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Advice needed on how to beat BM at her PAS

HadEnoughx5's picture

BM was found guilty of Parental Alienation of my SD11 and my SS9 (at the time). BM did everything to alienate the children from BF so he would be forced to make a decision between them or me (that's my theory).

I had a great relationship with the skids until BM started eating away at my relationship with SD. SD behavior got so out of control that BF told her to not come back to our home this past June. It's been heaven around here!! Now, BM is working overtime on the relationships I have with both SS's ages 10 and 11.

The other day, SS10 called BM asking for her SO to talk about football. He wasn't home, he was working. During the call, the battery to the phone died and disconnected them. SS got another phone and called BM back. I could hear him saying "no, the phone stopped working" She was asking him I had anything to do with it. Then SS put the phone on speaker, and BM was giving SS the number at work to call SO, and then said "OK, well I'll see you tomorrow...I love you..."

This would sound like a "normal" relationship of mother and son, but not for BM. BM does not say I love you freely to her children, nor is she affectionate with them. It's an act, to piss me off or make me jealous.

Also, I had taken SS11 shopping to get him supplies for his school sport. We told BM in an email what we had done. BM was pissed and basically told we shouldn't have done that and she was not paying for her portion of the extracurricular activities. The next time he came over he started to ridicule me for buying those things for him. My answer to him was "If your sister and brother get things for their sports, than why shouldn't you get special things for your sport?" He thought about it for a minute and agreed with me.

I can hand situations better with SS11 than with SS10, and he is the one I had a very close relationship with. Now that BM is smothering him with care and love (which he never got from her)how can I address the PAS with him? How do I handle him from becoming alienated from me?

Anon2009's picture

There's this really good DVD called Welcome Back Pluto that can help combat pas. It's great for kids in his age range. You can find it by googling Dr. Richard Warshak and going to his website. They have a link there for that and other materials that can help kids who deal with pas.

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Who found BM guilty of PAS? Are any consequences being enforced? That's the problem. Everybody knows our BM PAS's the kids, but nobody does anything about it. We finally got a Parenting Time Coordinator in place who helps some, but honestly, I don't know how strong a personality he has and how effective he can be. We also have a Psychologist involved. He had SS watch the DVD with DH and BM. Then they're all going to meet. Definitely watch the's excellent. Hopefully it will help all of you understand PAS. If you're going to have the kids watch it, you might consider doing it with the guidance of a therapist.

Therapists have told my DH...just keep loving them, don't get drawn into the drama, be a good example by your actions, and don't take anything personally. Good luck!

HadEnoughx5's picture

We had to have a psychologist who's specialty is Custody Evaluations. Custody Evaluator's are like the eyes behind the scenes for Judges. Our evaluator saw the "parroting" that SD was doing of BM and was talking about things that children should not be discussing at her age. BM of course decided to have the evaluator cross examined on the stand during our trial (we are in a high conflict court now). The evaluator is well known in the court system and BM did not stand a chance in shaking his testimony.

The judge threatened BM that she was going to award 50/50 custody against her better judgement. If there were more problems the judge was going to give BF full custody of the kids. BF is filing motions against BM again because she doesn't stop.

We showed the kids the DVD Welcome Back Pluto. They saw their sisters behavior and we explained we didn't want this to happen to them. They apparently went home and told BM they saw it. Reemed my hubby a new asshole for showing it to them and accused him of alienation from his daughter (because she got so bad he kicked her out of the house because of BM's damage).

I just don't know what the answer is anymore Sad

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

My skids do the parroting thing too. BM actually showed SD the actual divorce agreement. I'm sure there's full disclosure about everything in that house. SD has used the divorce agreement against DH at times. Totally inappropriate. Our BM also tries to discredit any professional who doesn't agree with her (most of them). I don't know what the answer is either. I'm thinking just wait it out until they're 18. Only 5 more years!

Are you ready for full custody if that's what it comes down to?