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50/50 visitation and Extra Days

mskaye2012's picture

My bf sent me a video of his son wrestling. Honestly, I didn't even open the video because I don't even care. I have somehow disengaged to the point where I don't care about anything he does. In my mind I was thinking send it to his mother. My bf pays $1,300 in child support and have 50/50 visitation. He is also behind on his bills, so I don't understand why I come home and his son is there for additional days and he didn't even bother to ask me. I don't understand why the BM allows him to come over for more days, because I would want to spend time with my son. In this case, I understand why she ships him to dad because he is more than a hand full. My issue is, if BM is going to send him for extra days then send him some cash for those extra days. If Bf is going to accept the son for extra days then he should be prepared to watch him all the time. If Bf has something to do on his visitation then he needs to make arrangements with the son's mother. I no longer take his son with me anywhere. He is not my responsibility, therefore how far does disengagement go? Am I too far? His son came over on an extra day and instead of being home I went to lunch with my friends, came home and cooked dinner and left back out to go to the movies and came home at 11pm.

smithsgirl's picture

Definitely not. As a mother, I wouldn't even consider leaving my son with his step mum. Only because if his father is doing something then I'm more than happy to be spending time with him.

3familiesIn1's picture

This is me too. If my XH can't be around for his time - its not the SM's job to watch my kids. I love the time I have with my kids so I just keep them. I like the SM well enough, that really has nothing to do with it. I certainly don't appreciate BM and DH dumping their kids on me, why would I do that to SM and make her resent and hate my kids?

mskaye2012's picture

Oh I am SURE that in her self righteous mind that she thinks the boy is with his father. However, realistically she must know that if I live there then the responsibility obviously is not only on the father. I let my bf know that I am tired of repeating myself over and over again. If he doesn't want to use consideration in asking me before his son comes over on extra days or if he wants to keep giving his ex wife free money than his son is never to be left in my care and its HIS responsibility. If my bf has stuff to do (because he has a part-time job) then he needs to make arrangements with the boys mother since she is the only one benefiting from the extra income. No more talking until my face turns blue... Let her sacrifice her time and energy.