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SS12 in trouble but what’s fair

lil_teapot's picture

FH got the call yesterday from bm that ss12 had been in a fight at school. The story goes, he’d been picking at some kid who eventually got tired of it and hauled off and socked him one. That sounds completely plausible. He picks at SS13 and tries to push his buttons…ss13 holds back because he could really hurt ss12, he’s that much bigger and stronger.

What ss12 said about the incident was that he was horsing around with another kid and someone got pushed by accident…so that kid turned around and punched ss12 in the face, leaving a red mark on his forehead. That might also be possible. FH and I don’t know which story is true. Especially considering ss12 is a clone of his bm who is the kind that will pick and prod and manipulate until you want to take a swing at her (been through that nonsense with her myself).

BM decided that ss12 is banned from hockey for 2 weeks. That means he’ll miss practices, plus the games. They are on a winning streak and are going to states. It’s a big deal for everyone (those who understand this stuff that is lol). FH thinks that bm is being way too harsh…but bm always accuses fh of being too lenient with the boys. I’m somewhere in the middle where I feel that ss needs to be disciplined in some way for what happened but not to the extent of being banned from the season-deciding games.

What makes it more complex is that since I am just fw or gf or whatever, I don’t have to take them to hockey any time…I only do what I choose to do because it is not legally or ethically my job to do it…they have a bm who is in every sense supposed to be responsible for them. So consequently, she has been forced to take the boys to hockey on the nights they’re with her…she’s being forced to pull her weight and do her part.(Ha ha!) So she’s pissed off in general and can’t wait for fh to marry me and put all the work on me…So, this seems like a way for her to get out of having to do hockey. She’d like nothing better than to not be responsible and to not have to take them to their games/practices and this seems like a perfect way out of it. So I know part of why she’s banning hockey is for her own selfish reasons.

I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to handle this situation. I’ve told fh that he should go talk to the principal and see what happened so he can also show the school that he’s interested and an active-type dad(not a deadbeat). And we’ve agreed that bm’s punishment plan is way to severe so we’re thinking of maybe making him sit out one game, but go to practice (because they hate practice and that’s punishment enough we feel). But I also suggested we could just skip the hockey punishment altogether and go with writing an essay or community service instead.

BM has been unfair to the kids in every way. She’s punished unjustly, and not been consistent with anything…sometimes allowance, sometimes not…basically, she’s a trainwreck when it comes to parenting and expects us to jump on board but we’re not.

I wouldn’t be involved at all, but fh has been doing super-good in therapy...our relationship is back on track and going great... and he wants me to be involved in everything including co-parenting. I’m offering suggestions that I feel might be fair to everyone so as to not step on toes…and ultimately the final say will come down to fh what he wants to do. But I am definitely looking for input from you all who have been there done that.


Chel Bell's picture

and that is all that would be accomplished by this! And your right, this is a self serving punishment on BM's part. The punishment should fit the crime, and letting down a whole hockey team for what SS may have done is not appropriate. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch

lil_teapot's picture

and over the last few months I've finally understood what he was talking about.
LOL...I said that exactly to fh about bm being so harsh "the punishment should fit the crime". And I think she's being too harsh.

secondwife20's picture

playing hockey is a privilege, not a right. You make bad decisions, you lose privileges.

Now, if you really feel torn, I would suggest letting him go to practice so that his team knows that he is still dedicated to them... but have him sit out on a game or two. Maybe have the coach just bench him so that he is still there with his team to support them.

lil_teapot's picture

fh explained to me how much each parent pays for their kid to's over $5K per kid per year just in fees, not accounting for hotels, food, extra/repairs to equipement. It seems to be a very expensive sport that all the parents really invest themselves into. So, fh told me all that and explains to me that the kids and the parents are counting on him being there to be part of the team so they can win. If they don't participate, the parents aren't getting their money's worth, you know what I mean? It's like one person letting down the team by not participating will weaken the entire weak link thing. I never understood that thinking cuz I'm a girl and haven't ever been on sports teams...but after fh explained all that to me I finally got it and see their point.
I'd like to agree with you about the benching if the coach could do it that would be super...but the team isn't part of the school, it's private or whatever, so school-stuff doesn't impact the team. So we'd have to ask the coach to bench him...I'm not sure what to do...

Serena's picture

I fight constantly with my XH because he thinks he can pull the kids out of anything. If she forces him to miss games as a punishment, she is sending the message that the committment he made to the team doesn't have to be fulfilled. If he's made the committment to the team, he needs to meet that committment.

I LOVE the community service idea. We do a lot of community service in our family, because I think it's important for the kids to see how lucky we are and that we have a responsibility to give back whenever we're able. It would be a punishment and teach a lesson.

lil_teapot's picture

I thought it would help discipline him and teach him how lucky he is to have all he has. I'm trying to figure out though which service he could do. If you have any ideas let me know k? Smile

secondwife20's picture

when a coach benches a player because he couldn't get a C or better on his grades. Or a player stayed up past curfew. If players break rules, coaches take them out of the game, championship or not.

Parents should have that same right.

Let SS go to practice... that will still show he's committed. Just don't let him play in the game.

lil_teapot's picture

and that's how I feel in part too...that he's getting a free ticket because of hockey. But at the same time, I don't think what happened was a huge enough deal to make him miss the rest of the season. I'm not a boy...I don't know how they behave, maybe fighting is more acceptable in their world? I don't know... I just dont want to make a mountain out of a mole hill--I just don't know if this is a mountain or a mole hill...

northernsiren's picture

Joining a team is a commitment, punishment should not come as removal from the responsibility and commitment. This is one incident, and should be handled as you suggested, or through household restrictions. Grades are a different story, failing grades takes pervasive and longer term irresponsibility, and in my opinion THAT is a good reason to suspend a student from sports or activities (I think that's usually school policy anyway) but as punishment for one incident, i think it is inappropriate.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

lil_teapot's picture

and I think that's enough punishment from the system. I'm not sure what to do about him at home, but I can't see taking away hockey for one incident like you said.
I think we'd have less problem deciding what to do if bm wasn't completely off the hook over this one.

Chel Bell's picture

as soon as he was big enough for skates, up through the end of high school. If (and when) he got in trouble at school for stuff like you described, and it had happened, not alot, but he had his moments....there were consequences at home for it, as well as at school. He was put on "lock down" at home, all kinds of extra chores (that he hated) and the only time he saw the light of day was when he went to school, or hockey. He remembers all those times, and was glad he was not in trouble often, it was punishment enough. And his mom was a true single mom, doing it all on her own. Keeping him from playing hockey would have only served her anger, and she considered it important to her son, as his coach was a great role model for him (he hated having to tell his coach when he was in trouble at home), so keeping him from it would not have done any good. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch