“Not keeping his hands to himself”
Teacher send a note home saying SS Disrupting class and not keeping his hands to himself can we please talk to him. SS is in 7th grade so what could she mean by “not keeping his hands to himself”. To me that is a term you would use in kindergarten not middle school.
It means he's groping other
It means he's groping other kids ... Maybe he thinks pinging bra straps is funny. Maybe he gets his kicks by grabbing boobs ... Who knows - ask him. And make damn sure he knows it's wrong.
Great. If he keeps it up, he
Great. If he keeps it up, he could get suspended.
My formerSS used to get notes
My formerSS used to get notes such as this (or calls to my formerSO) every other week or so. "Talking too him" never seemed to help.
A couple times that they dared mention suspension formerMIL would go to the school and give excuses and bitch at them... I mean, after all, you know his parents are divorced?!? Don't you know how traumatic that is? How dare they further hurt his feelings!?!
They didn't suspend and down played a lot, probs so they didn't have to deal with her crazy ass more than they HAD to.
We did ask him
and he denied doing it. He lies frequently. This is a kid who “Bit” other kids till he was 8 so god only knows what the teacher Meant.
Actually, this is very common
Actually, this is very common for 7th graders. My sister teaches 7th grade and has to repeatedly tell the studnets (esp the boys) to keep their hands to themselves. More common among average than above average students.
Contact the teacher and ask
Contact the teacher and ask exactly what she meant.
Why would she send such a cryptic note?
He could be hitting other kids or touching them inappropriately.
Or he could be removing his hands and lending it to other people.
Make the teacher clarify so you know what you are dealing with.
Skidly should be told that continuous touching could end up with an assault or sexual harrassment charge.
He should be told in no uncertain terms that touching other people without their permission is wrong.
If he is lying, he should be disciplined for that also.
That's very vague for an
That's very vague for an email home I'm not sure why they wouldn't have provided more specific information. I would ask for details or a meeting.
To me, it doesn't sound as if
To me, it doesn't sound as if the infraction is sexual (groping, pinging bra straps). That would (should) be an office referral. To me, it sounds more like touching other students on the arm, shoulder, top of head when passing by. Annoying as heck to the other students.
The only way to be sure what it is is to contact the teacher.
SS knows exactly what the note is about. He's been talked to by the teacher and has continued the behavior. He's either going to get slugged by someone whose sick of it or some girl's parent is going to file a harassment claim.
SO asked for clarification and the teacher emailed
Back. Guess SS is “Distracting” the other kids when the teacher is trying to explain the daily lesson. Of course they Were not clear what the Distractions were but I’m guessing talking and maybe the “not keeping hands to himself”. SS’s “Distractions” are causing him to miss and the other kids the daily lesson which leads them to not understand what is Expected of them. I’m not sure why more Discipline actions have not been taken by the teacher as it sounds like it’s a on going issue
that's still seems vague I
that's still seems vague I don't know why they wouldn't provide specific examples if this is something being sent home where they want the parent to talk to the kids about it. I guess ideally the child would fess up and it could be a conversation but that's not always the case.
That's as specific as DH is
That's as specific as DH is going to get in an email. If DH wants details he needs a phone call or a conference. With either of those he can ask for clarification of what happened.
If this were my kid, I'd probably say: Listen, son. I know and you know, you know exactly what you did to cause the teacher to email me. And, I'm telling you that it is in your best interest to cut it out. You are responsible for your behavior (both acceptable and not). You need to apologize, in writing, to the teacher. (I want to see it after you write it and I will check with the teacher to be sure she has received it.) And please note, that if I receive a similar report from any teacher in the future, there will be consequences that you will not like.
Another question...
should we forward the email the teacher sent us to SM? I’m sure she knows already as she knows everything but the email did not have her name on it. Or should we just Assume if it was that important the school would have told both parents
Need to talk to the teacher. The Teacher may not want to leave a trail in writing at this point. Something that will be forever there. As a good parent, DH was given enough information to go forward to get to the bottom of this. Or DH going to be a BAD parent and stick his head in the sand, as in let BM handle it , let anyone else handle it. Not my child
Time for a parent teacher
Time for a parent teacher conference. Get the facts, apply escalating misery inducing age appropriate consequences until this 7th grader POS gains clarity.
If he is bullying others or groping other kids is a major ass beating by his peers. Not just a bloody nose but a very painful bloody, bruising lesson that he will never forget.
That is what it took for my ime as a taget for bullies to end when I was in 7th and 8th grade. For this toxic spawn, that lesson cannot come soon enough.
IMHO of course.