BM had no problem sending sd's when bd has whooping cough....go figure
BM had no problem sending sd's for visitation even though my bd has whooping cough. I tried to keep bd away from sd's and they will be back on Friday night. I am truly suprised bm sent them, if they get it then that is her fault and they will not becoming to my home until they are not contagious.I do not want them getting it, but bringing them to our home is taking a great risk even though dh and I are following all precations. As a bm myself I would not put my children in a place where I know someone is extremely contagious.Bm is more worried about fighting with dh over when she is picking up sd's for easter, our weekend her holiday. Normally they would be picked up or dropped off between noon and one on the holiday, but for some reason she thinks that they need to be picked up at 8pm on the night before. DH is going to the town she lives in on easter for a family get together and he told her that he would drop them off then, which is between noon and one, but no she won't go for that it is either Saturday night or 11 am Sunday.....WTF!!!! What is a couple of hours. She is telling dh that she wants to follow the court order and that is what she is doing, the court order is not specific like that and hell she doesn't follow it like she is suppose to anyways. It that control issue and she wants to be queen b*tch and she throws a fit if it is not her way.
- yesican's blog
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What a lousy
mother. That's all I can say. LOUSY
Sounds like my BM
It's all about her. Forget the fact that Blabb might get sick!
These women are unbelievable.
I think your BM and mine
I think your BM and mine could be family
What an idiot
I hope your little one is well soon
BM is and always will be a selfish idiot!!!!
She is an idiot positively, dh called her Thursday night after I spent the day talking with health dept and doctor and the health department said that sd's should not come this weekend because bd is so contagious, even though they had been there Wednesday. So while dh was calling her to tell her that sk's needed to stay with her and explaining why she was too worried about finding out where the city wide easter egg hunt was so she could take the kids, now I could see taking ss(does not come to our house because I am mean, I make him mind and do chores), but why would you take sd's they are 12 and 10 and they have been exposed to whooping cough. I told dh if the sk's get it that they are not coming back till they are not contagious, I refuse to put our household through that again. BM is so unconcearned with sd's that the oldest coughed for 6 weeks between Feb and Mar. neither bm or dh did anything about it till I said either tell her to take her or get off your a** and do it your self, she had brochitis!!! And it took her mom 4 days to actually get her in after dh said something to her, I can usually get bc in that same day or the next day.My quick acting on bd's part we caught this in the early stages and so it is not as severe as it could have been, but she is still extremely contagious. BM is so lazy when it comes to sd's and treats ss like he is king. I think the worst part is dh stands by and watches. But I am learning that unless it concerns my household, that is not my problem!
Stop making people a priority in your life that only make you an option in theirs! author unknown