being over-sensitive. Most weddings take place in the spring and summer season. It's probably just a coincidence that her wedding is within a few days of your anniversary date and what difference does it make in the long run? It's not like it's an event you will be celebrating together or probably even with your kids much.

jnix001's picture

Wasn't being sensitive. I specifically said I wasn't upset and that I thought it was funny. Just didn't understand her motive. Yes a lot if people get married in the spring and summer but not within days of ex spouses new anniversary or engagement only days after notice of the ex spouses wedding. I was only mentioning that it was all a bit odd.

jnix001's picture

Lol! Too funny. See I can understand a relative doing something like that. My best friend does it with me a lot. When you admire someone you do what you can to...keep up so to speak. But an ex? I cannot fathom.

Toooldfor this's picture

My DH's ex got engaged weeks after we did and when we told the SK's our wedding date, she decided to get married that day too! We said "f this" called the two older kids (my bio and his oldest) who were away at college and asked if they would mind if we just flew to Vegas and got married. They both said go for it! Waited until the day before we were leaving to tell youngest stepson, then 15 and Mommy's little informer, his response was "does Mom know"? We replied no she doesn't. Within minutes of delivering him to BM's house (to stay for our "vacation") soon to be DH's cell phone was exploding with calls from BM. He turned it off. My cell phone then started exploding with calls from soon to be SS. I turned it off. We had a beautiful wedding with no drama, a fabulous honeymoon with no drama. Wedding reception at home when older sons were back from college, youngest stepson decided to go back to BMs. K, whatever!!! Wish things could have been different but our wedding and our marriage was about us and the future, not about BM and the informer. Would like to say that solved the problems, but that would be a lie :-)!

cmwolfe1264's picture

My DH's ex got married on his birthdate! She claimed that it was the only date her fiance wasn't busy traveling and was available to do it and that it fell on a Saturday in the year she got married. She also claimed she didn't realize it was her ex's birthday - rrrrriiiiggghhhhtttt like anyone buys that crap! We had to take my 2 SS (aged 13 and 15 at the time) to get fitted for their tuxedos because she never did it and we had the boys on the last weekend before the wedding was to take place so it had to be done then or else they wouldn't have tuxes to wear. What a joke that was taking them to the tuxedo place! The salesperson thought I was the boys mother and even said the youngest one looked like me - we cracked up over that one for awhile. Trust me the ex's plan stuff on meaningful dates on purpose - especially women since we NEVER forget important dates Smile

jnix001's picture

My point exactly! What I'm trying to figure out is...why? What's she getting out of this?

cmwolfe1264's picture

She doesn't want to get trumped by you and your DH and that is how she sees it. Trust me doesn't make a lick of sense but that is exactly what she is thinking! She's prolly mad that her ex got married before she did and she wants to stick it to him and you (as if you both care about it and her!) so if she gets married on the same date you two did so you two won't have that date for yourselves from this time forward. It is a classic ex-wife move if you ask me. Ridiculous, stupid ex-wife crap!..............

jnix001's picture

See the thing's almost flattering Hahaha! Because the date was originally ours. SHE'S the one having to share. I got her ex, her kid, the life she was too lazy to keep and walked away from. Now she's getting MY seconds lol. I love it. Through all the hell she's tried to put us through she actually messed in her own bed this time.