Oh no she didn't!!!!!!!
My husband has 2 kids and I have 2 kids from previous marriages. My husband and I have an arrangement with BM. They have shared custody, we get them for a week and she gets them for a week. My kids we have all the time except for EOW. On her weeks, because BM starts work early, she drops them off at our house so I can get all of the children to school and before school care. Yesterday, BM called me and told me that she was running a bit late and she would take them to school herself. The doors to the childcare and school open at 7:00. (both are in the same building) When I arrived to drop of my BKs, the childcare director was on the phone in a tizzy and asked that I stay for a few minutes because she needed to talk to me. Well, it seems that BM dropped my SKs off at childcare at 6:30 before it opened. And then she left!!! So, my SKs were waiting outside alone for 30 minutes before someone came to the school to unlock the doors. The director called her and of course BM played dumb saying she didn't know she couldn't just drop them off. Bull$hit!! She's been in this program for 3 years now. The director called her out on it and told her not to play dumb. As a result, my SKs got kicked out of the childcare program, so BM will have to find another way to get them to school. I can't believe she did that??? What would you do? I am very tempted to call CPS and report her. This is not the first time that childcare has had problems with her. About 6 months ago, she forgot them! Childcare closes at 6:00 p.m. Well, at 6:45, my husband gets a call from the director asking where the BM is and could he possibly pick up the kids. So, he does a quick call to BM's mother (who BTW lives next door to BM in a house that BM's mother is paying for - also BM's brother lives in that same house - their mother fixes all of their meals, etc. and she's almost 80). BM's mother gets ahold of BM. Well, since BM had already taken her shower and was in bed watching TV, BM's mother went to pick up the kids for her. This lady is in her late 70's, she doesn't get around very good, and because BM was already settled for the night . . . well, it just pisses me off that this woman has no regard for anyone else even her own mother and her children. Does anyone know how CPS works? Should I call? Please give me your advice.
- onehappygirl's blog
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well, I guess you could call,
but they probably wont do anything since this is a one time thing. It would probably be better if you kept a diary of all her crap, then when you hav more than just those 2 isolated incidents, I would call.
You can call
but like Sia said, they won't do anything abou it. You do need to document the incident and the other one and every single thing that is less than idea for the kids. CPS demands that an incident happens within a month of calling them or the case is "too old". I would recommend that you keep documentation and take her to court for full custody with supervised visitations.
Oh do I feel your pain!
SS has been kicked out of several day cares because of BM. It is frustrating and I am yet to figure out how to get it under control. I am sorry that you are going through this. I think (at least in my area) the family court judge would be more understanding and logical about a solution than CPS. Have you considered taking her to court for full custody? At least while they are in school.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
Actually, we are thinking of doing that. The kids love her, and I wouldn't want to take them away completely, but they, too, are getting fed up with always being late for everything. My SS had 13 unexcused tardies this year because of his mother. He has been up to an hour late because of it. I think she finally got an ultimatum at work about her constant tardiness. Also, my SS had a dentist appointment that she took him to. It was at 8:00 a.m. and instead of taking him to school afterwards, she let him stay out of school for the entire day. Also, that was unexcused too because she didn't send a note. It's frustrating but it's not enough for CPS to get involved unfortunately.