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If SD reaches out, I will sure as hell grab her hand

mediocrityrulesman's picture

Call me crazy. Last night I was sitting in our living room knitting when all of a sudden a mess of emotions rolled over me and I realized that I missed SD. I actually started tearing up! So I called BM, left a message telling her to get SD to call me, I just wanted to talk. So SD called me back 5 minutes later and I said, 'don't make fun of me...I called because I miss you! lol' SD's reaction was a sigh and an 'I miss you too Kyra, dont worry, I'll see you Friday' in a reassuring tone. haha she's so cute.
SD's behavior has been a lot better here in the past couple of weeks. Apparently she is still throwing tantrums at BMs house which I don't understand because she has NEVER done that here.
A couple weeks ago, SD took us through 'a day in the life of SD' and I thought to myself, 'No WONDER she's crazy about getting attention!' She literally has to do everything by herself. BM works from home and even thought she is there, she's not really THERE ya know? SD said that her mommy doesnt even look at her anymore. How heart wrenching is that?
At this point I realize that the least I can do is give her a piece of sanction here. Stability, family, attention, and love that she, and any child, needs. Sure it's pure mayhem here with an almost 2 year old and an almost 2 month old, but she fits here like a piece of our puzzle and I know she knows it and feels it.
Now, more than ever, she feels like my family. Not nescessarily my daughter, but a close member of my family that I care for and love. Sure she has her moments, but so does my daughter and I never love her any less.

The truth of the matter is, I worry. I worry about SD when she is out of this house the whole week. I want her to thrive. I dont want her to feel self-conscious because she can no longer fit into a size 7/8 and she feels the need to spend a half hour on an elliptical machine. I want her to feel good about herself and about life. I dont want her to fear making new friends because she feels that everyone hates her. I want all these changes but how are they possible and learned permanently in 9-10 days a month?!


Most Evil's picture

Aw, this was so sweet to read! and so different from what I am feeling lately with my SD running wild, flunking, etc. But I am sure your SD knows you love her and are there for her should she reach out to you.

It is sad that she feels she needs to act out to get her mom's attention and who knows how far that could go if it continues! I say keep doing what you are doing and you are showing her the way, the best way, to become a woman and value herself. Good job!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

acep74's picture

you sound very much in love with your sd and you are very worried about her upbringing while with bm... everything i was doing the past 13 yrs . no matter what i did for her , the fighting with bm, and her mother) contacting schools , neighbours anything and everything to just know she was okay.
Sending letters constantly , little gifts anything to let her know we were always thinkn of her even if we couldnt see her.
Pics of our family to let her know she was apart of our family.
Well after she took off leaving from us a few months ago in one of my blogs i had a real emotional outburst to and wanted to let her know , she didnt respond, i now only get accusations and the proud look from the 3rd party that they have her. She is 16 tomorrow and i feel guilty but after everything thats been said and done i cant bring myself to give her a card.
I hope with all your love and support you dont go though any of this in years to come , its what happend here , i feel i was doing alot of the caring back all these yrs(more then hubby and bm) and it still got me kicked in the heart. Hope i havent upset you it think its sweet and great i just hope you know that once there teenagers no matter how close u think u r it can crash!
goodluck , and as for her behaviour that could relate alot to our the bm is ignoring her !

mediocrityrulesman's picture

I know, as with any child, she will have her times where she'll probably hate my guts, I totally expect that. I know, and I always tell her, I'm here to guide you, whether you take it or not, and I'll never ever give up. I'll never stop loving her regardless of any decision she makes down the road or even tomorrow.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle

stepwitch's picture

I want what you are taking...come on, don't keep it a secret. I'm afraid knitting needles wouldn't be safe in my home. Thanks for posting..

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

mediocrityrulesman's picture

HAHAHAHA!!! I am on a med for panic disorder but thats about it. Ever since the birth of my second child my perspective has changed a lot. I guess even though I am a wife and mother I can still change and mature. I am afterall still young.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle