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Beware...*uggboots* have changed

hangingin's picture

their tactics, they are now posting as *090814* and is imposing thier crap into everyone's posts!!! Just sayin!

hangingin's picture

I actually just checked out this "" site and they had a contact us section, sooo I contacted them.
They naturally wanted a name, email addy and section where you can post your info.
I wrote name as: hangingin
email as:
and to please quit posting unsolicited ads!!!

Maybe if everyone here "visited" their site, they would get the hint????


Amazed's picture

unfortunately, they'd consider it excellent advertising since people actually visited and clicked on their bullshit site.

I hate spammers...I hate them more than I hate burnt coffee...more than off-key singing...more than lots of stuff that I can't stand Smile

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Boudicca's picture

Hangingin - are you British? I just wondered because of the email addy you left. I am from England.

hangingin's picture

No sorry, just a good ole American, well TEXAN really!
It just looked alot better than a$$ to me at the time!

Boudicca's picture

Nothing wrong with being a good ole American or a Texan for that matter. I plan on applying for citizenship soon!

hangingin's picture

Well then welcome to becoming an American! Smile
I guess I also picked up some things from my cousin who defected to Australia (J/K) we "chat" on F/B alot. I haven't seen her in 20 plus years! I love F/B !!!!
