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Bipolar wife?

markwvualum's picture

It has crossed my mind if my wife is bipolar or not. The reason I ask is she seems to get very angry and flies off the handle with me frequently. Her anger is overblown for the situation. For example anytime I mention anything about her kids, how I feel or her ex she will yell at me, leave and not talk to me for days. She will say things like "well if this isn't what you want go find someone else" angrily. I guess there is no discussing anything with her, especially things about me and how I feel. There seems to be a lack of empathy and compassion and a lot of anger outbursts. She also does not sleep much and says she feels rested after 4-5 hours of sleep. She has always been this way. She also gets frequent migraines and has days where she will not leave the house because of her migraines. I've heard bipolar is associated with migraines, lack of sleep and anger rage. I'm not sure what to think or what to do at this point because she does not think she has an issue and she says the problem is me always brining things up (that I think are legitimate)

SteppedOut's picture

Seriously man. Why do you continue a relationship with her? None of the things that bother you will ever change. You can't even bring them up; much less discuss them. 

It's just like that sometimes. Be glad you do not have kids with her! Make sure you don't! It's time to either move on, or accept and be ok with all of the stuff that bothers you. 

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

I think you should stop playing armchair psychologist to dig for things to gaslight her with. 

What does she say when you bring up your feelings? What are you saying before she gets angry? Why do you bring up her ex? Are you in a situation to separate finances, pretend the ex and skids don't exist and just focus on a relationship with her?

susanm's picture

You don't like her.  She doesn't like you.  Obviously you are going to be unhappy together.  In other news, rain is wet.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

There is bipolar I and bipolar II.  But Bipolar is characterized by really high, highs (manic) and really low, lows (deep depression).  So when my aunt is in her manic face, she is very reckless.  She cheats on her partner (and gets herpes), she spends tons of money and goes into deep debt, she is awake and at all hours of the night and thinks life is grand and she is invicible and can do anything.  She is very creative in the manic stage.  She likes to feel manic.  She is very impulsive and reckless in the manic stage.  But what goes up must come down and then she falls into the deep, deep depression and will be catanoic and suicidal. 

Your wife may have borderline personality disorder.  People often get them mixed up.  But they rage and get very, very emotional and have hard times with interpersonal relationships.  There is no grey with them.  Its black and white.  They have abandonment issues.  Borderline personality is all the time.  It's not marked by periods of change like bipolar is.  My SDs' mother has borderline personality order. 

Wilhelm's picture

Sounds like a good description of bipolar. My huband and daughter suffer and I do mean ‘ suffer’ from this. You wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

it is manageable though not curable but a very stable life situation is required.

Rags's picture

I don't put much thought into the why of people's crappy behavior. I only care that they stop doing it. To make that happen I confront it each and every time they perpetrate it.

Quit letting her get away with the blow ups and call her on them until they stop... for good.  You bringing things up that bother you is absolutely legitimate.  Her blow ups are likely the result of her knowing you are right.  She has no desire to fix her crap and it is easier to intimidate you with the vitriolic threats and related toxic bullshit behavior.

Why stay by the way?

Germie2's picture

Seems to me like she could be a narcissist. My DH usually react this way and I kept wondering if it was stress , hormonal imbalances , depression or whatever that crossed my mind , until I once came across a video on narcissism, it was like it was talking about my DH . Try educating yourself about that; there are already red flags like the silent treatment, anger , lack of empathy.., 

good luck

Wilhelm's picture

My husband and daughter both have bipolar disorder, ( unrelated to each other) neither yells at me. Yes , sleep problems can be an issue, not slepping and overenergised followed by a downturn into total lethargy and unable to do much. They are never abusive. 

Yes they have to stick to a fairly strict routine and get adequate sleep keeping bedtime to the same each day.