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I'm leaving tomorrow

ferretmom's picture

I fly out tomorrow night for Charleston and board ship Sat night. I'll stay in touch with every one. I really need this to clear my head especially after today. The fussing and whining is about to drive me crazy. The first thing I'm going to do when I get on ship is book myself a massage. I'm going to miss all of you. Wish you were going too.


KittyKat's picture

Hey, FM, have a BALL. I'm 46, and I know I'm getting "older", but, like you, I'm still too young to deal with the crap I sometimes get here. Unlike you, my Sds are OUT OF THE HOUSE, so I only deal with them a few times a year anymore. (Unlike in the beginning when I had three 20 something babies calling here almost daily when they were jealous that "daddy" was spending time with "another girl")

Wish I were going, too. My daughter (17) already have Thanksgiving weekend planned to hit St. Pete Beach Florida.
You're welcome to join us!! Smile (I know it's in the distance, but it's something to look forward to....NO ADULT SD Thanksgiving dysfunction....they can have all the "daddy daddy" time they want; I'll be enjoying quality time with my OWN daughter!!)


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

The Principlist's picture

When you get in your car to leave for Charleston forget about DH and SD. When you return back to your hometown, pick up the baggage. In the meantime, enjoy your trip!

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be most painful. ~ME :->

imagr8tma's picture

LOL, enjoy yourself. I love cruising. It is such a wonderful vacation...........

Most Evil's picture

I love Charleston but have never been on a cruise or seen the Bahamas etc. - so please tell us every detail!! Have a GREAT time dear!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Sasha's picture

Have a wonderful time! Although we won't be with you in body, I'm sure we'll be with you in spirit.

Brooklynne's picture

Let us know how much fun you had on your trip! Take this time to focus on YOU!! You so deserve it!