Alight at the end of the tunnel?
We've been to see our solicitor this week in preparation for a dispute hearing at court on Monday. Up to now I've been feeling like there's no end in sight and I've been feeling more and more hopeless, but after seeing the solicitor it seems that it could all be over on Monday. I'm suddenly feeling hope, an emotion I thought was lost to me.
In brief, we've taken BM2 to court for fair access to SS12 and SD9 as she was constantly using them as a weapon and playing on BF's guilt at being the one who left. She's the kind of idiot who would argue that the sky was pink. She sees everything as a game that she must win, and we felt that court was the only way of getting what's right and fair for BF and the skids. Regardless of what the outcome is on Monday, if they can reach an agreement, she shouldn't be allowed to do these things anymore and the skids can get the stability they so desperately need. And maybe, just maybe, she won't domiinate my every waking thought!
Has anyone else been through court and come out smiling? I'd love to hear some success stories of life going back to normal after a court ordeal (a messy one!) - anyone...?!
I just want my life back!
Court for us, just seemed to
Court for us, just seemed to make her more hostile. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. When they turn 18 or are PAS'd out of your life, peace does come back. For us, we have full custody of one and no relationship with SD18 and it is working great. SS is excelling. But, his mom chose her daughter over SS16. He couldn't take the drama when BM got SD full time, so he wanted to be with us, so back to court we went. But, since he was over 13, she settled right before court and gave up custody of him. Almost 4 years later, he is thriving and sees her every once in awhile, but she has no input into his life.
That sounds like such an
That sounds like such an ideal situation! BM got incredibly hostile at the beginning of the court stuff, withheld the skids, changed plans, etc etc etc, but we're hopeful that once we have an order in place, either she'll crawl back into her hole, or the things she tries won't have any effect because the court order covers everything it needs to. Fingers crossed for Monday!