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ferretmom's picture

At H's latest session he was moaning about poor sd not having a mother, excuse me but he left her and she gave up custody. She hasn't seen sd in 15yrs, he's always saying how glad he is that she's not around. Recently he has been telling sd that maybe they should find her but never acting on it. He has told me 1: that she was dead. 2: that she had been deported. 3: that she is hiding from the law. So I hired someone to find out which it was. I got the report yesterday and it's not pretty. She had been in and out of jail several times for drugs and DUIs until 8yrs ago when she had a DUI accident where she hit another car and killed someone. The PI is trying to find out if she is in prison or was deported. I gave H the report at his session so the dr could deal with the fall out. I thought he would decide not to tell sd but he told her as soon as we got home. This explains a lot to me, we are always missing cigarettes and beer and wine. I kept telling H that sd was taking this stuff but not his widdle baby. The BM was also picked up for shoplifting and pickpocketing. So I guess it is nature after all with a whole lot of nurture thrown in. His ex was a violent person and tried to kill him numerous times but he never pressed charges. Not only was she physically abusive she was verbally abusive to everyone she was around. Does this sound familiar??


stepmasochist's picture

I've kind of wanted to hire a PI for BM before, but mainly to find out who she was married to before she married FH because I don't think she was legally divorced from that guy when she and FH married. That would have made FH's divorce an annulment which would have been much easier. I didn't do it though, turns out his divorce was easy anyway.

So, that's what the BM in your case has been up to. Sounds like a class act. It seems it would be beneficial for SD to know she has a family history of addictive and self-destructive behavior. Is she going to be participating in any of the counseling with you and H?

ferretmom's picture

Nope, H thinks she doesn't need to because she's perfect. :sick: This after she's supposed to be on meds for her own mental problems. Those rose colored glasses must be nice.

Sasha's picture

Deported? From this country? Ha ha ha! Fat chance in hell of being deported from this country...she's probably either on the streets or languishing in a prison somewhere.