OT - What do your stepkids call you?
My SD has always called me by my nickname - the name everyone else calls me. I never expected anything else. Certainly not Mom - she has one of those! And not Miss xxx when I was dating her dad!
What was kind of funny is that after I married her dad, I picked up her and some of her friends one night after a get together and one of them said to me "Nice car, Mrs DH" and I was confused! Seriously! I was like, who is she talking to??!! And then I realized, oh yea! I'm Mrs. DH!! It also made me feel very very O-L-D. (I know I know I am O-L-D, but every once in a while it gets shoved in your face even more!!)
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My skids and I have
My skids and I have nicknames for eachother. I call them pickle and monkey.They call me swiss cheese without the holes or cheese for short.I think it is fun that we have nicknames for each other.They also call me by my first name..Sometimes SS9 calls me Mommy.I dont mind but I hope he never says it in front of BM. I have talked to him and told him that I am ok with whatever he wants to call me as long as its not mean.However the whole mommy thing should be kept at our home. I say this only because I dont want BM to be hurt and take it out on SS9.
It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
Emily Dickinson
I LOVE Pickle and Monkey!! How cute! Can't you kind of just see into the future and someday maybe they'll call their kids Pickle and Monkey?? Love it love it love it
My DH calls SD14 monkey, and SD 21 binker.
Her whole room here is done in monkeys. It's childish, but very cute! She didn't mind the kidness of it.
I love knicknames!
My son's knicknames are Tater, bug, taterbug and another that I can't list without including his name...but it ends with tater.
My daughters are Little bit, pudding head, sugar face, angel, and of course mommys baby!
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
I never even thought of that
I never even thought of that lol. It would be cute if they passed them down
It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
Emily Dickinson
They don't address me by
They don't address me by name, they hardly even speak to me. To DH they refer to me by my first name. Behind my back...I can only imagine!
"Waiting for them to simply PAS out!" ~ Wicked2Three
To my face? .... Dad. Behind my back? I am sure the list is
long and creative.
His Mom and I started dating when he was 15mos old. I was the first person he called Daddy not because either his Mom or I pushed for it, but because he chose to. When we first met, his Mom would ask him "Where's Daddy" and he would point at the picture of BioDad on the wall.
After a few months he started pointing at me. We both would correct him but to no avail.
By the time we married 9mos later I was Daddy. I got demoted (or promoted depending on your perspective) to Dad when he was about 8.
He came home from visitation one summer when he was ~12 with the "Dad and GrandMa (the Sperms) do not want me to call you Dad". I told him that since Dad had been good since early in our relationship he could call me either Dad or Mr. XXXXX but that I would not accept his using my first name. His answer ...... "I think I will stick with Dad".
I earned it, it is MY name.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Depends on which child
My ss6 either calls me what everyone else calls me or buttnoonoo, which is something we have been calling each other since he was 4 as a joke not to be mean. SS3 started calling me Jah at 2 since she could not pronounce my name, of course I loved that but when she got older suddenly one day it stopped and became whatever everyone called me or jam. SS2 calls me either again whatever everyone does, or ham or dam. shes 2 and can't get the letters out either, so i think its cute and funny to hear what they call me sometimes.
I'm with mystiery.
Depends on which SK. SD 14 says Jen, or stepmommy, my SD 21 says Jen......to my face. Behind my back I don't even want to write it here!
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
My sd calls me "she"
To DH, ME and in-laws... (god knows what SD and BM call me) Unless she wants to pretend she likes me for that minute(when she wants something)then it is my first name...when talking to my bio-kids SD calls me "uhh your mom" it always starts with UHH!
I refuse to allow SD/BM/or MIL to ruin my marriage! Thinkin about changing my name to "takencharge"
Mom...........they call
Mom...........they call their BM "other mommy" or by her first name. Of course I have raised them most of their lives and FH is custodial parent. They have always, and still are, told that it is their choice what they call me, by my name etc.. Just since day 1 I have been mom.
That's really cool
Cheyenne. You're a good mommy!
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
Thanks. I must admit the
Thanks. I must admit the first year or two I had my doubts and moments I swore I wasn't gonna stick it out, but I am glad I have.
At first both kids called me
At first both kids called me by my first name then they started calling me mom. It was never ever pushed upon them. Of course BM had a huge fit about it and still doesn't approve but now the kids ONLY call me by my name when BM is around or on the phone with them. But my SD also uses my name around her friends but that's fine. I sat them down and told them both if THEY "want" to call me by my name then fine, if they rather call me mom then that's fine also. We have nicknames for them...SD=Boo, SS=Bub.
Mine do that too. They tell
Mine do that too. They tell me and FH that their BM will yell at them if they refer to me as mom (even though the court appointed psychologist told her that since I have been in their lives so long and from such a young age it is normal - they have spent more of their life with me than her, literally). So we just told them to call me by my name when around her to alleviate the stress on them.
Mine, too. In front of
Mine, too. In front of BM-it's my name or witch-who knows if they're two faced about me with her. But we also have a baby learning to talk and it keeps confusion down hearing me only called, "Mom."
My kids are allowed to call their SM "mom" as she just had a baby shortly after I had mine with new DH. I don't know if they do, but I said I'm chilled enough and secure enough that I wouldn't send the flying monkeys to burn her in her house if they want to help keep her feeling like a mom (not their mom-but A mom) in her own house.
It's just a word; being called it doesn't mean that their BM disappeared and that I suddenly got her stretch marks (thank GOD, I have enough of those). And if mine call SM mom-I know and they know that I'm their mom. A word doesn't strip me of my honor.
So it's not big deal to me.
My Wife has those sexy tiger stripes on her tummy too!
There is nothing wrong with stretch marks. They are the marks of an amazing process. I also like those sexy little lines at the corner of a lady's eyes when y'all smile.(Purrrrrrrrrr!)
I am proud of the fact that I helped put nearly every one of those smile lines on my beautiful bride's face.
I may not have put the tiger stripes on her tummy but I put the smile lines at the corners of her eyes.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Nickname for SD
I call her Brrrraattttt!! Affectionately - it's the nickname my dad had for me when I was little. One time, I said "C'mon Bratsy let's go" and a woman was like... Ohhh don't say that! and we both laughed - she actually likes it! Hopeless - when SD calls you "She" do you ever call her "IT"???
OH SheIT! I love
OH SheIT! I love it
"Waiting for them to simply PAS out!" ~ Wicked2Three
I like this . . .
Let's see, my SS calls me Mom. My SD calls me Mom-may with the little girlfriend head movement thing she does.
I call SS (The)Kid, Grody, Grodster, Gopher Boy, ButtNugget
but usually by his name. By his first and middle name when he is in trouble.
The names all have a story and are not derogatory.
(The)Kid comes from when he was little when I would get home from work I would barge in the door and loudly say "Where is the Kid!. He would shriek and run off to hide laughing the whole time. Then I would stomp around the house looking for him. The whole time he would be giggling away. Of course he was always in the last place I would look and I would toss him up in the air and wrestle with him for a while.
Grody/Grodster/Grodinator came from his Uncle (my Bro). The Skid could not say my Bro's name when my wife and I were first dating and married. SS would call him "Groose". So, my Bro would call the Skid "Grody" which over the years evolved to The Grodster or The Grodinator.
Gopher Boy came from when he was really little (15mos) though he could walk he would scoot around on the floor rooting around like a Gopher. He liked to Gopher around under the sofa and grab my feet. He of course swears that it is really Go-For Boy. As in Go-For-This and Go-For-That because he thinks his Mom and I give him too many chores.
ButtNuggett was from when he went through a phase where he liked to pour ice water on me if I slept in too late on the weekends and he wanted me to get up and play with him (he was about 3-4). He got this idea from his GrandMother (my Mom). The first time he did it I flew out of bed in hypothermic shock and instead of cursing said "YOU LITTLE BUTTNUGGET!" he ran out of the room laughing his little ass off. TURD!
I call my wife many things though nothing too imaginative.
My delight!
) (She hates this one also)
Light of my life.
Fire of my loins. (she really hates that one)
Cummmmmquat (I read the sign in the produce section of the grocery store while we were shopping while we were dating and modified it
She just calls me Baby and "Hey you!"
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
the naming is tough, SD 15
the naming is tough, SD 15 calls me by first name, met her at 12. We both would feel uncomfortable with anything else.
SD calls me by my first name as well. I met her when she was 8. I never expected her to call me mom, and never wanted her to call me Miss or Mrs.... and don't worry if your SD doesn't. Believe me, that title will not reflect what you truly become to her. And sometimes, I think it works to my advantage because of all of the associations that go with the parents' title. I could be wrong. But I think it almost gives SD and I an "easy familiarity", if that makes any sense.
My Dh has noted that I am more like a mother to her than her mom, but that she confides in me like a big sister. Which is really nice. Good luck!
SS has his own little nickname for me...
He is the only one that calls me by it, and it has been that way since he learned to talk. I don't think it will ever evolve into "mom" since BM drills into his head that I am JUST his "stepmom". But I am satisfied with what he calls me... and wonder how long before he just calls me by my first name since the name he has for me is the verison of my first name that came out when he could barely talk and he couldn't say my name. ??? It may sound funny coming out of the mouth of a teenager. We will just wait and see I suppose. My kids call FH by his first name, or Daddy when they want something
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
You know how you can use the shorter versions of names?
Like "Jennifer" you could call "Jenny" or "Jen"? I'm so disgusted with SD that I no longer call her by her "Jen" or "Jenny" versions, but I grit my teeth and growl out the "Jenn-i-fer" version when I am forced to say her name. I kind of sound like I'm using the "Newman" inflection from Seinfeld when I say her name.
She calls me by my first name. She called me mommy when H and I first got married. He thought it was cute, I thought it was just another example of her manipulation and ignored it. She eventually stopped - mostly because her insecure mother had a meltdown of cosmic proportion.
It's actually confusing sometimes when I'm talking to all the kids about H. Do I say "your Dad..." because SD is there or "First Name..." because my kids are there? I think it would be easier if I just never had to be around SD again, then I could call him what I want. Maybe I should suggest that?
BTW - my kids call their SM "Mom" when talking to her and by her first name when talking about her and I'm fine with it. I'm thrilled that they love her so much and I KNOW that they love me. One of few things I am secure about in my life is my place as their mother!!
It's probably not printable
what the Stepbrats call me behind my back, but they introduce me to their friends as "my dad's wife" - ugh! Or if they're pissed at me which is 90% of the time, they refer to me as "she" to DH, MIL, etc. and treat me as if I'm not there. They have on occasion said stepmother but it's rare. Stepbrat17 was in trouble a few weeks ago and texted me as "mom" - but that's the only time. DH gets really pissed because I refer to them as "DH's kids" instead of my stepchildren to family or friends. ST is about the only place I have ever referred to them as my stepkids. I figure since they don't acknowledge me, I won't acknowledge them either.
My name
they call me by my name or cutsy little nicknames that are short for my real name, which everyone has done since birth. It's funny how the children never heard anyone call me those nicknames, but come up with them on their own.