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Feeling sorry for myself!!!

frustratedinMA's picture

So My bday was on 1/14 and my surprise baby shower was on 1/18. I live in the Boston area.. soooo..

My bday DH took me out to dinner and got me 2 cards (1 from him, and one from the baby.. very sweet) and his mom sent me a gift card to Barnes and Nobles.. My mom told me we would celebrate my bday on Sunday the 18th in conjunction w/my dad's bday. Sounded good.

Sunday we woke up to 6 inches of snow, and it was still falling. I got to my mom's house an hour later than I should have, due to the snow.. Yep.. an hour late to my baby shower that had a total of 5 guests there.. out of all that were invited. Everyone was calling to cancel. We ended up getting like a total of 12 inches from this all day storm

I am bummed, because my bday was never really acknowledge by my family, that my sister chose to have my shower so close to my bday that that gets forgotten.. that w/all the months to chose from.. she picks a SNOWY one, and not say Late Feb or March or April (seeing as the baby isn't due til May 3rd)...

So I waited 36 yrs to have 5 people at my shower. I know there are people out there truly suffering.. which is making it harder as to why I cant get past this. Why I am upset that people didn't go.. its not their fault it snowed.. But I think about all the freakin showers I have sat through, and how the only ones that actually showed up, were the ones that haven't HAD a baby.. people who didnt have showers to sit through.. THOSE are the ones that showed. oh.. and an aunt.

I was majorly depressed all day yesterday, and I am still today, and I do not want to be. I want to get past this, but cant seem to. Which is making it worse.. I feel like a selfish spoiled brat. I was literarlly crying my eyes out last night.


secondwife20's picture

I'm so sorry that mother nature chose the day of your baby shower to make it blizzardy outside. Sad It must be upsetting, but you have to keep telling yourself that no one can change the weather.

Is there any way you can reschedule it for a later date? I'm sure everyone will understand how much this means to you. And if no one wants to do it well, screw it, Frustrated. I will throw you a baby shower! We all will... and we'll party... and have so much fun. Smile

Try to cheer up, hon. I know it must be upsetting... it was very important and special to you. You are not a spoiled brat for feeling that way... just normal. Not to mention you're pregnant and are a tad bit hormonal. Smile

jen76's picture

I got shafted at my shower too. I can't even begin to count how many baby showers of friends that I have sat through and wished that they were over. It's great when you are the one that is getting all the presents, but reality for me is that they are pretty boring. I think I had about the same amount of people at mine except non were my friends. It was my grandma, SIL, a couple of my Mothers friends and the people throwing the shower. Since my son was 7 weeks early we already scheduled the shower for the weekend after he was born. I got out of the hospital the day before so we obviously cancelled it and rescheduled it for the next month. I couldn't belive that none of my friends came b/c they had previous engagements. The good thing that came out of it was the majority of them still did give me presents at the hospital or came by the house to drop it by and to see the baby when he came home. The ones that didn't, when I got invited to their baby shower....sorry I have plans already. I know it is childish, but it does hurt when people you care about don't show up on such an important day for you. With this next baby I plan on having another shower (which is frowned upon by some people for 2nd babies) and doing it months in advance just in case the same thing happens. If I lived up there I would have been there snow or not! PM your address and I'll send you a present. Smile

frustratedinMA's picture

just a tad hormonal. I literally was bawling while eathing dinner last night. DH asked why I was crying.. and didnt want to tell him as I felt I was being a brat. which of course made me sob harder.

I just wish my sister had the wearwithall to reschedule, rather than pursue it. I was actually shocked that she expected people to make it out in that weather. Her comment was, if it was a work day they wouldnt have called into work. (but she failed to see that the roads would have been better cleared if it were a work day.. not to mention.. people go to work because they HAVE to.. not because they want to)

I am just disappointed that she chose to have it so far in advance that it was in a foul weather month.. and that it also overshadowed my bday which has been long forgotten by all. DH even asked me the other day, your not upset that I didnt get you anything, ARE YOU? How does one answer that w/o sounding like a brat??? I said, no, of course not. Not even flowers ladies..

frustratedinMA's picture

LOL.. Jen.. you are too much.. No presents needed.. It was more about having all my friends and family there to celebrate and have a great day with. Most have called and said they want to send me the gifts.. I guess to me its just not the same as having them at a party. Living in TX, it would have been hard for you to be at the party ;).. lol

The party still had all the pretty decorations and the yummy food and cake.. just not a lot of people came to hang out. Most left pretty soon after I opened presents because of the snow.

bellacita's picture

sounds like bad judgement on ur sisters part Sad and at leats DH got u cards--maybe he is planning something for later.

i cant imagine how u must feel...waiting all ur life for a shower and to have that happen. big hugs girl...we love u and will throw u a ST shower!!! Smile

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

now4teens's picture

Your sister WILL try and reschedule (even though those 5 people showed up- God love them for their effort).

Really- what WAS your sister thinking? You're not due until May and she threw the shower in January??? And in MA???

Not the sharpest tool in the drawer, is she?! Wink

I know you're feeling down right now, but these things do find a way of working themselves out...sending you good wishes they do in this case Smile

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

frustratedinMA's picture

You hit that nail on the head.. so far from the sharpest tool.. LOL..

One of my other gf's emailed me today and asked if she could have something w/4 of my friends that didnt make it. She even offered to invite the rest that couldnt.. if I wanted to get their info to her.. Its a lot of relatives, and not sure how they would feel going to a stranger's house. (stranger to them at least) and a much further drive than my mom's.