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BM is so selfish......

yesican's picture

Well just talked to DH and he went to pick up school pics today for sk's, which we were not informed were in and could be purchased.BM took all the 8X10's just like last year. She is so selfish and self centered, it is always about her, wether or not it is good for the kids, and she has instilled this into ss and he is a total self centered brat!!!! She tells dh nothing about conferences, programs, problems in school,nothing.
I finally talked to dh in reguards to ss pics, and we are pulling the individual pics of ss and leaving the group pics of all the kids up, all of the crap that ss and bm cause and the way ss treats dh makes steam come from my ears, and just looking at his pics makes me even more frustrated.
I am so thankful that dh is understanding and willing to think of my feelings. I was really afraid to hurt him by asking that, I realize that is always his son no matter what but I am glad he is willing to stand up for me and what is best for our home. I truly want our blended family to work out, but if ss is going to keep causing problems he does not need to be in our home. DH can spend time with him and leave ss with bm so she can put up with him, because she lets him act that way.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.


Anon2009's picture

for skid-related info and go to their website to look up events they have going on. I think your DH needs to spend time with SS outside of your home, I agree. He should send the school the copy of the court order and ask them to send him information. Does he have joint legal custody of the kids?

yesican's picture

And I must say some of it is his fault, because he gets news letters from the school, but I can't ever say I see him reading them. BM is so controling it is pathetic, and you can tell the more control she has the happier she is. Especially when it comes to ss, and the worst part is ss really enjoys it and takes after bm. SS is so rude to dh and dh would do anything for ss and took care of him while bm was out partying and raised them when she decided she wanted a divorce and hardly ever saw the kids. DH does see SS but SS is so worried about being with bm and when he is going back to bm's. SS only sees dh 1 hour one week and 3 hours the other week. You would think that ss would want more time with dh, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.SS is only 7 and I cant imagine what he will be like when he is a teenager.

"Love is strong yet delicate. It can be broken. To truly love is to understand this. To be in love is to respect this."

smurfy1smile's picture

My BF has a wonderful camera so he has - no lie - over 10,000 pictures of FSS1 and the rest of the family and such. He had to buy an external hard drive to keep them all on.

stepmom2one's picture

She did not tell us last year about pictures for the softball team, or school photos. So SD brings home the pics BM ordered and and we ask when were those taken--we weren't told. SD says "a month or so ago" OKAY So when we ask Bm" oh yeah you can order anytime, just go to the Web site and order" Like we want to wait till Christmas to get summer softball pics! School pics are the same way, we call the school and teacher to remind them they have to call my H or mail something that BM either doesn't tell us or throws our paperwork away. She has been trying to push us out of SDs life for the last couple of years.

We now have SDs pics taken when we do BSs and family photos. This last time BM didn't tell us about pics we called and told her hers came in, but we wouldn't be ordering. We will be doing professional pics from now on. I am not dealing with BM, she does this sort of stuff all the time to be nasty.