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Been going crazy

Lm0719's picture

So buckle up cuz' this is a long story. My DH and I have been together for 4 years now and married for 1. I have a 7 yo DD and we have a 9 MO baby boy, he has a 5 yo boy so SS. My daughter has always lived with us as her dad lives outside of the country and she thinks of my husband as her father although she maintains a good relationship with her bio dad. She travels every 6 months and visits for 2 weeks, SS has always been around, at first every other weekend or occasionally a full week like visiting for vacations but 8 months ago his mom said she couldn't take care of him financially and didn't have the time either and so DH picked him up with a bag full of clothes and toys and he came to live with us. My baby was just 1 month old and by then my husband worked full time meaning he left like at 5 am and came back at around 8 pm ... I'm a SAHM but I work from home giving English classes, I was on my "maternity leave" kinda time and wanted nothing but to enjoy my baby and figure out the timing for my daughter as well and suddenly I was given another kid to take care off. A kid who started pissing everywhere and soiling his pants even to he went to the bathroom ... He just wouldn't pull down his pants (was already 5 and potty trained), a kid who started being aggressive and then kinda depressive as he doesn't want to live with us,a kid who didn't know how to shower, dress, eat, go to the bathroom or clean himself (his mom did everything for him) dealing with a newborn and getting my daughter adjusted to our new family dinamic. During this time his bio mom hasn't given us a penny on child support and my DH doesn't even ask her to step up for her child. Originally it was meant to be a 6 month kinda thing but a new year has started, she has no stable job or even a decent place to live so now SS is staying over for at least 6 more months. My husband is aware of the fact that it's not fair I ended up taking care of him while both his parents were pretty much gone and has started a new job which will allow him to be home more but still refuses to ask her for child support and it really bothers me since we have a joined account and it feels as if I were taking care of the expenses too which is NOT my job. The more time SS spends here the more I resent my husband for putting me in this position where I feel like I have to take care of a kid who's not mine in every aspect! He's not a bad kid and he has gotten his potty situation under control but even tho I've honestly tried really hard I can't seem to love him as my own, I've been coming to this website to feel validated because this is the only place I've ever seen people say I DON'T HAVE TO! ... I'm just bothered by the whole situation and have a lot of resentment towards my husband, I feel like I missed the bliss of the newborn stage with my baby over being preoccupied with caring after his son and like I'm the one paying for half of his everything when it should be his mom's responsibility.

Harry's picture

It's his kid he must make a effort to take care of him. Him dumping his kid on you is unfair.  You should find some type of childcare for SS.  Pre school.,  something to get him out of your home for sometime. Seems like both BM and DH are bad parents to this kid.

Lm0719's picture

He will be starting Pre-K this month, my husband will start his new job soon too so I hope that helps? ... I think what's been bothering me the most is that money wise my daughter's father pays child support every month on the clock as it should be and if by any chance he's late for like a day my husband is all over me pushing to get him to pay yet his BM doesn't give a single dime for their kid, I never have enough money to buy something for my own kids and being that I do work it feels as if financially I'm just supporting his kid too instead of them both taking care of his expenses!

ndc's picture

One way to get the message across to your husband is to take the child support money that your ex pays and put it into an account in only your name.  If he doesn't want to pursue his ex for child support, then child support from your ex shouldn't need to go into the community kitty.

The double standard is what annoys the heck out of me - if he doesn't think CS is necessary from his ex, he shouldn't say a WORD about CS from yours.

Lm0719's picture

Thanks for the great advice! I hadn't thought of just putting it on a separate account but you're absolutely right, will do. This is just why I needed to join this community, it's hard to think straight when you're in the situation and feeling like everyone around you just doesn't get it!

Winterglow's picture

Please do this immediately. There is no reason why your ex should be paying CS for someone else's kid... because that is what it boils down to.