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SD stood up for me

Catlover's picture

The longest hour of my life was yesterday when I get the phone call from DH that he's on his way home from work (he has an hour commute). I swear that hour took forever to pass. DH has had to work late the last three days. It's great because we could use the money, but since the skids are with us right now that means I am left at home to play Nanny while he's at work. SD11 and I have a great relationship, and other than the typical preteen stuff she is very helpful. SS9, however, is a nightmare. I've written in previous posts about his spoiled, manipulative behavior. Suffice it to say that he is a 9 year old boy with the behaviors of a 3 year old. True to form SS threw his nightly temper tantrum (yelling, sobbing etc) that I had the "nerve" to serve him asparagus for dinner (gasp! a vegetable). I finally sent him up to his room and told him he was done with snacks etc for the night. SD and I had popcorn and root beer floats while we watched a movie. The entire night SS whined about how I was torturing him and he was starving, so I should let him have some of the snacks. No Way Jose! He was in the midst of a full blown sobbing temper tantrum when he heard DH's car pull in. And just like that he was cured! He sat up and was back to the "sweet boy". Well I told DH about our evening and SS just sat there staring blankly at him. DH finally asked SD about the evening. She flat out told DH that SS was a total brat and was completely disrespectful. HAH!!! Don't get me wrong, Dh has been very supportive when it comes to SS and has never once indicated he didn't believe me. But it is nice now and then when DH has to deal with him (or hears about it from SD!) It makes me feel like I'm not completely losing my mind!


BorBor's picture

Its nice to have someone in your corner, SD was being honest and backing her Stepmom up.

I have to tell you I read Root Beer Float and my mind started to wonder...note to self..stop at supermarket

but again, that is great.

Endora's picture

Will only eat Broccoli (IF DH suggests he have some) -Otherwise Zippy doesn't "do" vegetables and no one has ever made him!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

madrastra's picture

veggies or most of the food I cook. My partner doesn't make SD eat anything she doesn't want to or even try it. Sometimes I get so irritated that she won't just eat what I cook like my son does, but I raised him that way which is the difference I guess. My rule has always been to eat what I cook or don't eat at all. And at his age I sometimes tell him (and everyone else) to fend for himself (he's almost 13) because I'm working overtime or something and he's perfectly capable of making his own meal. Not SD. If she doesn't like what I've cooked (which is probably 99% of the time) she whines to my partner to make her something else and most of the time she does. It still irritates me a lot, but I've had to tell myself that if my partner chooses to cater to her like that then it's her choice and she's the one dealing with her spoiled brat.

sweetthing's picture

We just had it on Sunday. SS11 did tell me he likes it better when I cook it on the grill verses steaming it. I reminded him it was 30 degrees out so we have to tough it out till summer. Smile

It is all in teaching them from an early age. Ny son loves green beans, peas, corn carrots, broccolli all because I have given it to him since he started eating food. My skids won't touch broccolli & the youngest doesn't like beans BUT their mom never pushed it. In fact she was pretty shocked that they liked asparagus.

Brooklynne's picture

to eat veggies on a regular basis. I can get him to eat corn and sometimes green beans, but anything else no way. He does like many fresh fruits, so I'm grateful for that at least. But he's still a very picky eater.

stepmom2one's picture

My kids (SD and BS) are given about 2 bites of vegs on their plates for meals. They have to eat the 2 bites, if they don't even that little amount goes in the fridge for the next meal. No snacks till that plate is finished. Actually BS2s plate is in the fridge ready for tomorrow right now! My SD is 9 as well, she understand this concept full and well--though she complains for a moment she recovers quickly. If your H stands up for you these temper tantrums (about food) should be cured in no time. If my SD or BS won't listen about something when my H is not home I call him on the cell phone for him to yell at the kids. I have only had to call H 2 or 3 times, now I just threaten the kids that I am calling Dad and they shape up. Give it a shot.

melis070179's picture

You really should video tape his tantrums to show your DH. My digitial camera and my cell phone both let me record for a few you have a way to do that? Your DH should really see what you're dealing with!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"