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Anyone who doesn't feel second best?

ChildlessSM1's picture

     I am a stepmom with no biological children of my own. I was wondering if anyone here also finds themselves feeling like relationship milestones don't matter.

    I didn't find getting our first house together exciting, he already lived with his ex. I don't want children with him because he's already been there, done that. He has already felt the excitement of his first baby, felt the tummy, watched the birth, saw his son hit all of his first milestones. I turned away a big wedding because I felt weird since he already had been married. Our first holidays being married was just something else he did before. 

   Times that should be exciting are just bleh, I don't really care. He seems to act like he cares. Does anyone else experience this? It's honestly so depressing for me, i have always dreamed of these moments. It's caused me a lot of anguish so much that I've considered leaving. Any advice? Thanks 

hereiam's picture

Maybe you should have married someone who had not been married or done anything before?

It doesn't matter that he has done these things before, it matters that he loves YOU and is doing them with YOU.

There are a lot of things that we have all done before, that doesn't mean it's not special to do them with the one we love NOW. Your milestones as a couple have nothing to do with his ex.

Unless HE is the one making you feel second best, you are creating your own issues.


ChildlessSM1's picture

Lord knows Im certainly regretting my decision now! I had no idea I'd care. I was foolish to believe a family of ours could ever compare to precious, all time consuming stepson. 

Merry's picture

DH and I were both married before, but we celebrate "firsts" all the time, and we've been married almost 15 years!

When we encounter something that we've done with our prior partners, we call it "getting rid of ghosts" and we consciously go about making the place, event, whatever something happy for US and our own.

You know you can't undo the past. You and your DH have a whole future together--celebrate it! I hate that you are giving up the things you dreamed about when you really don't have to.

ChildlessSM1's picture

Haha, getting rid of ghosts. That is perfectly fitting. Sadly I'm being haunted by  a BM who never stops harassing. Thanks for your advice. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

Getting rid of ghosts - and approaching it with positivity (and maybe laughter) instead of dread and depression.  I will have to remember that if I encounter an applicable situation with my SO.

New_to_this's picture

Reading some of your comments, it seems like there are more issues than merely feeling second best.

I used to feel the same way, but I don't anymore...not sure why. Maybe time helps or maybe not focusing on it helps. But, yeah, DH was already married with a big wedding. I'm not interested in a big wedding and he's been through it, so we just won't ever do that. I did have the same feeling when we had our first child together, but I realized one key thing with my DH, which is usually a source of major frustration, but in this case is a blessing. My DH has the worst memory in the world. No joke. So, he just never really remembered anything pregnancy related. Going through it with him was like going through it with a new dad. So, a lot of experiences feel new to him, even though he's already done it.

If you stay with him, you'll have more time to experience firsts with him and maybe that will help.

ChildlessSM1's picture

I feel like my DH has the best memory in the world. We went out to eat and he was like this where me and BM ate and she got sick, we found out that night about SS. Was like thanks for ruining my dinner lol. 

ESMOD's picture

That kind of comment really sucks.  Look.. we all know that most people we date(d) have had relationships before ours.  BUT.. seriously.. does he have to bring up his EX when there is zero reason to?  That comment did nothing useful.  There was no purpose to making it.. it was just not considerate.

In fact... you need to start being the one who gets more "pissy" about things.. sounds like he is getting short with you.. and it should be the other way around.

Next time he makes a comment like that.. deadpan look at him and say.. "You know what?.... have fun sitting here and enjoying your meal with the ghost of your past relationship.. I'm out of here".  Then leave.. if you drove.. leave him sitting there needing a ride.. if he drove.. call an uber.

If you want to be nice to him at a different time to try to explain your position.. it is clearly.

I feel that you are not over your ex because you bring her up in casual conversation all the time.. and not in relationship to issues that currently involve your child.  It makes me feel like you miss her and that makes me feel second best.  YOU are the one bringing her up....not me.

ESMOD's picture

Have you ever heard jana kramer's song I got the boy? It is from an ex perspective how she got the boy but the wife got the mAture man. I am a no bio step mom and while the ex caused a number if idsues...  I was jealous of the time of his she got. But I never felt I was second best to.her in any way. He has chosen you... if you are unsure of the status of his current situation...of course make sure but...everyone is going to have experience before us... it in some ways could be reassuring that he might be able to help u through some things because he has done them before. But seriously...if you love him and believe he I loves you... the ex situation shouldn't make you feel less. Now of course having a step kid means some level of ex in your life

But that doesnt cheapen your relationship 

hereiam's picture

I was foolish to believe a family of ours could ever compare to precious, all time consuming stepson. 

Sadly I'm being haunted by  a BM who never stops harassing.

So, the issue is not just about your milestones as a couple. If he is making you feel second best because he spends all of his time on his son or dealing with BM, that is something else altogether.



ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Nope. Because every milestone is an us. Our first anniversary he literally have me a note in a bottle because it was the "paper" anniversary. It was the sweetest thing.

Make your own firsts. Because it's a first for you two together!!! My DH was my first everything (will continue to be so), and while we've had our struggles (a TON of them... You can ask anyone on here... lol) I've never felt like our firsts aren't special. All any of their "firsts" represent are a failed relationship. Our firsts represent two people who are in love.

As stepparents there's already a LOT of time spent dwelling on "what ifs" if you dwell too far on "not being first" it'll be overwhelming. Think of it differently. You may not have been his first, but you sure as he!! could be his last. And that means so much more.

Psycho harrasses us all the time. Why? Because she's an insecure crazy person. Ignore the wh0re. Vent here when she really gets to you and work things out with your DH. Just because she's a harassing loon, doesn't mean you can't enjoy your firsts with your DH.

ESMOD's picture

It sounds like the root of all these issues is your perception that if his EX had not discarded him.. he would still be with her and you are only there because she dumped him... a poor excuse for a consolation prize.. the 2nd place trophy.. etc...

A 2nd and equally worrisome issue is that you don't entirely TRUST that he is being honest with you about when they actually split and think there may even to this day still be something between them.

Now.. this could be a reality.. or it could be "all in your head".

There are two ways to view this.. the emotional side.. but also the fact based and logical side.

1.  Why do you think that he would have rather had her?  Did he actually tell you this?  Does he still tell you this.. I mean literally.. not in round about ways that you read into his knowledge about labor..    orrrrrr... is this perhaps coming from interactions with outside and not entirely impartial sources?

Does his mom tell you these things?  Maybe other relatives that might have been "team BM" during their split? Do you think that perhaps what they are saying isn't really true and just designed to get your goat and hurt you and drive you away.. they could be absolute lies.

2.  So.. what if when you were first dating he was maybe still seeing both of you.. but he is not really wanting to admit it... Ultimately he chose not only to continue dating you... but marry you.  Doesn't that speak volumes as to what he truly wants? 

3.  Maybe he doesn't miss her.. but I think a lot of people mourn a failed relationship a little.. even if they know it wasn't a good one for them.  But.. again .. he chose you.

4.  Why did you marry someone if you were so sure their heart wasn't available for you?  If you truly feel that he isn't in love with you.. do yourselves both a favor and make a break so you can both pursue what you want.

In the end.. you both have to be honest with each other.. and if you can't get past his past.. it's not fair to punish him for something he can't control.



ChildlessSM1's picture

I can't move without him mentioning her. I can't go a day without hearing about BM. Haha, and while I may not be sure he's cheating on me every time he goes to visit his family (who live near her) he always comes back smelling like perfume and has his privates shaved. I Don't know why he'd need to do that to see his mom. He lied to me about being friends with her on social media, before he'd hand me his phone to play music in his car he'd wipe all of his text messages. And of course as soon as we got married and moved in together things changed. He didn't do these things until after I said I do. It couldn't be that easy! 

ESMOD's picture

Honey.. it's pretty clear he is gaslighting you.. trying to make it seem like it's YOUR problem... and he isn't causing it.

Unless your DH has made a habit of going to get a brazilian.. as part of his regular grooming.. there is zero reason why he should return home with that area of his body any different than when he left.

Now... smelling of perfume in itself??? well.. mom could be wearing it.. or he could have gone to a store where it was sprayed near him.

Or... maybe he is trans and is going off and being a woman when he leaves?

For whatever reason.. he is outright not being honest with you..

You don't trust him and he has given you ample reason to not trust him.

He doesn't make you feel cherished and at this stage.. if that magic is gone.. why bother?

He actually is making you question your value.  No one should make you feel less than..

He hasn't "gotten over" his ex.  Constant reminders of  I may admit that occasionally I might say something about one of my exes.. but it usually isn't in a positive light at all.

No.. he shouldn't have to Prove his love.. but it's so obvious that you aren't feeling loved.. and there really isn't a way for him to prove something that to be honest.. doesn't appear to be real.  I'm not sure why he married you.. maybe a  baby sitter? maybe you earn good money? not sure.. but unfortunately.. it doesn't seem to be out of genuine love for you.

ChildlessSM1's picture

Only if I could prove him cheating, thatd really help me make my decision. Sometimes I feel like I just read to much into things. I've asked him about different things and he always says I'm crazy, that he loves me. He doesn't have a vehicle or anything (he uses mine) but the incident I'm speaking of with the shaving thing he borrowed it to go see his family and was supposed to come back that night, he kept using it for THREE DAYS. I've tried to break up with him once or twice because I feel the love is disingenuous but he always screams and cries and has a meltdown and I end up staying. He says he'd never do anything to hurt me.  Why can't this stuff ever be easy? 

Merry's picture

I worked with a guy once who was closeted trans. He would go off for several days at a time after telling his wife he was going to the store for an errand. I felt sorry for him, and for his wife. Although surely she knew--I wasn't close enough to her to talk about it.

I don't think your story is really about "firsts." It is about being unhappy in a relationship. I'd be making a plan to get out of this particular relationship.

hereiam's picture

So much more going on than mentioned in the first post.

It doesn't sound like this is the man, nor the relationship, for you. He's not honest with you and you are not happy and do not trust him (and I can see why).

If you were happier on your own, than with him....well, that says it all.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I find it best to NOT concentrate on "firsts". After all, there are MANY firsts that I did not have with my DH (or vice versa). First kiss, first dance, first love, first loveR, first car, etc...

Instead, I consider the things in which I will be LAST. DH's last wife, last kiss, last lover. We will grow old(er) and gray(er) together. Enjoy retirement (hopefully!). Take dream vacations together. Regardless of what DH did first with someone else, I'm his final choice for the rest (and best) of his life.

ChildlessSM1's picture

I come from a religious family and most of those things are my firsts, sigh. Dream vacations? Retirement? Do those words mean "support stepson" because that is something I see in my future too. Lol 

ChelsSeg's picture

You know I experienced this too and struggled but honestly my mom gave me some good talking too. He may have had those experiences but they were not with the right person. So even though he got to experience them it’s completely different when you experience it with the right person. I am sure he is being genuine when he gets excited about these experience because to him they are different. Don’t deprive yourself of these times or don’t do something because of that. When it’s with the right person who loves you and values you it’s completely different and I think we can all relate to that. Hoping this helps *biggrin*

Siemprematahari's picture

I have never felt or been made to feel 2nd best. Although I was my H's 1st marriage and he had kids before our child together everything we did was like our 1st time. It was our 1st time together and it was a different experience. We truly enjoyed each other's company and what the other had to offer. Everything was fun, not forced, it came naturally.

Unless he's actively making you feel this way by pointing things out and making a big deal out of it I think its truly your perception of it. Your relationship is what you both make it ,whether he's been there or done that before, its not the case with you so make it memorable and fun. Create new memories and don't focus so much on whether he's done it before or not. Look at it as a new chapter in both of your lives where you can make it however you see fit. The more you focus on what he had and did with the ex, it will only diminish what you want and are trying to create with him.

CLove's picture

it took a lot of time and internal work, because at first I really did have an issue with his "past". I do not have my own children and really resent her for having been able to, and felt really bad that he had them with her and not me.

- It sounds like there are other issues at play here, rather than "Firsts". Please elaborate. From your comments, you think that there was/is an over lap between you and BM. Not trusting him is a root cause of your "meh". I also had this problem, because now-DH was separated and "going through the transition", meaning they were still hanging out, while he and I were getting to know each other, and they were still physically intimate. I had not known this until a few months after he and I decided to be together in a relationship.

- He talks down to you, it sounds like from your comments. He is dismissive of you, and you interpret him as being phony about your relationship, which is another root cause of your "Meh". I do not have this problem, DH and I are respectful, but we have things to work on. He is very loving and kind. If something is ridiculous, he notes it, but about someone's pregnancy, he doesnt downgrade someone elses experiences. That would cause me to pause...

- The All cosuming SS? So you are being made to feel like you are last on the list above SKid and BM, is my guess from that brief comment. That also would be a root cause of your "Meh". DH puts our relationship first, puts me first. We have  along history and have had long discussions. But thats the short version.

I would suggest couples/marriage counseling.

ChildlessSM1's picture

We became serious very fast. I wasn't very interested (I even gave him a fake number at first lol) but he was determined and at some point it became flattering. If we ever went through a stage where he didn't expect me to be exclusive to him, it would be fine but since the beginning he has been jealous (he was annoyed when I was around guys from work, laughing with the clerk at the checkout isle) but then has the audacity to admit he was still with BM? I've tried to accept being last on the list as I try to put myself in his shoes, but he refuses any sort of marriage counseling.


ldvilen's picture

I don't usually come right out and say this, but leave, and see a counselor yourself to figure out how to best do so.  This guy is closeted about something, which means he is hiding something, and the scarier part is you don't know what he's hiding.  He doesn't have a car, and then he takes yours for three days, when he was only supposed to have it for one, tops, and then comes back with a Brazilian and smelling like Chanel to boot?  This guy could be hiding anything from enjoying the drag scene once in a while, to having an "affair" with BM, to being a serial killer, and anything in between.  Whatever it is, do you think it is worth hanging around living with and possibly having children with this guy until you find out? 

And, you don't need to prove anything.  If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck.  If he subtracts from your life, rather than adds to your life, that is all you need to know.  No one is put on this planet to give up their life for someone else's, unless they so choose.  And, unfortunately it is not all that uncommon for many non-steps to expect steps to do just that--give it up or suck it up, time and time again.  If you don't want to settle for sloppy seconds, then don't.  I'm a childless SM too, and I know I'd much rather be by myself than live my life being another family's indentured servant or free babysitter with benefits or handmaiden.  If your DH won't work with you and he is hiding something (and he is), then I'd say your choice is clearer than you think.