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Why am I so irritated when skids are home sick?

Catlover's picture

BM called today and told us SS is home sick throwing up/diarrhea etc (great...swine flu!!). The skids were supposed to come home today after school. Of course BM wanted me to take SS this morning. Thankfully DH said nope...bring him after school hours. Question is...I got really p***ed off. This is one issue that DH and I constantly fight over. Whenever skids are sick, DH is off to work, and BM is usually home (she works two days a week), and I am the one that is expected to take care of the skids. I get ticked off that the skids are fed crap, get no sleep and don't get taken care of by BMs and then end up getting dumped on us sicker than a dog. That usually leads to BD 1 getting sick (which gets my mama bear blood boiling). I know I know I'm petty and that BD would probably be exposed to these illnesses anyway. I know I know that It is silly for me to expect that DH would take off of work or BM would step up when I am at home anyway...but I can't help it...I feel what I feel.


BMJen's picture

Why as these childrens SM are you expected to take care of them when thier own mother isn't?

She's petty if you ask me. She doesn't want to take care of her own kids?

I understand why you feel this way, and again, it's not petty.

Not your kids, not your problem. Why does it get crammed down your throat when thier own BM is at home?

Things like this get my blood boiling! Wink

pennyone's picture

I was awake at 3:30 Fri morning with it, it is horrible and still I'm not 100%. Can she not keep the kid for a few days to keep you all from maybe not getting it?

kaffonseca's picture

at all! If BM is home and SK's are puking everywhere why would she want to take them out of the house. That is irresponsibility on her part..if she is not working today.

And I wouldn't want them to come over either and get BD sick. There are times when circumstance will have to prevent the regular scheduled's called a BM being a BM.

I would tell DH that you don't want the kids over if they are that sick as you don't want your own BD getting sick AND it is not good for them to travel either if they are sick. . they should be home resting.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

Catlover's picture

I told him that I didn't want SS coming over because 1) I didn't think sending him here for one day (he goes back to BM's tomorrow) was worth it when he's sick.... and 2) I don't want to have to worry about BD getting it. DH got all peeved at me for suggesting such a thing....

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"