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Failing Photography?

Not My Real Mom's picture

Thanks for all your support. Tonight SD15 made it clear that she's failing photography. How can you fail photography? She wants DH to make it all better by emailing the teacher and giving some excuse as to why she didn't do her project during holiday vacation. He actually told her no way. I couldn't believe it. Last week they took a day trip to NYC (before New Years) and she took pictures there. She asked DH to find out from her teacher if she could show those pictures. She was supposed to take pictures of Valley Forge, which is only 2-1/2 miles away from us. She could have done it any time but wanted to hang out with her friends at the mall, etc.

DH could have put his foot down earlier and tell her she couldn't go out until she was done her project but he doesn't take that kind of action. He lets her do whatever she wants. Anyway, at the dinner table, she got angry and asked what kind of parents we were. First of all, I'm not even speaking to her. 2nd, her father should have thought of that before. I am glad he put his foot down but it was too little, too late.

I told DH if I had a say, she would have had that project done before this happened. Whenever I point this out, his only response to me is "whatever!" He doesn't like being told how to raise his kids.

“When all else fails, get a dog.”


secondwife20's picture

for DH for putting his foot down. Yeah... maybe it was a little late, but better late than never, I suppose. My DH is the same when I try to discipline SD8. "You don't have kids of your own, so how would you know how to raise an 8 year old?" is what he uses every time I say something about his methods. It makes me want to strangle him.

I hate when DHs come up with excuses for their precious angels. Last year when SD8 was in second grade, she was doing horrible. She always got in trouble... was getting bad grades (this year is pretty much the same)... but she was blaming it all on the teacher. I went to a parent teacher conference with DH and BM, and it seemed to me that it was SD8 with the problem. SD8 could never stop talking. SD8 was always talking back to the teacher. SD8 threw tantrums. Gee, sounds like home! However, DH and BM were still convinced that the teacher was to blame. So they had SD8 switch teachers... same problems. SD8 still blamed the teacher. DH and BM believed her. Eventually DH came up with some excuse, saying... "well, SD8 won't do good in school unless she likes her teacher. that's why she's failing."

That is the dumbest excuse ever.

SD8 won't do good in school because she's used to being in control and having her way. She can't be in control or have her way in school... that's why she's being such a monster to the teachers.

That is a better excuse in my opinion. It's not even an excuse... more like the truth!

Anyway, it's unfortunate that DH was a little late... think of it this way... at least he's learning, and maybe as time goes by he'll be a little quicker on disciplining his child.