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Why is is ALWAYS mine?

onehappygirl's picture

This is no big deal really, but it just aggravates the crap out of me today. First of all, I love them all, I really, really do, but being inside with four cabin-fevered kids has worn my patience to the breaking point. I fixed a great lunch. We had all kinds of finger food - bagel bites, taquitos, mini chimis - we pretty much ate ourselves sick. Not one hour after lunch, my daughter comes to me wanting a snack. no, No, NO!! My son happened to be upstairs at the same time when I told my daughter that if she or anyone else asked me for food again today before supper was set on the table, they would take a nap. Our walls are thin, so I know my stepkids heard me too. There's no way they couldn't have heard me because I was YELLING!!!! So, not 10 minutes later, Truelight and I hear the freezer door in the basement being dropped repeatedly. I yell downstairs and ask why they are in the freezer, then my son admits that he has a popcicle. I ask who else has a popcicle, and my daughter pipes up that she does. Silence from the rest of them until my daughter rats out the others and then they speak up and admit they have popcicles. So, they all get sent to their rooms. However, Truelight is going to let his kids out a little sooner because he didn't think they knew the rule. Okay, I understand my kids were blatently disobedient, and they deserve their punishment, but DAMN!!! My son - the oldest - is usually the ringleader. He will do something wrong, and they will be his willing, brainless minions following whatever he does. How many times do we have to tell them that they are responsible for their own actions??? Why is it always mine that get into trouble? They deserve the trouble they get into, but why are excuses ALWAYS made for the others? There is a rule in the house that if you want a snack, you ask for it. It's been the rule for 3 years. Why is it so different now? Just because I said something to my kids just a few minutes before they got into trouble, why should it be any different for the stepkids? After all, they still know the rule?

Sorry, just venting, but I feel like locking myself in my bedroom with a big bottle of soft red wine. I'm a closet fan (shhhh, don't tell anyone - I make fun of obvious fans) of the Twilight series, and I just bought the fourth book. Sounds like I may spend the rest of the day wine-ing and reading.


MsPerception's picture

Me too OHG!! But my only thankful part is that my troubles are with just my 3-LOL. I don't think I could handle skids in my space full-time anymore. Like you said exceptions made for rules that weren't just instantaneous instituted come on guys. Well, off to see the King of Arbor Mist and a bit of Stephen King to boot.

Cheers all!!

**I only have one shot at a truly great life and not one spent waiting for a man to notice me, want me, love me and be true to only me. 2010 is the year of "me" **

onehappygirl's picture

No, it's usually my kids that start the problems. The others usually follow their lead. Regardless, they have all been told time and time again that they are responsible for their own actions. We've told them if someone tells you to do something, don't be stupid and do it, think about whether it's going to get you in trouble before you do it. If you think it will get you in trouble and you still do it, then you're in just as much trouble as the ringleader. Mine are the ringleaders and the stepkids follow.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

This is one of the many reasons as to why I am so glad BM is not in the picture. We have the saMe rule of always asking for permission to have a snack. SD once told me that their BM told them that they shouldn't be asking for snacks. Uh yeah lady they should or else they eat you out of your own home.


onehappygirl's picture


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

onehappygirl's picture

UPDATE: Truelight questioned his kids, and the skids admitted that they heard me yelling at my kids just minutes before. So, he ended up punishing them all the same.

Like I said, this was very minor, but little things like this case cause resentment if not dealt with fairly.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

MsPerception's picture

What's good for one should be good for all.

**Follow no one. Lead by example or stay out of the way :)**

Sus's picture

I agree they all should be punished IF the had the ice pops.
Also I agree they might be eating due to boredom.
Do you give them other things to keep them busy.
Most kids love ART or making things, pasting things...we use to make pictures..with pasta..and theres plenty of recipes online to make your own playdough..etc.
Dollar stores have cheap art items..OR maybe the could READ a book if old enought..Start, a family book club..we did that too
Each kids read 2-3 books a week...My grands have read since they were 2 1/2 yrs old. They even read NY times newspapers.
Then I would have them write reports. Something fun..about another Country or animals...
I also taught each child how to grow plants..from seed , we started them inside during the winter months.
They all know how to bake and measure ingredience now. Even as young as 4 yrs old..they can be taught basic cooking and kitchen fun.
Winter months are also good to clean closets, rid of anything they don't use or wear.
There a million things that are cheap or free that kids can do so they are not bored.
Our brains don't even registar that we're full for 20 minutes..Thats why most are over weight they say....
Just rambling here....

Amazed's picture

I know exactly how you feel honey...choochoo is always in trouble,sd is miss perfect around adults. And when she does do something wrong, there are no consequences. Sucks. ***************"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."