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car riding... ??

4ofus's picture

ok, I know there will be a lot of differences on this, but I want to know..

I do not allow skids to ride in the front seat...they are 9 and 5. There are safety signs in the car stating children under the age of 13 should not due to the air bag. I figure, there is plenty of room in the back and no real good reason to allow them up front. So I feel that I put thier safety first by not allowing front seat riding.

I see sooooo many parents letting their children ride in the front seat.. what gives? Do the statistics not count for anything??? Do the warnings not matter??


Rags's picture

due to those same warnings. My Wife was adamant about complying with those warnings.

I tend to be a little less rigid as long as the kid(s) are in appropriate car seats or seat belts depending on their size.

Now at 16 he still instinctively jumps in the back seat any time he gets in a car. Even if it is just the two of us. I have to tell him to climb in front with me.

Soooo, I think you are doing it right. Better safe than sorry I suppose.

Best regards,

melis070179's picture

My baby rides in middle back & I have moved my son to the side back...(he used to be in middle back) SS is 11 but literally the size of an adult. He's 5'4 and 154 lbs. He rides in the front if my DH isn't with me. I used to make him ride in the back, but with the new baby its too cramped if not neccessary and he meets the height/weight requirements for an airbag. But either way, both of our cars the airbag automatically turns off if there isnt enough weight in the seat. So if a kid thats not heavy enough sits in that seat, or nobody is in it, the airbag won't even come on. Its weight controlled. You can also override it manually. Maybe thats why some parents allow it. But if its an older car, thats doesn't do this...not a good idea. Unless its SO OLD that it doesn't even have airbags!!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

SM#1's picture

My SD9 I don't let her sit in the front. They must be 4'9'' or at least 12 years old in the state of WI anyway.

NCMilGal's picture

otherwise, same as melis. SD stb 13 has been heavier than I am now since I met her at the age of 10. Now she's heavier than her father, and reportedly has shot up several inches in height making her taller than me. Even at 10 she was 5'3". (that's when she hit puberty too) Once the kids get to be adult size, I don't see why they should sit in the back, unless it's to get them out of your sight! Wink


melis070179's picture

except the damned rear view mirror screws that up! LOL

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

frustratedinMA's picture

I make sure the skids sit in the back seat. They are 10. My dh once put them in the front of both cars, forget where we were driving to. They were 8 at the time.. I was at a red light (two blocks from home..) when I saw the warning on the visor.. I pulled the car over, told SD to get in the back seat, and called DH and told him to move SS. He didnt believe me at first, thought I was making a big deal over nothing.. then I reminded him the reason that we sat in the front seat as children, was because there were NO airbags back them, and an airbag on simple impact COULD kill them. He moved SS.. Both children of course were pitching fits. I pointed to the visor and told them to TELL IT TO THE GOV'T.

4ofus's picture

that I am not alone in this... I see people with elementary aged kids doing this. Our BM does it ALL the time. We have tried to stop it, but what do you do? She had the kids lying to DH about it. We called the law, and they would pull her over for it, but we just couldnt catch her.(MIL has friend that works for state police, said she would make sure if we could call if there was a car in the area to get her). We showed the kids videos of crash tests ... with dummies of course. But what kid will ride in the back if they dont have to?? Skids cousins do this as well, I have asked their mother about it, she just laughs it off.. like, yea, guess I should really have them in the back..

The kids hate it, and I feel like the bad guy when all I am doing is thinking of thier safety...

now4teens's picture

Do what you know is right (and I TOTALLY agree with you on this as well). Both my boys as well as my SDs had to wait until they reached the appropriate weight/height limits to ride up front. It became a fun "rite of passage" when they all 'hit' the limit and were able to finally sit up front! But until then- too bad, life sucks! Wink

As far as BM, even if she's telling the kids to lie, there's not much you can do. Hopefully, one day the cops will bust her and the kids will have a terrific story to tell you about mommy getting a special ticket from the cops!

Here's hoping!

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis