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Happy Hump day, its Wednesday!!!

livingontheedge's picture

I wrote my first post about a week ago and then kinda got distracted with work. So just wanted to follow up!

My boyfriend and I still are not getting along very well. We had the whole arguemnt about the SS20 getting a job and being more responsible. I feel like boyfriend listens to what I say but doesnt really hear me. He agrees with all my points, but doesnt do anything to change things. We have been arguing constantly about SS20 not having a job, not helping around the house, but staying in his room 24/7 sleeping, eating, playing video games and talking on the phone. Our last huge arguement was just last week prior to Valentines day. WE aruged, I told boyfriend I want SS20 out of our house if he can't do the simple things like help out around the house and start making a bigger effort look for a job. Boyfriend, of course, got really angry and upset says he feels like I am making him choose between me and his son. SS20 is supposed to join military and leave in April, I told boyfriend that if SS20 does not do this than my BS11 and I are going to look for another place to live, but that our relationship would need to be reevaluated. Anyway I feel better that I told boyfriend how I was feeling, but now that I look at the whole situation really nothing has changed. This is how it seems to go, I explode after holding in for months about SS20's behavior and attitude, boyfriend listens and says he knows things need to change (but they never do), then SS20 will leave the house for about a week just enough time for me to cool off and then he comes back and boyfriend acts like everything is peachy and nothing happened. Do any of you ever feel like it is just a rotating cycle with nothing really ever getting any better?


Endora's picture

Only I have to follow DH around to remind him to "follow up and follow through" on the house rules we all made together (if I choose to remind him!)SS16 just plays dumb-and goes on his merry way-

SS does not like me very much at the moment because I nanny 911 him on life basics (picking up after yourself daily-showering)-Daddykins just left that to the pixies-parenting by osmosis I called it!

SS longs for the days when DH just let him do whatever while DH did whatever-now Zippy is accountable to someone and it really annoys the heck out of him (BOO HOO)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

livingontheedge's picture

problem is when boyfriend has a complaint about my BS11 I try and change his behavior. For instance, BS11 comes home from school and just puts his bookbag on the kitchen chair and shoes inside the front door, boyfriend comes home and sees them there. He calls me to complain about it, in return I make a point to talk to BS11 when I get home and remind him to put Bookbag and shoes in his room and tell him if it happens again he will lose a privlege even though I really dont think it is a big deal for BS11 to leave his bookbag on the kitchen chair. When I complain about SS20 it gets acknowledged but nothing ever comes of it. This behavior by boyfriend makes me want to just let little things like the bookbag on the kitchen chair slide. Like I'm getting even with boyfriend, kinda like "well you arent going to listen to me so I am not going to listen to you". Thats not good! Do you ever find yourself doing that kind of simple and almost childish stuff?

stepmom2one's picture

but that is becuz relationships are about give and take. A compromise. You feel like you are giving and compromising and he isn't. So if he won't do it then why should you.

And really why should you? The 20 year old should be held at a higher standard than an 11 yr old. If he can keep things together, his stuff picked up, chores, and school (which is like working--gone all day) than there is no reason a 20 yr old can't.

Personally I think the 20 yr old finds a job till April, and helps out or stays with a friend till then.

Endora's picture

My 20 something son (who was parented!) is staying with us to finish some school-DH was always on me to get "Charlie 2"(I have two grown Charlies) to move his shoes from the front door-

This got to be a sticky point with us -so I did get "Charlie 2" to comply-

SS16-Zippy did the exact same thing AND DH NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT IT! I brought that up -seems it is "cute" when Zippy leaves things around-it is horribly annoying if "Charlie 2" (who is hardly home as he has a job and life) leaves a cup around-arghhhh

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

livingontheedge's picture

do you handle it? These type of instances are a huge contention in our relationship. Because I will then also say well "SS20 was here all day and sink is still full of dirty dishes" you know tit for tat! Is that just natural of me or am I really being a big b***ch?

Endora's picture

Going straight to the source -DH-everything SS agreed to and would NOT do unless told by DH (50 or so times)-I got DH to do-clean Zippy's room-please pick up after Zippy (daily)-please clean Zippy's bathroom-please do Zippy's laundry-etc.

DH got so exhausted that he started to get on Zippy's case to do a few things for himself!

Also I pointed out that the romance department would improve if I was not constantly running after DH to get Zippy to get off his lazy duff-

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

CJ's picture

That is crazy! A 20 year old boy who lives at home with his parents, does not work and is not in school full time? Does your husband not realize that he is not doing his child any favors by enabling him to be a bum? Is that what he wants for his son? Ridiculous. Sixteen year olds should have jobs...and chores! Twenty year old MEN should be working FULL TIME and supporting their own butts!