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I'm worried

Hanny's picture

I don't blog too much, but have been on this site for a long time. I'm worried!

My BF's ex (biomom) told him this morning that her BF asked her to move out. He did this a few months ago too, but they saw a counselor and have been trying to work things out. Both of his kids moved out because of biomom, she manipulative, and extremely demanding. So now that his kids have moved out..he's asked her and the 2 skids 15 &20) to move out. They've lived together since my BF and her separated...more than 7 years ago. I can only think of all the crap that is going to come down because of this. She's continued for 7 years trying to manipulate my BF...he's gotten 100% better...but still plays the 'if I don't play along...she will turn my girls against me...what's the hard of being friends with my ex". You've all heard it. I pretty much haven't let her bother me for the past year or more, just accepted it for what it was. But I'm sure things will change now that she doesn't have a BF to pay rent. And she's always insisted on private school, don't think she can afford private school, rent, and all the enabling she does for the girls on what she makes and child support. He doesn't pay for 20 year old, just 15 year old, but I'm sure she's going to try for more. She wouldn't get any more if she took him to court because when they divorced she wasn't working full time and didn't have her degree, now she works full time and has her degree. But that doesn't mean she won't guilt him into all kinds of things.

I'm not sure I'm up for this. The baggage has been bad enough for the past 5 years...but this is only going to make it worse.


mystiery's picture

that you have to go through something like that. To be honest what I would do, is I would talk to my BF about the concerns. Let him know that you do not think that you can take another round of stress from this and both of you come up with a plan for all possible situations and let him know that he is expected to stick to the agreed upon actions. Hopefully that will relieve some stress on your part and also lets both of you be ready when something may or may not happen. Good luck!

Stick's picture

AT this point, you could possibly go for custody of 15 year old, if you wanted, since 15 year old now does not have a place to live. Would that work for you? It could cut down on BM crap and also DH having to pay CS

Hanny's picture

I think it might be more like the 20 year old would move in with BF. We do not live together, so either way if 15 or 20 year old moves in with would definitely change our relationship, since I do not spend night with BF when he has his daughter(15), 20 year old doesn't stay over anymore, which is every weekend except 1 a month. We mostly spend Sunday - Thursday together, then he gets her on Friday night until Sunday night. I will do things with them..but never spend the night!

October8's picture

is a legitimate one, especially if it's going to affect your time with BF.

Why does Bm think she can get more $?

One can only hope!

Hanny's picture

I think she knows she can't get more $ legally. So she will try guilting BF for more! You know, poor SD will have to go to public school now...sort of thing. She's good at it!