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Frustrated with H over SS

Sherw's picture

I've asked this question before but still don't get it; how do you keep the love you feel with H sepearate from the anger you feel when he's totally oblivious to parenting and it effects the whole family relationship? For instance: 1. SS 15 3/4 is walking distance to BM's pig sty and has no scheduled visition so he comes & goes as he pleases. Problem: He shows up only to eat, sleep, & clog the toilet if he remembers to flush. Dirty dishes are left in the sink for someone else (me) to put in the dishwasher. His room is becoming a pig sty more & more; I make him do his own laundry but he never puts it away and the dirty gets mixed up with the clean; after three weeks of clean clothes squashed and now wrinkled in the basket, I finally threw them on his bed. You would think he gets the hint to put them away, but no...he just puts them back in the basket. I hid the TV remotes so he can find time to do homework now he just doesn't come around at all; he knows he has to at least keep his room clean but he hides at Mommy's house to avoid making him do anything including the only chore of keeping his room clean. The only time we might get a word in to SS is when he pops in right at bedtime or to shower and quickly leave. He knows we go to church on Sundays but he avoids coming up so he doesn't have to be bored with church. That also urks me since H believes it's his duty as a father to make his kid responsible in the church but doesn't make him go. Thank goodness, SS doesn't talk back, but only says "OK" when told he has to do something and it never gets done. That's the problem, the only time we have together is negative because we (mainly I) b***ch about what he knows needs to be done in the very short time we see him. The biggest problem isn't the kid, it's his Dad - my H. Guilt parenting has allowed this behavior to keep escalating and it WILL get worse. There are no real rules and if there were, no consequences instilled by dad. I know the BM is extremely difficult to talk to - she cheated on H and acts like it was H's fault for the divorce. There's no asking her for cooperation in getting SS to not hide at her house. I've backed off but after watching H be controlled by BM & SS's behavior more & more, I have to put in my two cents worth. We're all going to suffer the consequences of the lack of parental control. DH always tells me he's handling it but I don't see any changes. I keep thinking, only three more years (UGH). It's not SS's fault he gets away with doing what he wants when he wants it. That's why I took the remotes away - all he did was sit on his arse watching TV when he's failing school. I can't believe H doesn't take more control and see that his lack of inventive parenting is ruining his kid. I read other's blogs and see how many also can't stand their step kids, but it seems most of the problem lies in the lack of discipline by the bio parents. Sorry, but i just don't feel like being in the mood when I watch Daddio be a real whoosey and not the MAN I thought I married. Although my problems aren't that bad compared to what I've read on here, they're still extremely frustrating. I don't think it's the kid's fault I can't stand his presence, It's his whimpy father's fault. Kids will only do what you let them get away with, and dad just doesn't see it. I'm more disappointed in H's lack of parenting skills every day and it really bursts my libido bubble. Anyone else feeling this way have any solutions of keeping that loving feeling seperated from the disappointment of being with a whimpy father?


belleboudeuse's picture

Respect is right at the core of a loving couple relationship. When you lose respect for your partner, losing the love is sure to follow. Matter of fact, almost every relationship I've ever had that's not worked out, failed because I lost respect for the guy.

Have you sat down calmly with your H and told him (stress CALMLY), how you're feeling? Have you said, "When you don't discipline your child and don't make sure he respects me and you and our house rules, it's like you're disrespecting me and our marriage. And when you aren't strong enough to be a strong parent and role model for him, I feel myself losing respect for you. That makes it harder for me to want to touch you, harder for me to get in the mood to be intimate with you, and harder for me to enjoy your company."

I would really love to know what your H would say if you just calmly said that, and then stopped talking and waited for him to respond.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Sherw's picture

Thanks BB for putting it all into the right words!

"And when you aren't strong enough to be a strong parent and role model for him, I feel myself losing respect for you..."

You hit the nail on the head with that one...just wish I could use you as a mediator! Wink

Angel's picture

If you are a custodial step, actually trying to insert yourself as a parent------it affects you daily------and I have no idea how people do that one.

If you are EOW non-involved "aunt", it bothers you in a different way.

smnikki's picture

but i work in a very well off area, and have had a much better upbringing than bm. So, i view this whole child raising a lot different than just giving birth and letting the child exist. I always bring up kids i see at work, how they are 3 and potty trained, 2 and know sign language, 6 and can count to 100 by twos, 6 and can speak 3 languages. He has really started to see what other kids are capable of! He realizes now that there has been way too little expected from ss, and that eventually it reflect on him as a parent when ss is not as up to speed as the other kids. Cute for the most part only gets you so far these days!

Have you asked H if he is proud of ss, or if he thinks others would be proud of him if he were their child? Maybe that would make him take more pride in what type of person he is allowing his son to be.

Sherw's picture

I appreciate everyone's comments from this blog. I realize it's alot easier as the SM to see the problems as they arise in the skids when we're on the outside looking in. I'm not viewing this parenting thing with rose colored glasses and really demand more order in my life than DH or SS is willing to give. Bio parents are way to soft on their kids and have lower expectations on their overall performance - too often they're satisfied with average. I keep telling my DH he needs to raise the bar or his son will never strive for a better outcome and will continue to just exist in life. SS has always been praised for everything, which I disagreed with when he was 7. Now at almost 16, he thinks he can hardley try and he's a master of it all. I guess it goes along with teens thinking they know it all and we're all just stupid. I think it's a shame that we can't stand being in the same room with our skids, but believe it's more of a product of the bio father's making. If dad didn't let him slide on life, I'd have more respect for the both of them. Disengaging is the only recourse I know to have in this matter too, but I feel cheated. I've had hopes of helping DH raise a respectable, ambitious, studious, loving, compassionate, etc...human being. Too late, not in this lifetime - this isn't Leave it to Beaver any more.

We're too blessed to be stressed!