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smurfy1smile's picture

BM and FSS were away this weekend so BF is making up this weekend next weekend. So anyway, Halloween weekend is also our weekend with baby. BM emailed a while ago and said she was keeping him for Halloween. If you don't know, FSS will be 11 months old right before Halloween. BF emailed back that it was his weekend and she has no right to change it without talking to him first. BM agreed BF could have baby on Halloween but BF would have to meet her at BF's parents house because BM wants to take an 11 month old trick or treating and end up at the grandparents house. BM has not even checked with the grandparents to see if they will be around. They travel regularly. I emailed grandma to see if they are going to be home, but I did not tell her why I was asking, and they are going to be home.

I am wrong to think BM is being presumtuous assuming the grandparents are going to be home without checking with them first? Does she think she is welcome to just drop in? She only comes over if she is picking up baby or dropping him off, but that does not happen very often. They live about 20 minutes from BM so its not like its in the neighborhood. The grandparents live at the end of a 2 mile road that is a dead end.


melis070179's picture

Sounds like maybe you're upset that she still has contact with his parents?

Most Evil's picture

to understand how you take an infant trick or treating? It does sound like she is just trying to suck up to DH's family, is that possible? Was she really close with them before this?

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

smurfy1smile's picture

BM was the first daughter in law. Only boys in the family. My FMIL told me that she told BM that her family was inclusive not exclusive and the more the merrier. FMIL also told BM that she would always love her unless she hurt her son which she did so she got a one-way ticket out of the family. BM did not like it much when the middle brother married. She went so far as to tell the new sister in law - I will have the first XXX baby, not you. BM made jabs at the SIL right up until BM and Bf split up.

While neither of us have a problem with BM having a relationship with the inlaws - they are the only living grandparents - I find it rude that BM thinks she can just drop in on them unannouced. FFIL travels alot and FMIL works real early in the morning so she goes to bed pretty early in the evening. None of their children would just stop by their parents house without calling them beforehand. I think its a common curtusy (spelling??) in this day and age with people being so busy and runing here and there all the time that you call before you stop over for a visit. Granted on Halloween the whole neighborhood stops by unless your porch light is off otherwise oone should call first. I certainly do and the F-inlaws love me!

Yes, BM is trying to suck up to her former inlaws. The whole family is cordial to BM when they see but they will not seek her out or call her to see the baby. Grandma offered to babysit many times and was told "I can find my own babysitter, thank you!". I wish my mom lived close enough to babysit once and a while or just come over and hang out with the kids.

southernshellgirl's picture

Yep, BM was so wrong not to check with the grandparents first. I think it sounds like BM is just trying to control BF's time with FSS.

Just have to say I am really impressed with your attitude. You sound like a very kind and caring woman. no wonder the FIL's love you and BF is lucky to have you.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-