Last week in retrospect-living in fear
My son made the comment to me today that I can't continue to live in fear. And that's what he's seen since he's been here. Friday being the worst-the 50 calls-yelling screaming cursing me out. Both my son and my sister saw it. They told me not to answer the phone anymore. Problem is-if I don't answer it, it just gets worse.
So the things I did wrong this week.
Monday-the 22nd. I was happy because H's Christmas present came. I told him I was excited. In return I received yelling and screaming at me over how I was rubbing it in because he hadn't got me a gift yet (I had no idea whether he had or not).
Tuesday-The 23rd.In trouble because I didn't call SD14 and wish her happy bd on Monday. I went to her party on the 5th. Sunday, the 21st, I took her to lunch, and gave her more money and took her shopping for her birthday. But I didn't call her on Monday. So in trouble for that.
Wed.the 24th-H bitching me out because I can't go pickup his mother on Christmas morning. She can't get in the jeep. And I am cooking Christmas dinner for 10 people. So he wanted my son to go get her-my son was at his fathers. I got a 45 minute chewing over the phone on Christmas eve over this-because H and his darling SD17 were going to have to be the ones to go get H's mother.
Thurs. the 25th-didn't get chewed out at all. Just treated like something on the bottom of SD17's shoe. But no chewing-too much family around, I guess.
Friday-the 26th. I made the mistake of saying I was sad because my son couldn't spend Christmas nite here, (MIL & skids stayed here, no room for my own son-and H wasn't even here. he left around 7:30 Christmas nite-and left me with HIS family). So all day, being called a bitch, being told HE wants a divorce, being told how easy I have life and how I don't appreciate it, how HIS poor children feel uncomfortable here (I had to ask SD17 to get off the couch so my parents-in their 70's-could have a seat), how he'll spend as much as he wants to on his kids and I better not say a damned thing about it. How I should be going places and doing things instead of cleaning all the time (I would love to-but it takes money -gas, food to go places, and I get in trouble anytime I spend any money)In trouble for sending his dog (actually SD14's dog)back home with the skids. Because they have cats in the house and the dog chases them. I have a cat here-my cat is 14 yrs old-and I have to watch the little dog because he has hurt her before. They have a fenced yard. I do not. Both girls are home on Christmas break-but they shouldn't have to watch THEIR dog? So I'm a bitch because I didn't want the dog here. In all, over 50 calls, him ripping me into little pieces. Telling me everything that's wrong with me, telling me I have no self-esteem (no, I don't anymore. he has destroyed it). All while my son & sis are here.
Saturday-H says he's more depressed than he's ever been in his life and to leave him alone. So I left him alone. Then he calls later and acts like everything is just fine. No apology, no nothing.
I am calling an attorney tomorrow. No, I don't have a job. But I can't live like this. It's killing me. I take pills to get thru each and every day. This is not living.
- bewitched's blog
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Oh my....
I feel so bad for you. Please get out of that relationship if you can.
Who does he think he is. He should not be able to talk to you or treat you that way.
You are a woman who should be treated as such.
Get rid of that bum.
Your family will back you up bigtime
If you are committed to kicking this abuser to the curb, your family will certainly have your back. It seems they have seen what H is and how he treats you, and no doubt they will be hugely helpful as you regain your sanity and freedom away from this man and his spawn.
Reading your post is a bit uncomfortable for me because it so reminds me of my EX. Same deal--he was a weak man who could only feel good about himself when he thought he was making others feel terrible. I was always doing things "wrong." I was a "bad mother" and "lazy" (worked 2 jobs while he didn't work at all). No matter how I walked on eggshells and tried to be perfect to make the marriage work, he would always find fault and let me know what a loser I was. Finally, our marriage counselor took me aside one day and told me I should get a divorce. Best advice I ever got!
My mistake was staying long enough in the marriage that I got used to the constant verbal abuse and put-downs, and lost my self-esteem. I became a hollow shell. You, on the other hand, are aware of the abuse and what your H is attempting to do to you. You don't have to wait years to get your head straight!
This marriage is just a speedbump you need to get over in 2009. I know you will do exactly that and be better for it!
Abusers SUCK.
I am so sorry to hear the way
you have been treated. Divorce may be the best thing to do now. Next time, maybe a man without children?? Thats what I'd be sure to do.
If you have to get a
If you have to get a restraining order on him. You have your son and sister witnessing his threatening behavior. Call legal aid to see if they can help. A lot of states will give you an annulment if you have been married less than a year and have lived apart for the majority of that time. I hope you have more strength than I do. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
All too familiar
The Jekyll and Hyde pattern is classic abuser. Read "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" by Patricia Evans. It really
helped me. It's impossible to have a real relationship with an abuser.
You said it's your house--kick him out. Call the police if you have to.
Then go to court and petition to get some support, until you get on your feet.
I'll be praying for you...
Been there
You are letting
him control you. He's trying his best to prove to you how much you need him, because without him you are obviousally nothing right? Wrong. It's time to show him just how wrong. And I understand what you mean by if you didn't answer the phone it would be worse, the ass chewing when you finally did have to talk to him would be unbearable. He's a controlling man Bewitched. He wants to make you believe you don't amount to the crap on his precious daughters shoe. Because the less you feel for yourself the more you will depend on him. The further down the hole you will go, you will have to have him or you can't make it! That's what he's trying to do. Go to an attorney tomorrow, he will have to pay you spousal support. Go get on food stamps, and what ever else goverment assistance you can get until you can get on your feet. It may sound degrading, but nothing is worse than what you are going through right now. You need help, and that's why I got to work.....that's what MY taxes pay for.....and I'm glad they do. You go get the help, the assistance you need, see an attorney, get a restraining order on the fruitcake. The judge will grant it because of you being scared, and if you mention the holding you down and spitting in your eye there will be no question.
Pack up your shit and go stay with your family. It may uncomfortable, not ideal, but do what it takes to get out of this. It will get hard when you are uncomfortable, not in your own home, wondering how to pay the bills. But it will also get better, you will start to get out of this shell he's put you in. You'll start to remember who you were before this asshole whipped you down to the person you are right now.
Do you remember the girl you were before? You are still her Bewitched. Don't let him kill her and turn her into the model of a wife he expects and is trying to brain torture you into becoming.
There are many forms of abuse. What he does to you is ABUSE. It's not just arguing, it's mental abuse. Say it outloud. Recgonize that you are being abused. He has no right to do this to you, and you have no right to continue letting him.
F the excuses, no job, money, etc. Just do it and it will all work out. I promise you it will. Come stay with me and my husband!!! And if I love you that much just from knowing you on here I know you have friends and family that will take you in, take care of you, and help you through this.
When you break out of this, the blinders will come off. You'll be amazed at what you have allowed him to do to you. Please stop.
Repetative I know, but you need to hear it...
You need to get out of there now. There will be a transition house somewhere local to you that you can go to immediately. Call your local police, tell them you are afraid of your husband's escalating eratic bipolar behaviour, and you need to leave immediately. They will most likely escort you there personally.
I know, your first thought is no, I can wait, or I'm not destitute so therefore I shoulnd't. I've been abused, worse then you, but your situation is starting to get very dangerous. Do not pay any mind to who may or may not be there just go, just do it.
The people who work in transition houses are very nice and it will not be as uncomfortable or as traumatic as you may think. Once you are out of there, the weight will come off your shoulders and you will sigh and relax.
I'm really really serious about you leaving in the manner I described the next time he so much as opens his mouth. Any legal separation type things can and will be dealt with later. You need to leave asap.
I work in the social service industry. I've dealt with many many different types of mental illness. Your husband is not doing well, but this is no your responsibility. He should be able to recognize symptoms in himself by now and if not, then he has no insight into how his illness is affecting others. You will not be able to relate to his line of thinking so do not even try, these are not reasonable logical people. They are always the victim, think in black or white terms, you are either with him or against him.. get my drift.
You are in my thoughts, take care of yourself. You are worth it.
We all smile in the same language
Oh see now...Hell No!!!
This guy lives in YOUR home..YOURS, not his and not his daughters..Yours, Yours, Yours. I wouldn't answer that cell phone if someone paid me a million dollars!! Your letting him control your, your house, your life, and your mental and emotional well being.
Kick his ass out!! Take a job as a motel maid or at a fast food resturant if you have to why you look for something better. Just take a job that will bring you in some money and find a roomate to help meet expenses if you have too. Girl, anything would be better then living in that mess and with that jerk!
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. disgusted
the race to the nuclear option
BW-I really feel for you it sounds like you had a totally crap-tacular Christmas!
I've found that when I'm dealing with my BF when he is acting irrationally about SD and wants to start a fight, I just race him to the nuclear option. I tell him if it sucks SO bad with me, we can just sell the house and be done! I'll call the real estate agent right now and help him pack.
We used to have massive fights and where he would just belittle me and then threaten all this BS stuff he was never going to follow through on. But the stuff he would stay would just tear me up inside and get me all worked up. One day I got tired of it and I used the nuclear option. If it suck so bad then go, I'm not going to try and stop you. It was like a little light bulb went on in his head and he was like well I'm upset, but not so upset I want to end this!!! It was like I took back the power in the argument. Now when I feel a disagreement is spiraling out of scope-- I just use the nuclear option. Obviously I don't use the nuclear option very often, because you have to be able to express why you are upset without someone saying "fine we are done" 10 minutes into your issue.
Obviously this probably won't work for you the same way it works for me since you are making plans for your exit ( and I think you are doing the right thing, we all have our line in the sand), but just know that his threats are his power play. You have power too, like the fact that you own the house, and can invite him to leave (or have the cops kick him out).
Take any jobs that come up and go after him for alimony! I'll be thinking about you. Good Luck.
Given that everyone
has pretty much said everything, I will say only this.....
HUGS to you my friend and please get out of there before this escalates further. By the way, check in your area for women's may need to "hide" for a while!
That is awful, you should
That is awful, you should get rid of him as soon as possible. Do you have any joint assets?
BW - I do not have anything
BW - I do not have anything to say that hasn't already been said by everyone else. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you are able to get him the hell out of your life as soon as possible.
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Eff your effing credit!
Change the locks and throw this bum out now!!!! I know everyone has already said that, but it cannot be stressed enough.
You say you've been waiting to get a job and straighten out some debt he put you in, screw it.
If it were me, I'd file bankruptcy before I'd let this asshole rule my life anymore. They can't take your home and they can't take one of your cars if you continue to pay for it. More than likely if you live in one of those states that allows it, you'll get alimony from the creep. Whatever financial woes are holding you back, you've gotta realize that nothing is that important. You will find a way to make do with this.
Okay, well the job part is important, but take anything, start applying EVERYWHERE - McDonald's, convenience store anything. I know it may seem low compared to what you normally work out,but nothing can be more demeaning than being married to someone who makes you feel as low as this guy does, and having a constant reminder with his awful behaviour that you made a poor choice in partner. GET RID OF HIM! NOW! I'm actually kind of afraid for you. He seems so unstable.
Then after you change the locks and get yourself a gun and/or large, vicious dog if STBX is driving a car in your name, report it stolen.
Oh ya and a LOT of lawyers take credit cards! Hope you already talked to yours and he's working up the papers.
Friday he wanted a divorce-today he wants to send my son and I
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
to the beach if he can't go. The change-who knows? Direction of the wind, I guess.
Everyone was here Christmas-everyone saw things go pretty well, except my sadness at sending my son to his gf's parents that night. And I did not make an issue of it-just told H Friday it made me sad. That's what started the "I want a divorce", the "I don't like you" the "I resent you" the chewing chewing chewing.
Then Sat. h didn't talk to me alllll daaayyyy (yes!). Sat. nite I was honey again. By today, I'm his darling wife who he would spend hundreds on to take her grown son to the beach for a week.
You tell me, guys. I'm so out of my league here. I'm a bitch one day, a treasure the next, when I haven't done anything-nothing. The only thing that changed was the date on the calender.
I will be consulting an attorney--the day after my son goes back. He (my son) has been thru alot in his life, and he's having a very hard time dealing with all of this. He could barely restrain himself on Friday. And I don't want to set him off-he could beat the crap out of H, and is so close to doing just that...I don't want him ending up in jail over this man.
Get rid of him - the sooner the better!
Get rid of his ass Bewitched - The sooner the better. I cannot believe the nerve he has. He's living rent free, in your home, being catered to by you and he and his family treat you like absolute shit!
For a mans perspective, I read some of your posts to my husband. He sat here with his mouth open, like he was shocked. We're both amazed you haven't "done him in" in his sleep,
Talk to an attorney - Like Crayon said, once you talk to one they can't talk to him. If you live in a town as small as you say, that will leave him with having to search for an attorney. But get those consultations, get the process going, GET A RESTRAINING ORDER, and when he and his kids are gone, have the locks changed and put their crap outside.
Hugs to you, I know how hard it is to work up the courage to do all this. I'm praying for you.
He sounds like my ex and you need him out NOW!
You haven't said when your son is leaving but I would file for divorce ASAP and I would also call the cops and have them be there when he removes his things. He is going to go in to a rage and you need a restraining order. He is an abuser and you have taken an emotional beating. I know everyone here has told you the same thing and I agree but let me tell you I was in your situation ONCE and I had a 4 year old and w/out my exF income I was pretty screwed but I threw my ex out to save my own sanity. I would rather have NOTHING then to be treated like they way that you are now. And I have been treated like you are being treated AND even though I walked around on eggshells one day he got so mad he through me in to a wall and knocked me unconscious. This is where you are headed if you do not get away from this man. Do not blame yourself - we are not psychics and we all make mistakes how did you really know that he was going to turn in to this abusive monster. Please keep us updated - and remember your family is there for you and they will have your back on this. TRUST ME ON THAT ONE. A big hug to you and I'm sure we will all be waiting for your post that he is gone.