OT - how did you pick your own screen name?
We all have our faves for Skiddles or DH or the most names I've seen flown around and contested are for all the ex's in our lives...BUT how did you all come to pick out your own name? When I was (a lot) younger, I was much thinner and a very good friend of mine used to call me "Stick" and that's how I picked! Just something different and light...
- Stick's blog
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I have a
friend who calls me "Stick girl" all the time! LOL
I picked Gestalt- for a screen name as well as the name for other things- because it means a physical, biological, psychological, or symbolic configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that its properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of its parts.
My wedding ring is inscribed with Wir sind ein Gestalt...roughly translated to mean we are one
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
My best friend in high school used to call me STICK GIRL! Her whole family did. That just brought back SO many memories!
Let's see though... DISbelief... DIS is capitalized because I am ALWAYS feeling DISrespected by BM and disbelief is because I just CANNOT believe that she is for real... like REALLY, a mom acts this way????!!!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
I choose my name as it was
I choose my name as it was the name of my puppy I was given as a five year old and it is a name that no one except my mum and brother would know.
Nice to meet you ladies!
Nice to meet you ladies!
I think mine came from...
the thoughts of all the drama going thru my mind. I just couldn't stop the obsessing about how stupid BM truly is...I found this site and realized that I was going to be able to say what was on my mind and try to get my sanity back at the same time.
Easy. I live in a house with
Easy. I live in a house with my dh, 3ss, 1 bioson,and 2 male dogs. I am truly the only estrogen in my house!
me too...it was my DH, two
me too...it was my DH, two sons, 2 male dogs & a male turtle. 2 weeks ago I went and got a FEMALE pomeranian puppy
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I came to this site when
BM was quite literally on my "last nerve"... hence, the name.
I am the 1st and last Mrs. Parks
I like how it sounds
when you first joined I had
when you first joined I had to go to your profile to see it you were Mr. Sparks or Mrs. Parks LOL!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I see now.. That's what I call DH.. lol...
No.. really.. I guess it's good to keep 'em guessin' though..
I did the SAME THING!
I just changed mine to this
due to a situation that arose I had to come up with something quickly. Asalways seemed to fit at the time. I am formerly Harleygal.
DH let me know in an e-mail to me that he was reading my stuff on Steptalk. He copied and pasted a response I made to someone else's blog. Some of the things really hurt his feelings especially on one where I apparently called him a jerk. He was aware of my posting here, but for some reason after a year and 1/2 he decided to start reading. I had to remind him that a lot of it was written back when we were having some pretty serious issues. I think he thought the stuff was recent.
Anyway I will probably switch back to my former name. DH has decided to back me up on my future postings. He knows it has been therapeutic for me and stated he did not want to stop me from doing something I enjoy. What a good man!!
Well thats good to know! I
Well thats good to know! I was wondering the other day where you had been! My DH told me he tried to log on here at his work but the site it blocked from there...dodged a bullet on that one! haha
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Yes, it's me
So your DH reads also? Thanks kind of funny, I wonder how many of them do.
See, I guess I had forgotten a lot of the stuff I had written a while back. Oops! I mentioned in a few of my blogs that DH's family is different and that they had left my daughter out of Christmas pictures one year, that it really hurt her feelings and that I was trying to avoid going over there for those kinds of reasons. He read about it. He read where I was frustrated about his financial situation and I called him a name. So not long after that I started deleting my blogs and comments.
After he had a chance to think about it, I guess he could see why I felt that way and told me that none of that stuff matters and that he and I were the only thing that does. He also stated my blogs have made him want to improve himself. :jawdrop: He then encouraged me to start blogging again. Yea!!!
supposedly he hasn't. But he
supposedly he hasn't. But he tried from work but can't get to the site. That is the only place he has access to the internet besides my laptop, which he rarely uses, and certainly wouldn't read it here! But I have read him things from here before, occasionally, but rarely my own blogs. I can be alot meaner sounding here than I am in person LOL It'd probably be scary for him! ha!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Psycho Ex
Oh DH's ex is psycho! I mean truly...she tries to stalk me online -- right now she thinks she's tracking me on Twitter
but it's not me LOL.
Anyway, I figured this name was so generic -- I mean it's a step parent site, so how would she know if she's on the money or not! Although I finally started truly venting and if she reads it so what!
When I chose this I was trying to take the high road and blah blah blah. Now while I refuse to talk to her, I don't care if she knows what trash I think/know she is!
Any mother who lets child molesters babysit her children needs to have them ripped away from her permanently! That and all her drug and alcohol abuse has made me lose total respect for her. I still walk away when she's insane but I don't care if she does put two and two together if she finds me on here.
Well, mine is for a number of reasons-
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
first and foremost that being that I'm reasonably cute, relatively intelligent, have really good morals, I can't understand why I keep making poor choices for mates. So I decided I must be under a spell, therefore "bewitched!"
And actually, it was a popular show when I was growing up and I really like Samantha, the original bewitched.
came from my first "puppy love's" last name...ironic since I'm on this site because of my FH..but I've ALWAYS used this fake name since I was 18...passwords..anonymous posts, etc.
I should've used Karma as that is my nickname in REAL life..don't know why I didn't.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
I was wearing a tee shirt that we had picked up in Jamaica when I first signed on to ST. I love Jamaica and how laid back it really is - and it makes me crazy that I can't spend more time down there on the beach.
and jamaican too funny..my FH's screen name is JMC so all emails I get from him say JMC...lol.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
I have the brady bunch of cats
I had two fur baby cats and so did my DH. So when we moved in together we ended up having a blended family of four cats. Trust me you better reaaaalllly love cats to put up with 4 of them!
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
Cat brady bunch
This cracks me up. When we met, I had two cats and FH had two. Then FH adopted two more kittens and his old cat died just before he moved in, so together we had five. Then one of mine died and one of his died. I was heartbroken but kind of relieved to be down to three.
Two kittens who needed homes found us and I couldn't resist them so were back up to five again. My remaining old cat moved next door just before we got the giant puppy, bringing us down to a slightly more manageable four cats.
Amidst all of the chaos around child support and my own issues, we neglected to have the two new kittens fixed in time. I'd agreed to take two males but ended up with one of each. Ooops. Hopeful tom cats from miles around started showing up on our doorstep, serenading little miss popular kitty, who promptly got knocked up and added four kittens to the mix, bringing the total cat population in our home to eight.
What's weird is that all those tom cats have returned, not because they're interested in mama cat, but to look at the kittens. They'll sit just outside the doors and windows and look in, even while mama cat is lounging outside. I'm convinced they're checking out the kittens to see if they were successful! So at any given time we may have as many as twelve cats on the property. Yes, I'm getting that girl spayed in the next couple of weeks.
Two of the babies have new homes and I'm hoping two more will be leaving this weekend. That will leave us with four cats, the giant puppy, and the two stinky rats. I'm with you, Catlover, I reeeeally love cats. I really love chocolate, but it's not usually a good idea to eat a gallon of double fudge either!
Oh! And in keeping with the theme of this site, you have to reeeeally love kids to put up with four of them! HA! I like cats better.
What a lovely diversion.
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get
me" ...."Paranoia, You only have to be right once to make it all worthwhile."
OT - how did you pick your own screen name?
SD22 has me tagged in a "family" picture on her Facebook page as "devilwoman". Other comments are "homewrecker" and "self-absorbed b**ch", but I thought they wouldn't work as well.
That's a bunch of BS...SD22 is a rude little twit for putting something like that on a profile as public as facebook. I'm really sorry you have to deal with rude sh*t like that.
~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~
Thanks for the support. She IS a rude little twit, and very trashy as well.
We have lots of issues at home right now. I hope they end soon.
Until then, I'm sure you'll hear a lot from me.
I know it's obvious, but I thought I'd play too.
It works two ways
1) Wicked = The Wicked Stepmother
+ 2 = to
+ Three = 3 SK's (The Turds)
= Wicked2Three - Wicked to 3 Sk's
2) Wicked = The Wicked Stepmother
+ 2 = I have 2 children with DH
+ Three = 3 SK's (The Turds)
= Wicked2Three - Wicked with 2/BK's Three/SK's
I used Wicked as a way of trying to be facetious. I don't feel I am wicked, but the SK's do. I hope I don't offend anyone because I really like you all and really appreciate your opinions and advice, but.... It makes me so sad to see the negative energy that bounces off of some of the ID's or screen names. Come on people! Let's be positive!
Mine's obvious, I'm not very
Mine's obvious, I'm not very creative! Its my nickname (2 letters short of my real name) and my birthday...Its my screen name for everything and if its googled I will be found on here...which is why I delete posts that I don't want DHs family or BM to find.
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Commonly used in Yoga
It is a greeting in India derrived from Hinduism. In simple terms it means "I bow to you"
Religiously it has been taken a few different ways meaning:
"I bow to that is inherent in you" referring to divinity that which in you and within me as well.
"I bow to the light that is within you and the light that is within me as well"
It is often spoken when greeting another person , it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. The gesture can also be performed wordlessly and carry the same meaning.
Selkie is a story
from Northern Europe about a race of people who live as seals in the sea. In some legends, they are people who have tried to kill themselves by jumping from the cliffs. Sometimes they can remove their sealskins and dance as humans on the beach. But if a human man should find and steal a selkie's skin, she would have no choice but to live with him as his wife. The story goes that she stays and has children until that inevitable moment when she finds her skin and returns to the sea.
There's a Danish saying, "She couldn't help herself, much like a seal when it sees its skin."
I like it.
Great post Stick!
I've often wondered how everyone got their names. Mine is just what I've always called myself to my stepkids... watch out kids cause I'm your WICKED STEP MONSTER!!!!! It's not anything mean or ugly, and actually they have always found it hysterical because I love them and they love me and often would prefer to hang out with me over their own dad!
I know, I know, it's because I'm so dang lovable!
I even sign their birthday cards and such from "Dad and Wicked Step Monster" LOL! It's our long running joke.
is a handle that I had in highschool. I am very white and friendly so I was called Casper the friendly ghost. It kind of stuck. 3 is for how many kids I deal with. One DD and 2 skids.
Thanks Ladies!!
I love reading these!!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***