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Share some naughty thoughts

sam's picture

We all seem to have the perfect way of explaining things and the perfect words so i thought it would be fun to let our naughty side come out like what would you do to ex wife if you got the chance.I would put her on a roller coaster with alot of loops and run it til she puked.Ok maybe longer.Be creative and somewhat nice i guess.Nothing to evil.


sarahbernheart's picture

far far away with her kids..
free one way trip to Istanbul.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Endora's picture

Parent her bio-son/my SS 24/7 like I have to!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

SerendipitySM's picture

Stomp on her ugly TROLL face with my high heel stiletto boot and throw her into the 9th circle of hell!!

Is that too harsh??

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

B's picture

Given what you've been through because of her existence, no - I wouldn't say you're being too harsh.

I can't really say what I'd like to do to BM, but I have to admit that there are days when we'll hear that there has been a fatality accident in the area where she lives and I'll think to myself "why can't the report just say 'the woman was identified as BM Xyz?'" And then I feel awful for thinking it. But truth be told, her demise would solve so many problems. Sad, isn't it?

secondwife20's picture

if you knew what I really wanted to do to BM.

But to give you an idea of what I had in mind....

I would bazooka her ugly face off because I'm so tired of seeing it. I would then kick her around in mud that's just filled with big juicy worms and beetles because that's how she's been treating me for the past three years. Finally I would toss her in shark infested waters and watch the sharks tear her apart and eat her and then die because she's that nasty.

Yep. There are plenty of other things that I would like to do to her.

bellacita's picture

i would like to burn her at the stake like the ya-yas did for me at the last retreat.

okay, not really.

maybe just run her over w a tanker?

take away her CS so she could REALLY BE the "poor single mom" she proclaims to be...

cover her in fire ants....

tie her by her nappy hair to my bumper and drag her across the country, face-down...

no, thats too mean for my poor car....

i cant do it w/o being too evil

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

secondwife20's picture

you tie her hair to her own bumper and drag her across the country face down.... and then lock her in the car and blow it up. Smile okay. I'll stop now.

bellacita's picture

my car is far too cute to be ruined by her.

and i wouldnt ruin my stilettos on her either, SSM.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

sarahbernheart's picture

I am so glad you all are on my side!!
I would never want to come up against ya'll LOL I LOVE IT!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sam's picture

shave all her hair off and then she would look like a turtle because she already has no neck.Isnt nice to get this off your chest?

TheBrightSide's picture

take away her CS and alimony, both of which are paid voluntary by my DH as a result of a shitty divorce settlement (we have SD8 more than 50% yet still pay CS....the alimony...well, you all would cringe if you knew how much it was).

disgusted's picture

Well, I went to high school with the BM...I have said a few times that if I would have known what the future was going to hold back when we were teenagers in high school. I would have knocked her in the head with my back pac, drug her off in the woods behind the school, and given her a hystorectemy with my number 2 pencil!!

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

secondwife20's picture

Wouldn't it be so nice to go back in time knowing what we know now?

Colorado Girl's picture

If I could do anything at all...

I would become friends with her BF.

I would call him ALL the time for no reason. Somedays I'd be giddy, others I would be completely irrational and demand his attention whether he wanted to give it or not. I would extract money from his paycheck and call him up telling him what a piece of shit he is when I didn't get it on time. And if she ever stuck up for him, I would call her a skinny, crack whore and tell her it was between me and him.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Anon2009's picture

Where do I begin? First, I'd like to send her harassing emails and place harassing phone calls to her because she never, ever responds to the efforts her daughters make to communicate with her. Second, on behalf of everyone here at Steptalk, I'd buy the BMs plane tickets to Siberia (one-way tickets). Third, I wouldn't send them any food or water to take with them.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I was just thinking of typing exactly the same thing.
I would love to put her in exactly my position and see how she likes it. I would laugh if she had a car accident in her brand new car, I would stick my finger up at her while she is in the car with my ex and my children. I would ring my ex and say that I wont be picking up my children until I get and extra $100 in my child support cheque this week etc...... (too many things to list)Basically give her, her own medicine.

Putting her in a jail cell with a serial rapist I thought may be a bit harsh, although very tempting ;).

Colorado Girl's picture

a mirror for her to actually SEE he reflection.

For HER to actually feel what she has put us ALL through.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

JMC's picture


Burn her at the stake, just like they did at the Salem witch trials - only this time there truly is a witch! Yep, she's a "practicing" witch, whatever the hell that means! Witchcraft books all over her house...crazy b*t*h!

Or maybe shoot down her broomstick! lol!!

SerendipitySM's picture

J - our BM is a witch too - a Wiccan....

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

sweetthing's picture

is for her to realize how selfish & difficult she is & to realize how lucky she has it.

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

So many thoughts come to mind, most of which I will not put in writing, though my husband & I frequently share our ideas with each other!

Taking away BM's child support, food stamps & various other forms of welfare would probably be the most satisfying. This also includes hand-outs from her daddy & all her wealthy male "friends". THEN she'll know what we have to live like, just barely scraping by, working our asses off.

My slightly more evil wish is that BM meets up with a guy that is divorced with kids and a complete bitch of an ex-wife! And I hope the ex-wife makes BM's life as much of a living hell as she's made ours. This would also keep BM busy with a new "enemy", possibly causing her to leave us alone. This probably will never happen, though, because in over 6 years of dating/living with various boytoys, not a single one of them has had kids of their own. Coincidence? I don't think so!

stepmasochist's picture

Especially this part:

"Taking away BM's child support, food stamps & various other forms of welfare would probably be the most satisfying. This also includes hand-outs from her daddy & all her wealthy male "friends". THEN she'll know what we have to live like, just barely scraping by, working our asses off."

I want BM to know what it's like to actually be a freaking grown-up. grrr!

imagr8tma's picture

It involves extreme violence.

What i really hope happens - Is that she marries a wimp of a guy who has kids with an x.

I really hope that x-wife/girlfriend is as much of a bitch and worse than she is right now.

I hope that woman puts her through the same hell she is putting my DH and me through. I hope she lies and tries to get a protective order (only our BM did not succeed). I hope she takes the kids to counseling to lie and claim BM is abusing her (like she is doing me right now - although she doesn't know that we know - yet). I hope the woman - spreads lies about her to the skids, family and friends - like BM is doing us. AND i hope that she generally makes BM life a living hell.

Pay back for the craziness she is doing to us. Only thing is - She is so stupid - she will not realize why it is happening. AND will probably still act an azz towards us.

BUT it would feel so dang good to know that although i will not and I refuse to stoop to that low a level - That someone else will.

bellacita's picture

i like this one the best...i hope the same for our BM...that she ends up in love w a man who has kids to a psycho ex-gf who makes there life a living hell...

oh wait--that would mean she would actually have to get a man to fall in love w thats probably not gonna happen...but a girl can dream!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

now4teens's picture

She's going to end up being her own worst enemy.

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

bellacita's picture

THATS no fun!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

now4teens's picture

I want to see her get EXACTLY what is coming to her...

the CS will eventually run out. She has no education and never tried to get a job (she just wants to use the CS as alimony because she doesn't feel like she needs to work). The man she left DH for is now leaving her (and it's gonna get ugly because he's a creep to begin with)...

She has no looks, no personality, she's certifiable, and if she's looking for another MAN to support her ass, she's kidding herself...

She has a three year-old kid, she's almost 42, her body's sagging and she can't afford any more plastic surgery that my DH got her (boobs & chin) that she used to find her new "Mr. Wonderful"...

She has to sell her big house that my DHs alimony and CS got her and move into either a tiny townhome or apartment...the gravy train is ending...

She doesn't like herself, she has no friends, her own kids don't even like her...and she'll end up alone...

and it's all her own doing...

Sounds like FUN to me Wink

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

lil_teapot's picture

I owe her for the months of busting into our home and disrupting our lives...not to mention finding her in my living room has left a very bitter taste in my mouth still to this day....
What I would do(hypothetically of course lol) would be to rent a trailer load of pigs and let them loose in her house while she was at work.
I think the symbolism is pretty apparent here.LOL
But like I say, that would be a hypothetical situation and I would in no way ever do such a thing...although it would be pretty frikkin

Never Ending's picture

First I would like to see BM boobs deflate,, that would be cool.
but mostly what would be really great, if the truth was out, let all her friends and family read all the documents and emails and transcripts to show them all the lies she told she manipulated the truth, the perjury ..let them see in black and white everything she has told them was a lie about us.

There was a movie like that once, with Michelle Sarah Gellar...and in the end, it was the truth that destroyed the horrible girl.

October8's picture

Have her get mandatory a JOB....

One can only hope!

JMC's picture


SD's & BM responded to a blog I posted on my personal myspace page - SD's said I wasn't telling the whole story, so I posted SD's & BM's comments about their side of it ~ boy, did that start a firestorm!!

northernsiren's picture

give SD a stable, loving and supportive home where she can grow and thrive. That means no longer with the BM, to be her maid, her babysitter, her emotional and physical punching bag, and worse. I would show SD there is a better way to live life than through lies and anger. I would refuse to let her mother tear apart the good works that come as a result of being valued and appreciated, and force her to stew in all her own misery and anger, with no one left to last out at.

Finally, I would take away her CS that she refuses to spend on the care and maintenance of SD, instead financing her ability to sit home and birth more brats. I would put her in the position that she SHOULD have thought about before having two more kids, either get a job or lose your house because without the CS, you cannot afford your pathetic lifestyle.

Oh wait, all this is actually happening to BM. Oh Karmic Bus, speed forward!!!!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Most Evil's picture

I too want our BM to become a step-mom, to several SDs, whose mom practices PAS!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

stepmom929's picture

this is fun Smile

I think I'd make her go through a long, intense childbirth once a week and then come in each time and take her baby away! Smile

Even though she basically handed her kid over to it's father and I anyway, I still think that would be a nice punishment!