Buckets and Peeps
Hello Everyone!!
My name is Kevin The Man (named by godson and it stuck ) and I would like to first say that this is an awesome site and I have gained A LOT of insight as to my own behavior and that of my SO with the very valuable comments from very wise blogging people. The abbreviations take a bit to get used to though (meh).
My current issue is a toughie for me and the sole purpose for me seeking out this site. I have had the most wonderful relationship with my SO and her two boys, ages 8 and 12, an experience that has enriched my life so very much for eleven months. Well, we met twelve months ago and the past one has been the very hardest. Last month I mentioned that I was going to lose my roomies because they have decided to purchase a house and although I am very happy for them this is where my troubles began. My SO and I have talked a bit about moving in together and the second it got real in her eyes, the trouble began.
1. The Bucket- Looking over my computer screen one evening I saw copious amounts of dog toys littering the living room and decided to become proactive and clean them up. I went to the garage and found a bucket that had, just a month before, held plaster from where I had torn into the ceiling to fix a leaky pipe. Placing all of the toys, except for a few favorites into the bucket I was satisfied that I had done a good job. The SO didn't like the idea and started to hen peck me with little cutting statements about said bucket. I, moving quickly, went to corner emptied contents into corner and replaced bucket in garage. Her issue, or so she said, was that I didn't ask about using the bucket.
2. Peeps- Just over a week ago I was in the living room watching TV with the boys and wanted to get a snack. Looking around her kitchen I didn't see anything right off that enticed me, until....I remembered.....THE PEEPS!!! Yeah, there was still a pack up in the cupboard where she stashes her coveted jelly beans. I broke open the twelve pack, put six in a zippy, and proceeded to dole a few to the boys and then munch on the rest. I have never caught such hell and agony over puffed marsh-mellow treats in my entire life. It soon became, 'Kevin does whatever Kevin wants, and you didn't ask me for the Peeps'.
Wow, I have had such a tough time with both issues because I see the things within reason as being his, hers, theirs, such as a TV or an iPod, or a purse. I wouldn't EVER go there without asking. I am one of the most polite people I know. A bucket though?? The boys are now watching my big screen flat panel in their living room, the leak that ruined the kitchen is fixed and the ceiling is being saved for. The morning of the Peeps I bought biscuits for breakfast, chicken for the grill for dinner and a new bottle of propane to cook said chicken with. I have never had to ask for food from a loved one before. She wants me to ask permission for things I do not deem permission worthy. Oh, when Peeps were purchased, I bought some too but didn't feel like Easter Peeps so I only had a few. They must have had the rest.
Just yesterday I found out that our vacation to Tybee has been moved back a week after I took the days off months ago, and the current event informed grandma stated that she wanted it to be just them without me and asked if I wouldn't come, (we have been fighting too much). This, along with her saying that we have fundamental differences as far as 'asking permission' for things and now wouldn't be a good time to move in, has me thinking negatively about our relationship and its staying power. But she tells me she still loves me and is in love with me and wants to work through this so I have extremely mixed signals. She is a tough nut as far as compromise goes it seems.
She used to get mad at not rinsing off dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. (that is what it is for, right?? (on a side,side note we are talking chip grease rinse, not potato fallow rinse)) I have been putting my best foot forward and although she tried to get onto me about it the other day, I left her without words when I stated that although I may miss doing it all the time, I am doing my best and I reason that I am rinsing them 5000% more than I did before I met her. So, she is a tad reasonable.
I hope my first post here has you all giggling a bit but I really hope that you all can offer some insight into this and help me to make her a happier woman so I can be a happier man (and not ruin my summer, haha!!)
Thank bunches,
Kevin The Man
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Kevin The Man - Long sorry
Welcome!! You made me GASP!! I too, do not like the tone of this woman! She sounds like my ex's wife to some extent. "You can provide for me.. but don't ask me to provide for you". Here's a short story (sorry I'm always a long winded blogger!!) BioMom (my husband's ex) met a new boyfriend. New boyfriend of course always takes BioMom out. Well, one night, he's moving (he lost his house in his divorce) and asked BM to pick up some Chinese food on his moving day. He said he'll pay her back for it when she gets to his house. BM does this, but then complains and gets in an argument with new boyfriend because (1) he asked her to pick something up and PAY for it!! Oh no!! and (2) when she showed up, he was moving a couch with a buddy and he did not drop everything to come over and say hello to her and help her take the chinese in the kitchen. The reason I know this story is because BM was upset about this guy and was venting to my husband (her Ex!!). He told her to give the guy a break... and that she was being unreasonable. Does this behavior sound familiar???
You seem like a very nice guy and I have to say that the 2 things that she argued about with you are trivial. I think for her it is about control. She may be fearing that she'll lose her own "space" and the ability to run her own household if you move in. She may be fearing the commitment - because it is even more real when you live together. Combining households, paying bills together, etc - that's SCARY business!!
But SERIOUSLY COME ON.... I was single for a long time so I can understand the fear of moving in together. But she's picking the wrong battles. They are little battles though, which is what is making me wonder if it's fear. HOWEVER YOU ARE RIGHT. You should not have to ask to eat Peeps! Please!! It irritates me just to think about it!! What about SHARING?
The bigger issue that I see is the re-planning of the vacation without your knowledge. That's really unfair and not cool at all. You took days off of work. I can see if she came to you and expressed the concern about grandma, but then you, sounding like the guy you are, may have backed out, without her re-planning it without you. If it happened to me, I'd have been PISSED. It's a very inconsiderate thing to do to say the least. Would she have been understanding if you did the same thing back to her?? Also, where is grandma hearing the negative? From your girlfriend. So, again, not a cool thing for her to do.
I don't doubt that you are having second thoughts. The only thing I can suggest in this case is to look really hard back at the last 12 months with realistic and open eyes. And be honest with yourself. HAS HER BEHAVIOR ALWAYS been this way, but you just didn't notice as much because you had your own space? (Really think about this one!!) Or is her behavior changing because you want to take the next step? If she's always been that way - please don't move in with her. You shouldn't be a meal ticket and handyman for someone that doesn't appreciate it (My DH says that his ex always wanted his paycheck, not him
) If her behavior is changing because you want to take the next step, I'd suggest some serious communication between you two. Possibly even counseling - for just a session or two to help her understand. You don't have to be married to see a counselor. My DH and I went for 1 session about an issue we were struggling over very early in our relationship when we were dating. It helped us immensely. It was a small issue and it turned out to be the way we were communicating!
Good luck and let us know how it goes!! Welcome!
I'm going to be blunt to me like you were with me (and I appreciate) smell the bacon cooking..this woman sounds very selfish and not willing to compromise with you.
You sound like an AWESOME guy..I would seriously reconsider staying with this woman (from what you've said)
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Is she your mommy or your SO
I'm having a hard time figuring out what her role is... sounds like she's so used to being a mommy to her two boys that you have sadly tumbled into her mommyland. It seems there are underlying issues in regard to the peeps debacle. Mothers of boys are a different kind of woman. I'll probably catch some heat for this from the other moms but mothers of boys can be domineering,strict, and controlling. Most of the time boys are really tough as children and teens so these moms feel they have to be extra rigid with them in order to get respect in the home. Now it could be that your BF/GF honeymoon is over (you are hitting the year mark afterall) and her true colors are coming out OR she doesn't like the scary idea of moving in together. You should just ask her. Make sure she understands that you are NOT to be treated like one of her boys and that you deserve to be respected as an adult without all the ridiculous nit-picky junk surrounding it. Word to the wise though, you seem like a tolerant man but why not spend time with a woman who doesn't want to mother you...unless you're into that sort of thing }:)
"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”
Hello and Welcome..
Love the name, kudos to the godson.
I'm just going to throw this out there because I try to be proactive in my approach to conflict.
Moving in with someone who is adept to living on her own and supporting her children can be tough. She is probably over critical only because she is struggling with the change to her once perfectly balanced world.
Sure she is overreacting, but I think this is not any sign that she is not absolutely head over heels in love with you.
Let me tell ya, I know this because I sounded just like your little snatch of a girlfriend when my husband moved in to my home.
Give her a little time to get used to you but don't accept being talked to like a moron. "Settle down" is my husband's favorite response when I start harping in on him. I think your comedic approach to her ridiculousness is your biggest ally... I think it's how my husband copes and deals with me best.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
For about eight years. The
For about eight years. The oldest was four and the youngest unborn when her ex and her divorced. He was an irresponsible guitar rocker and did what irresponsible guitar rockers do.
Hi Kevin
When my husband and I first contemplated moving in together before we were married, I wanted him to move into my apartment only because I loved it and it was in a great location. He however insisted that we find a new apartment so that we could avoid the his / her territory issue. In retrospect I realized he was right. If he had moved into my apartment I think I would have still felt like it was "my" place and I'm sure this would have made him feel uneasy. I don't know if finding a new place for all of you is an option?
I agree with the others that she may be reacting to the stress of the new living arrangements and hopefully she will relax once she's more comfortable. By the same token I don't believe you should have to ask her permission to scratch your butt just because it's her place. My advice would be to be honest with her and explain to her how uneasy and awkward this makes you feel (girls like it when you share your feelings with them). And to be fair to you, I think she way overreacted to the peeps and bucket issues...I don't know, maybe she thinks the bucket is ugly? (I know, I know...you think it's practical though, right?) I think the perfect solution there is to decorate the bucket with the peeps
Hahaha, I wonder how that
Hahaha, I wonder how that would go over, asking for a bucket covered in Peeps for Fathers Day!!!