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when does it end

sam's picture

What would be the age that you stop picking up and driving the sk to visitation?We do all the driving to avoid confrentation with bm but it has been 4 years now.


brutallyhonest's picture

We've done all the driving for every visit, I usually go because after a few incidents, I feel BF needs a witness. I don't like it, but I'd rather not have BM at my house and the witness thing came about after some made-up stories threatened to become serious isses. SD is now 15, however she stopped doing EOW 6 months ago to avoid having to answer to BF about her grades. We won't be providing a car when she turns 16, but I think her other family might. I think at that point, SD might be doing the driving herself, if she decided she wants to see us.

lil_teapot's picture

I'm sure we'll get him a car so he can take himself and his brother to bm's and get themselves to their games. That way we can do things we want (hopefully) and not have our lives entirely interrupted by the dropoff/pickup stuff.